Disclaimer: I do not own Full Metal Alchemist. I am still entitled to love Ed though.
Chapter 1: Sadness
Winry Rockbell's point of view
Winry Rockbell watched through blurry tears as Edward Elric walked away from her house without a second thought. He had come back to her to get his automail arm and leg fixed, just like always, and then he had just left. She knew that it really should not bother her, he should have faded away in her mind and become just like all the other customers at the Rockbell's automail shop, but it was hard to let him go. It was just so hard to watch as the one she loved, since she was a small child, walked away with out a second thought.
Winry dried her eyes and watched the shadow recede beyond her sight line. Now that Ed was gone, she had to wait for him, hoping and praying that he would be ok, that he would come back to her. She left the window and looked in the mirror. Her eyes were rimmed with the red of someone who had been crying over something lost. Winry walked into the bathroom that adjoined her room, and splashed some cool water over her face. After smoothing down some of her blond hair that had found their way out of place, she went downstairs.
It was not worth worrying Aunt Pinako about something as trivial as Ed leaving. He seemed to have a thing with coming back to get his automail fixed and then leaving. It was a trend, really. She wanted him to stay, but so far, all she could do was wait for him to come back to her.
"Winry!" she heard Aunt Pinako yell up the stairs at her.
"What is it?" She called back, her voice still slightly shaky from the tears.
"I need you to go to the market and get some squash." Winry groaned. She did not like squash, and… She stopped and thought for a moment. Maybe, she contemplated, if she really hurried, she would be able to catch up to Ed and see him once more before he left for Central again.
"I'll do it in a few minutes," she called back down. She could not see him again, after all the pain and sadness he had caused. If she had to say goodbye again, she was not sure if she could let him go. She looked out the window, watching the clouds. I love you Ed, she thought. If only I was not so afraid that this love would ruin us both, then maybe I could tell you.
Winry gathered up some of her things and went downstairs.
"Just some squash?" she asked.
"Just some squash," Aunt Pinako answered as Winry walked through the door and out of sight.
Edward Elric's point of view
Ed walked his back to Winry's house. He could not look back. All that he had come for was to get his automail fixed. He had finally gotten a lead on his brother's whereabouts, and was anxious to get going, but the Colonial's stern look had convinced him to get his automail checked before entering potentially very dangerous territory. He desperately wished it had not been that way, that he had been able just to go and find his brother, but for some reason the world did not work that way.
It was hard to forget the look in Winry's eyes as she opened the door, and the look she gave him when he told her he had to leave; he had to find his brother. Ed knew though, the face that would haunt his dreams for a long time to come would be Winry's, the way she looked at him as he went about his day. The way she watched him eat at dinner, even the way she watched him work on his alchemy. She had to understand that the most important thing to do right now was to find Al.
Ed rolled over to face Al's bed across the room.
"Good Morning Al!" he called cheerfully, very happy after what seemed to have been the first full night of sleep in a long time. When Ed received no answer, at first he was not worried. Perhaps Al had gone for a walk or something.
It was around nine in the morning when Ed started to worry. The brothers had wanted to get an early start on their research that day, since they seemed to be getting real close to a solid lead, and yet Al was not back from wherever he was yet.
When 9:30 rolled around and Al still was not back yet, Ed went downstairs to ask the owner of the small inn if she had possibly seen a suit of armor leaving the hotel.
"Excuse me?" he asked peering over the high wooden desk.
"Yes child, how may I help you?" Ed's face grew red.
"I am not a child!" he shouted, loosing his temper. The innkeeper grinned.
"Well you could'a fooled me! I mean with you bein' so short 'n' all."
"WHO ARE YOU CALLING SO SHORT YOU CAN'T SEE THEM OVER THE TOP OF THE DESK?" Ed yelled, in tradition to every time someone commented on his height. "And in case you were wondering," He had calmed down a bit now, "I grew an inch and three quarters since last year."
"Congratulations." The innkeeper intoned, not really paying attention anymore. "Now what d'ya need?" Ed cleared his throat.
"I was wondering if you happened to see a suit of armor walk out of here this morning."
"Who d'ya think I am? Your personal babysitter? I haven't see anyone wearin' a suit of armor walk outta here, an I'm not responsible fur all a what my guests do in the mornin's"
"Thank you anyway." Ed was trying; he really was to be more polite to everyone. "But, can you do me a favor?" The innkeeper turned grumpily back to him.
"What?" Ed gulped.
"If you see my brother, can you please tell him I have to head back to Central and to meet me there? See, I must get going now." The innkeeper smirked.
"If I see 'im I'll tell 'im."
"Thank you very much." Ed went back upstairs to gather his and Al's stuff. Upon returning to the lobby, the innkeeper stopped him.
"'ey! You!" She called, "I 'ave somethin' 'bout tha' brother a yurs." Ed turned to her in interest. She smiled.
"Yeah, 'e's been kidnapped." She slid a note across the desk and went into the back room. Shakily Ed reached for the note and opened it. Inside it said in a very messy scrawl, (that was not Al's neat handwriting that was for sure) it explained shortly and crudely that the kidnappers were holding Al hostage, and if Ed ever wanted to see him alive again, he must come personally to rescue him. Beneath the writing, there was an address scrawled down, and another note saying to be there in 3 days.
Ed sighed, folded the note up, and stuck it in his pocket. Not a very good group of kidnappers, leaving an address and not requiring any ransom right from the start, he really needed to get back to Central though. Besides, this house with a clear address right from the start could be a trap of some kind. It would be better to enlist the help of the military before going alone into an unknown house. With Scar still on the loose as well. Ed walked out the door of the hotel, and started walking toward the train that would take him to Central, but farther away from his brother.
That was why Ed had to hurry away from the Rockbell's house. If he did not, not only would it be Winry's face haunting his dreams, but also the face of his only younger brother.
Trisha Elric's point of view around 15 and a half years ago
Trisha Elric stood at the doorway weeping.
"Don't leave!" she wailed, "Please! Don't leave! T-the children! If you leave, I will die! You know so!" Her husband turned to face her.
"I have to go. You must understand. Please." He turned and left, the rain soaking his clothes almost immediately.
"You can't leave!" Trisha ran outside after him, carrying the baby Alphonse in her arms. Tottering unsteadily behind her was the toddler Edward.
"Daddy, Daddy," Edward screeched in his toddler's voice. His father did not look back. He just kept walking, the unsteady child racing to catch up with him. The man, who had once been a loving, caring father, picked up his pace.
"Ed, please come back to Mummy." Trisha swallowed her tears. She had to let her husband go. She did not have to allow her son to go with him though. In fact, it was better she did not.
The trio gathered themselves together and went into the house. While Ed finished his dinner with tears in his golden eyes, Trisha sat at the windowsill with baby Alphonse watching her husband leave without a second thought.
Well, I really like it, regardless of whether anyone else does or not. So please let me know what you think! If I should get rid of it, or keep it.
One thing- I was worried that I would not be able to carry out such a dramatic (if I do say so myself) plotline, so if anyone would like to help, let me know. GoddessoftheWaters