Title: Face Your Fears
Author: Usa
E-mail Addy: [email protected]
Disclaimer: The characters of Sailor Moon are property of Takeuchi Naoko, Kondasha Ltd, TOEI Animations, and Bandai. Sailor Apollo and her alternate self is my creation. Please ask for permission to use her.
Author's Notes: If you'd like to see a picture of Apollo/Aurora, visit here: http://www.angelfire.com/anime2/senshifanfiction/apollo/newsenshi
Taiyo(sun) Aurora/Sailor Apollo
Hair/eye color: dark brown
favorite color: yellow
favorite food: sushi
least favorite food: water chestnuts
favorite gem stone: topaz
best subject(s): all
worst subject(s): none
transformation: Apollo Oracle Power, Make Up!
power(s): Hyperion Beam, Helios Flash, and Oracle Sun Escalation
Usagi sighed and put the note on the kitchen table. Here parents would definitely find it in the morning. She didn't want to have to do this, but she had to. For the sake of her family and friends. Usagi opened the note to reread it.
"Mama, Papa, and Shingo,
I am so sorry for doing this to you, but I can't take it anymore. Things have gone horribly wrong in my life. Please don't be upset with me for leaving. I am going to stay with Aunt Ayeka in Osaka. She knows I'm coming, but please don't come after me. When everything is under control, I will come back home.
Gomen nasai, your daughter,
Putting the note back onto the table, usagi thought back to the night that helped to make this decision.
"Naru-chan!" Sailor Moon screamed in horror. Nephrite had turned her best friend against her.
"What do you care, Usagi? You were always running off with your new friends and forgetting about me. It's my chance to get back at you and all the hell you put me through!"
"All the hell I put you through? Naru-chan, I would never knowingly do that to you," she said, her voice, cracking. "I love you like a sister."
Nephrite spoke up. "Naru, don't listen to her, listen to the Stars. They will guide you as they guide me. Sailor Moon wants to kill the two of us."
Beryl's General was about to attack Sailor Moon, when a streak of lightning and a yellow beam came at him. "IYA!" Naru screamed, jumping in front of him.
Nephrite began to disappear in the form of stars. He spoke to Usagi through telepathy. *Sailor Moon, beware. I know who you are and I can easily find out where you live. I'm not dying, so watch out or your family and friends will die!*
Usagi got chills whenever she remembered how Nephrite sounded in her mind. She couldn't let anything happen to her family and friends. This was the only way. The Senshi would get by without her, she was certain of it. "Mama, Papa, Shingo, Luna..." she whispered. "I love you all..."
Part 1
Taiyo Aurora hurried down the street towards her new school. She had just moved back to Tokyo after living in the United States for two years. "I can't believe I'm going to be late on my first day of school!" she grumbled to herself. Aurora wore the uniform of Furinkan Junior High, a long blue skirt, white blouse, and a bow to match her skirt. Attached to her bow, was a locket in the shape of the sun.
Aurora is known as Sailor Apollo, Senshi of the Sun. Her powers were awakened once Sailor Moon no longer used her Ginzuishou. She will be the one to protect the Earth until Sailor Moon returns.
Just as Aurora turned the corner, she ran into her friend, Rei. "Gomen!" she said, bowing.
"It's all right, Aurora-chan," Rei replied. "It's my fault too, I'm late!"
"Me too!"
"I won't keep you, then, ja!"
"Ja!" Aurora replied running off.
*Why does Aurora-chan seemed so different lately?* Rei asked herself. *Maybe it's because I haven't seen her it two years
Aurora sat on a bench reading poetry. She hoped one day she could publish hers in a book. Sighing, she closed the book and gazed out at the lake. Aurora thought about Sailor Moon, the Moon Princess. She had left because Nephrite was still alive and he knew who she was. If only the Princess had stayed, the Senshi would know how to protect her. With Usagi in some other place, how could they?
She remembered when she first met the Princess and smiled. The two had hit it off right away even though Serenity wasn't very apt in schooling. Aurora then laughed as she recalled Serenity teaching her how to be late:
"'Now, Aurora, remember, when one is going to be late, be fashionably late. That means two to three hours.'"
Aurora gasped. "'Two to three hours? That's fashionably late, Sere? No wonder your Mother tells you the wrong time to meet her.'"
"Nani?" Serenity asked.
Aurora smiled again. Those were peaceful times. Her thoughts were interrupted by someone calling out to her.
"Ano, Aurora-chan?"
Aurora looked up. "Hai? Oh, Rei-chan."
Rei smiled. "I saw you sitting here and I wanted to ask you something."
"Aurora-chan, would you like to come to Hikawa Shrine later today and meet my friends?"
"Hai, I'd love to! Arigatou!" Aurora said. Then she looked at her watch. "Shimatta! I'm so late! I have piano lessons. Ja ne!"
Rei watched Aurora run off. *Late... just like Usagi...* As much as Rei hated to admit it, she missed her friend. "Usagi, where are you?"
The young girl sighed. It was yet another battle without Sailor Moon. After calling the others, Rei took out her transformation wand. "Mars Power... Make Up!"
Aurora heard the cry and quickly grabbed her locket. "Apollo Oracle Power... Make Up!" In a glow of yellow light and ribbons, Aurora became Sailor Apollo.
"Shabon Spray!"
"Fire Soul!"
"Supreme Thunder!"
"Crescent Beam!"
Aurora watched as the youma attacked the four Senshi, who all fell to the ground. As it was about to strike again, they heard, "Hyperion Beam!"
Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, and Venus watched as a strong beam of light slammed into the youma. Leaning against a tree was a Sailor Senshi wearing yellow. "I am the pretty suited soldier of light and strength, Sailor Apollo! In the name of Apollo, I shall punish you!"
Apollo swung the Oracle Staff over her head, gathered energy, and shouted, "Oracle Sun Escalation!"
The Senshi stared at the spot the youma had occupied. In its place was an unconscious human. "Who are you?" Jupiter demanded. "Where did you come from?"
"Kino-san, Mizuno-san, Hino-san, Aino-san, meet me at Hikawa Shrine. I'll explain there." At that, the new Senshi took off.
"She-she knows who we are..." Minako stammered.
The girls detransformed. "Lets see what she wants," Rei said.
Ami typed at her computer, trying to figure out the new Senshi, while Minako and Makoto paced back and forth. Rei attempted a fire reading, but had no luck. Looking up, at her friends, the miko said, "Minna... I miss Usagi..."
Ami stopped her typing. "Me too. I wonder how she is. Have any of you talked to her parents?"
"Iie," Minako said, "but Artemis told me that Luna is going to talk to us about it when she gets here."
As if on cue, the two cats walked in. "Minna," Luna said. The black cat looked as though she was near tears. "Usagi-chan is-- is doing all right. She just called her mother. Tsukino-san..."
Luna trailed off so Artemis continued, "Tsukino-san said that Usagi-chan is staying with an aunt and going to school with her cousin."
The girls nodded and Minako told them about Sailor Apollo. "There's something else. She knows who we are."
"Sailor Apollo..." Artemis whispered. "Why does that name sound so familiar?"
"Konichiwa!" a new voice said.
"Aurora-chan!" Rei greeted, smiling. "Konichiwa."
Aurora shook her head. "You don't recognize me, Rei-chan? I just saw you all about a half hour ago."
"You're Sailor Apollo!" Ami said. The others gasped. Looking at the tall girl, they realized that Ami was right.
"I am, Ami-san. Please sit, minna, there is much to tell you," Aurora said then turned to the cats. "Luna, Artemis, it is good to see you both again. I know neither of you remember who the Moon Princess is, but don't worry, that will be revealed in time."
The Senshi sat around Rei's table as Aurora began. "I helped to protect the outskirts of the Moon Kingdom. My planet, Apollo, was between Mars and Jupiter. Apollo was destroyed, no one knows why, by Queen Metallia and I was the only survivor. Queen Serenity, the ruler of the kingdom and the Princess' mother, had me brought to the Moon where I would help protect her. I was reborn, just as you all were. However, my powers were not awakened until Sailor Moon failed to appear. Someone has to heal the innocent people that Beryl uses.
You all have the power to heal. I will give you the power of the Oracle so that you may all be able to have the gift of healing. Take out your henshin wands." The girls did so and stood next to one another. Aurora then transformed and put her staff in front of her. Closing her eyes, she whispered, "Oracle Power..."
Rei received the power of the Oracle. She felt new fire in her. "Mars Oracle Power... Make Up!"
Minako received the power of the Oracle. She felt new love in her. "Venus Oracle Power... Make Up!"
Ami received the power of the Oracle. She felt new ice in her. "Mercury Oracle Power... Make Up!"
Makoto received the power of the Oracle. She felt new thunder in her. "Jupiter Oracle Power... Make Up!"
The Senshi looked at one another and noticed that they each had a sun on their respective henshin wands as well as a sun on their bow. "That is the sign of the power of the Oracle," Apollo told them. "When it senses danger near by it will glow." Turning to Mercury, she said that the Oracle's powers are stronger than her computer. "Now, let me explain who we're dealing with."
"Wait," Jupiter said. "We know who we're dealing with. Queen Beryl and her stooges. When they cease to exist, she'll be vulnerable. Luckily two are dead, Jedite and Nephrite."
"Iie," Apollo said shaking her head.
Luna stared at the new Senshi. "Nani? He died, we were all there."
"He did not die, minna. I would have known it. Nephrite is not dead."
Author: Usa
E-mail Addy: [email protected]
Disclaimer: The characters of Sailor Moon are property of Takeuchi Naoko, Kondasha Ltd, TOEI Animations, and Bandai. Sailor Apollo and her alternate self is my creation. Please ask for permission to use her.
Author's Notes: If you'd like to see a picture of Apollo/Aurora, visit here: http://www.angelfire.com/anime2/senshifanfiction/apollo/newsenshi
Taiyo(sun) Aurora/Sailor Apollo
Hair/eye color: dark brown
favorite color: yellow
favorite food: sushi
least favorite food: water chestnuts
favorite gem stone: topaz
best subject(s): all
worst subject(s): none
transformation: Apollo Oracle Power, Make Up!
power(s): Hyperion Beam, Helios Flash, and Oracle Sun Escalation
Usagi sighed and put the note on the kitchen table. Here parents would definitely find it in the morning. She didn't want to have to do this, but she had to. For the sake of her family and friends. Usagi opened the note to reread it.
"Mama, Papa, and Shingo,
I am so sorry for doing this to you, but I can't take it anymore. Things have gone horribly wrong in my life. Please don't be upset with me for leaving. I am going to stay with Aunt Ayeka in Osaka. She knows I'm coming, but please don't come after me. When everything is under control, I will come back home.
Gomen nasai, your daughter,
Putting the note back onto the table, usagi thought back to the night that helped to make this decision.
"Naru-chan!" Sailor Moon screamed in horror. Nephrite had turned her best friend against her.
"What do you care, Usagi? You were always running off with your new friends and forgetting about me. It's my chance to get back at you and all the hell you put me through!"
"All the hell I put you through? Naru-chan, I would never knowingly do that to you," she said, her voice, cracking. "I love you like a sister."
Nephrite spoke up. "Naru, don't listen to her, listen to the Stars. They will guide you as they guide me. Sailor Moon wants to kill the two of us."
Beryl's General was about to attack Sailor Moon, when a streak of lightning and a yellow beam came at him. "IYA!" Naru screamed, jumping in front of him.
Nephrite began to disappear in the form of stars. He spoke to Usagi through telepathy. *Sailor Moon, beware. I know who you are and I can easily find out where you live. I'm not dying, so watch out or your family and friends will die!*
Usagi got chills whenever she remembered how Nephrite sounded in her mind. She couldn't let anything happen to her family and friends. This was the only way. The Senshi would get by without her, she was certain of it. "Mama, Papa, Shingo, Luna..." she whispered. "I love you all..."
Part 1
Taiyo Aurora hurried down the street towards her new school. She had just moved back to Tokyo after living in the United States for two years. "I can't believe I'm going to be late on my first day of school!" she grumbled to herself. Aurora wore the uniform of Furinkan Junior High, a long blue skirt, white blouse, and a bow to match her skirt. Attached to her bow, was a locket in the shape of the sun.
Aurora is known as Sailor Apollo, Senshi of the Sun. Her powers were awakened once Sailor Moon no longer used her Ginzuishou. She will be the one to protect the Earth until Sailor Moon returns.
Just as Aurora turned the corner, she ran into her friend, Rei. "Gomen!" she said, bowing.
"It's all right, Aurora-chan," Rei replied. "It's my fault too, I'm late!"
"Me too!"
"I won't keep you, then, ja!"
"Ja!" Aurora replied running off.
*Why does Aurora-chan seemed so different lately?* Rei asked herself. *Maybe it's because I haven't seen her it two years
Aurora sat on a bench reading poetry. She hoped one day she could publish hers in a book. Sighing, she closed the book and gazed out at the lake. Aurora thought about Sailor Moon, the Moon Princess. She had left because Nephrite was still alive and he knew who she was. If only the Princess had stayed, the Senshi would know how to protect her. With Usagi in some other place, how could they?
She remembered when she first met the Princess and smiled. The two had hit it off right away even though Serenity wasn't very apt in schooling. Aurora then laughed as she recalled Serenity teaching her how to be late:
"'Now, Aurora, remember, when one is going to be late, be fashionably late. That means two to three hours.'"
Aurora gasped. "'Two to three hours? That's fashionably late, Sere? No wonder your Mother tells you the wrong time to meet her.'"
"Nani?" Serenity asked.
Aurora smiled again. Those were peaceful times. Her thoughts were interrupted by someone calling out to her.
"Ano, Aurora-chan?"
Aurora looked up. "Hai? Oh, Rei-chan."
Rei smiled. "I saw you sitting here and I wanted to ask you something."
"Aurora-chan, would you like to come to Hikawa Shrine later today and meet my friends?"
"Hai, I'd love to! Arigatou!" Aurora said. Then she looked at her watch. "Shimatta! I'm so late! I have piano lessons. Ja ne!"
Rei watched Aurora run off. *Late... just like Usagi...* As much as Rei hated to admit it, she missed her friend. "Usagi, where are you?"
The young girl sighed. It was yet another battle without Sailor Moon. After calling the others, Rei took out her transformation wand. "Mars Power... Make Up!"
Aurora heard the cry and quickly grabbed her locket. "Apollo Oracle Power... Make Up!" In a glow of yellow light and ribbons, Aurora became Sailor Apollo.
"Shabon Spray!"
"Fire Soul!"
"Supreme Thunder!"
"Crescent Beam!"
Aurora watched as the youma attacked the four Senshi, who all fell to the ground. As it was about to strike again, they heard, "Hyperion Beam!"
Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, and Venus watched as a strong beam of light slammed into the youma. Leaning against a tree was a Sailor Senshi wearing yellow. "I am the pretty suited soldier of light and strength, Sailor Apollo! In the name of Apollo, I shall punish you!"
Apollo swung the Oracle Staff over her head, gathered energy, and shouted, "Oracle Sun Escalation!"
The Senshi stared at the spot the youma had occupied. In its place was an unconscious human. "Who are you?" Jupiter demanded. "Where did you come from?"
"Kino-san, Mizuno-san, Hino-san, Aino-san, meet me at Hikawa Shrine. I'll explain there." At that, the new Senshi took off.
"She-she knows who we are..." Minako stammered.
The girls detransformed. "Lets see what she wants," Rei said.
Ami typed at her computer, trying to figure out the new Senshi, while Minako and Makoto paced back and forth. Rei attempted a fire reading, but had no luck. Looking up, at her friends, the miko said, "Minna... I miss Usagi..."
Ami stopped her typing. "Me too. I wonder how she is. Have any of you talked to her parents?"
"Iie," Minako said, "but Artemis told me that Luna is going to talk to us about it when she gets here."
As if on cue, the two cats walked in. "Minna," Luna said. The black cat looked as though she was near tears. "Usagi-chan is-- is doing all right. She just called her mother. Tsukino-san..."
Luna trailed off so Artemis continued, "Tsukino-san said that Usagi-chan is staying with an aunt and going to school with her cousin."
The girls nodded and Minako told them about Sailor Apollo. "There's something else. She knows who we are."
"Sailor Apollo..." Artemis whispered. "Why does that name sound so familiar?"
"Konichiwa!" a new voice said.
"Aurora-chan!" Rei greeted, smiling. "Konichiwa."
Aurora shook her head. "You don't recognize me, Rei-chan? I just saw you all about a half hour ago."
"You're Sailor Apollo!" Ami said. The others gasped. Looking at the tall girl, they realized that Ami was right.
"I am, Ami-san. Please sit, minna, there is much to tell you," Aurora said then turned to the cats. "Luna, Artemis, it is good to see you both again. I know neither of you remember who the Moon Princess is, but don't worry, that will be revealed in time."
The Senshi sat around Rei's table as Aurora began. "I helped to protect the outskirts of the Moon Kingdom. My planet, Apollo, was between Mars and Jupiter. Apollo was destroyed, no one knows why, by Queen Metallia and I was the only survivor. Queen Serenity, the ruler of the kingdom and the Princess' mother, had me brought to the Moon where I would help protect her. I was reborn, just as you all were. However, my powers were not awakened until Sailor Moon failed to appear. Someone has to heal the innocent people that Beryl uses.
You all have the power to heal. I will give you the power of the Oracle so that you may all be able to have the gift of healing. Take out your henshin wands." The girls did so and stood next to one another. Aurora then transformed and put her staff in front of her. Closing her eyes, she whispered, "Oracle Power..."
Rei received the power of the Oracle. She felt new fire in her. "Mars Oracle Power... Make Up!"
Minako received the power of the Oracle. She felt new love in her. "Venus Oracle Power... Make Up!"
Ami received the power of the Oracle. She felt new ice in her. "Mercury Oracle Power... Make Up!"
Makoto received the power of the Oracle. She felt new thunder in her. "Jupiter Oracle Power... Make Up!"
The Senshi looked at one another and noticed that they each had a sun on their respective henshin wands as well as a sun on their bow. "That is the sign of the power of the Oracle," Apollo told them. "When it senses danger near by it will glow." Turning to Mercury, she said that the Oracle's powers are stronger than her computer. "Now, let me explain who we're dealing with."
"Wait," Jupiter said. "We know who we're dealing with. Queen Beryl and her stooges. When they cease to exist, she'll be vulnerable. Luckily two are dead, Jedite and Nephrite."
"Iie," Apollo said shaking her head.
Luna stared at the new Senshi. "Nani? He died, we were all there."
"He did not die, minna. I would have known it. Nephrite is not dead."