Author's Note: This is my first fan fic so forgive me. Feed back is appreciated and constructive criticism is taken. Also, please note, this is a one shot taken from the thought process that's been going through my head. I don't know if this should continue or not.

Disclaimer: Since I don't have $10, let alone the $1,000,000 Nickelodeon spends on Avatar; I don't own it.

Warning: None explicit rape, violence if you want to squint your eyes and turn your head to the side.


"Sir how was the last tour?" the nameless soldier questioned, jogging to keep up with the long strides of Commander Zhao.

"We chased the avatar until we were forced to disband an uprising of earthbenders," he replied then paused. "The Avatar is getting too far north!" Zhao growled, clenching his fist. The militant's steps slowed as he same upon the familiar sight of the door to his room. "You kept to my orders?" he questioned as his eyes flickered to fall upon the foot soldier.

"Oh yes," came the quick reply, standing straighter under the gaze of the Commander. "We fed it every two days, just like you said."

"Good," came the response, paired with a grin that illustrated anything but good. "That should take some of the fight from my pet." Commander Zhao paused at the door and turned to the man. "Make sure that my armies are rested and fed and do not disturb me." The general stressed the last part.

With a quick jerk of the head the soldier ran off, avoiding the few extra seconds that could be spent in the Commander's presence. Zhao stepped into his threshold; eyes growing used to the dim light and taking in the various objects of his room until his eyes fell near the bed. There laid his bet curled up near the post that the chain around it's ankle was attached to. The clinking of the firebender's armor woke it from it's slumber. It turned fear filled eyes upon the warrior as it backed itself against the bed post as the commander drew close.

The commander's hand shot out, quickly grasping a handful of dark, thick hair. He drew his pet up and grinned as it stumbled on it's feet, wavering. He threw his pet upon the bed and watched as it grasped at a jarred shoulder. Zhao watched as it looked up at him defiantly, ready for a fight, even when those blue eyes made it clear it would be easier tonight.

The commander descended upon his pet, blanketing it with his bulk even as it tried to strike out. The man stuck his large, thick thigh between the smaller brown ones while he clutched the too thin wrists above it's head, feeling the grinding of the bones. He looked over his pet, his slave, pulled taunt and spread, ribs visible under the bruised brown skin. Yes, Zhao noted, my men did follow my instructions.

The firebender quickly undid the bare minimum of clothing before forcing himself deep into his pet. It's body arched and pressed even harder against the firm surface of his armor. God, thought Zhao, his pet was tight and so hot that the firebender feared he would be scorched. He thrust into its body, needless of the whimpers that came from split lips or the blood trickling down held open thighs or the fingerprint bruising he added to the multitude of others that littered its hips.

Finally the firebender stiffened and sent his heat deep within to scald his pet.

Zhao reluctantly pulled out and stared at the broken mass of his pet. He contemplated whether to let it stay or to just shove it to the ground. Zhao made up his mind and settled his body against the smaller, cooler one, too tired to even remove his war clothes. Just before he drifted into sleep a thought flitted across his mind. The commander spoke, startling his pet.

"We chased the Avatar and his friend today," cut across the dark room and he felt his pet stiffen. "I think they were looking for you," Zhao whispered against it's neck and hid his malicious smirk against it's neck. "You never told me your name was Sokka."