Author's Note: This is an idea that has been bouncing around in my head for the past couple of days. I wrote it simply to get it out of my head, but thought what the heck, might as well post it. This will be very flufy and light hearted. Tsukasa is my favorite character, ask any of my friends, I'm like obsessed with him. I will only continue this if I get reviews. I may continue writing it just for my own pleasure, but I won't post if you don't review. I can't improve on anything if you don't review, can I? Anyway, here's the first chapter!

Chapter One: Accident

Tsukasa carefully measure his ingredient for the experiment they were doing in chemistry. He had been dreading this all week, but he had thankfully been paired with Mana, who always got As in the class compared to him scraping by with a C.
So far everything had been going gone, no one had made any mistakes, and no one had blown anything up, which was a major accomplishment for their class. Naoya would usually goof off and cause some minor explosion. There was only three minutes left of class before they were free for the day. Tsukasa looked across the small lab table to Mana, and smiled.

"I think we may actually-"

His sentence was cut off by glass shattering as Naoya's and another student's experiment exploded spraying those closest, Tsukasa and a few others, with the liquid. Tsukasa almost screamed as the liquid burnt the skin off his back. He bit down on his lip, hard, to keep from screaming as his whole body exploded in excruciating pain. It felt like his body was shrinking in on itself, like his bones were grinding against each other.

A few minutes later it was over, and he was blinking tears from his eyes. He blinked, looked around, and frowned. Why did everything seem so much smaller? He turned to look at Mana, but only saw the legs of his chair. His frown deepened as he looked down at himself.

His hands were much smaller than he had remembered, and the hem of his t-shirt was dragging the floor. He looked up to see the top of the table about a foot over his head. He recognized Mana's voice close to him. "Tsukasa? Are you hurt?" He frowned at the girl kneeling in front of him, but shook his head.

"What happened? Why… why is everything so small? Did I shrink somehow?" Mana nodded, and forced herself to keep from smiling. She had no clue how this happened, but she did know that Tsukasa was the most adorable child he had ever seen.

"It seems to be that you have shrunk. You look like you're four, or five." Tsukasa's mind reeled at that statement. Four or five? His thoughts were drawn away from that as the sensei came over.
"Amou?" he exclaimed. "You… you're so little." The sensei simply stared at him in astonishment as Kaname and the rest of the class came over.

"Someone should get Sensei Nakaura right away. He'll want to know about this," Kaname spoke up. "Tsukasa lives with him." No one blinked at Kaname's use of Amou's first name as it was common knowledge that they were close friends. "I'll go get him if you would like," he offered. Their sensei nodded, and Kaname quickly left. Tsukasa looked over at Itsuki, who has looking down at his feet. The sensei noticed this and sighed.

"It exploded again didn't it, Itsuki?" Naoya looked up and nodded solemnly.

"I'm sorry, I really was paying attention this time, but it exploded anyway. I'm sorry Tsukasa. I'm sure it's fixable once we find out why it made you little." Tsukasa nodded, afraid to say anything.

Surely this is a dream, he thought, this can't be real, can it? What is taking Kaname so long? Tomonori shouldn't be that hard to find.

He anxiously watched the door for Kaname, ignoring everyone's conversations. The bell had rung five minutes ago, but no one was willing to leave yet. Finally, after what seemed like and eternity, Tomonori entered with Kaname right behind him. Tsukasa felt slightly guilty at seeing the concerned and frightened look on Tomonori's face. He wanted to throw himself at his teacher and guardian, but refrained from doing so.

"What in the world happened? Why is he so little?" Tomonori asked their sensei, Ousha. He simply shrugged.

"Itsuki's lab exploded, some of it got on Amou, and he shrank." Tomonori glared slightly at Itsuki, but turned his attention to the very distressed, now four-year-old, Tsukasa.

"Are you hurt?" Tsukasa shook his head, feeling much better now that Tomonori was here.

"I'm just really confused." He was shocked at how high pitched his voice was, but he was even more shocked when he found himself wrapped in Tomonori's comforting arms. He glared at Itsuki again. "It's not Naoya's fault, not really. He really was paying attention this time, I watched him, and he wasn't goofing off. Please don't be mad at him."

Tomonori's glare disappeared at the child's pleading tone. He knew immediately he wouldn't be able to refuse the child anything he wanted. He sighed loudly, and nodded. "I won't be mad at him. If you say he really was paying attention this time, I'll take your word for it." Tomonori's heart practically melted as Tsukasa smiled.

"Thank you. Can we go home now? This is all really confusing."

"After we see the nurse, I want to make sure you're okay."

"Do I have to? I don't like doctors and nurses."

"Yes, you have to." Tsukasa groaned and laid his head on Tomonori's shoulder. Everyone but Kaname, Mana, Itsuki, and their sensei had left. "It'll only take a few minutes, and then we'll go home and try to figure this all out." Tsukasa sighed, but didn't protest.

A few minutes later they were in the infirmary with Tsukasa seated on Tomonori's lap, glaring slightly at the school nurse. He really hated all doctors of any kind. "Mr. Nakaura, he seems to be in perfect health except for that fact that he appears to be to four years old. He can still think like a sixteen year old, but I believe that as time goes on, he's going to act more and more like four year old. He'll probably have the same needs and wants of a small child." She turned away form them to get something. "I'm going to take a blood sample so we can hopefully find out why this happened, and how to fix it, okay?"

Tomonori nodded, but Tsukasa shook his head rapidly at the sight of the needle in the nurse's hand. "No, no, no, I'm not getting my blood took. It hurts, and I hate needles!" She looked to Tomonori to calm the child.

"It doesn't hurt that," he started soothingly. "There'll only be a little stick, and a very little pinch where the needle. It doesn't hurt as much as shots do because there's no medicine to go in. That's what really hurts with shots. I didn't know this was one of your fears." Tsukasa pouted.

"Well, it is, and she's not taking my blood. It hurts," the child insisted. Tomonori was torn between giving the child what he wanted and calming his fears, but he also knew the child had to have his blood taken if there was any chance of finding out why he become a four year old. The solution popped into his head.

"If you'll let the nice nurse take your blood, I'll take you out for ice cream after this okay?" He looked hopefully at the child, hoping that what the nurse said was true and he was beginning to have the same feelings as a four year old would. It worked.

"Can I have two cones?" Tomonori smiled and nodded. The nurse quickly swabbed the spot about to be stuck.

"You're going to feel a sting now." Tsukasa couldn't help but flinch slightly as the needle went in. He had his face buried to Tomonori's clothes while thinking of the ice cream to come. One part of his brain was wondering why he had let himself be overpowered by something as simple as ice cream, but a bigger part told it to shut up.

A few seconds later it was over and there was a band aid on his arm. "We'll run a bunch of tests on this, and I'll call you later with the results." Tomonori thanked her and left with Tsukasa still in his arms. The child turned around to look his guardian in the eyes.

"Now we can ice cream, right? You promised." Despite that, he was afraid that the man was going to back out. Tomonori could see the doubt and fear in the child's eyes.

"Yes, we can get ice cream, but we must also get you some clothes that actually fit." Tsukasa looked down at himself just now remembering that he was wearing only a t-shirt. "We'll get one cone, buy some clothes, and then get the other one, okay?" The child grinned from ear to ear and nodded happily.