I'm baaccckkk!
Now that my computer is FINALLY working again, I can work on my fanfic again! Sorry for the wait...
Anna stood still and erect as the metallic witch stared her down with her glowing yellow eyes.
"Shall we get started then?" Wuya asked with a ghostly hiss. Anna shrugged as if un-amused.
"Go ahead. In fact, take all of your turns first." Wuya cackled, shaking her head in pity.
"Very well then, if you insist." Large bolts of electricity began to charge and form in her metal fingers. Once she was ready she fired the charge at the statue's hand, which on contact created a good amount of dust. When it cleared, however, the stony grip remained.
"Try one," mused Anna, which made the witch howl with displeasure.
"I am capable of counting!" she hissed as she launched herself up at the statue's hand, trying to crush it's grip, though it remained whole after the countless pummeling the hag brought forth. In pure rage she kept hacking away at it, becoming no closer to the goal she tried so hard to reach.
"As…entertaining as this is Wuya," Spicer growled sarcastically, "I would suggest you stop before you wear out the Ecto-Bot." The beating finally ceased and Wuya let out a long sigh. Oh how she hated it when Jack was right
Chase sat there watching, slitted eyes incapable of blinking. Wuya seemed to not be fairing very well. To be sure she was not to the fullest of her abilities, being metal instead of flesh, but still, he had expected more…imagination from someone with such an evil reputation as her own.
"Are you up to something?" he asked, knowing full well that she could not hear him. "I know you can do better…" It was all a rather confusing puzzle that he could not piece together at the moment. Taking in a deep breath he leaned back in the chair, allowing himself to relax slightly. Whatever it was, he would figure it out.
One way or another.
All was silent for what seemed to be hours as everyone waited to see what Wuya would try next. The specter had commanded her outer shell to sit upon the statue's wrist as she herself began to think. Jack, bored with the whole ordeal, had fixed up some of his Jack-Bots and had started a little card game off to the side. The other warriors stood patiently, waiting for the next move. Dojo remained perched on Clay's shoulder, lithe body quivering.
"Dojo? What's the matter with you?" asked the earth dragon. Dojo gave another shudder.
"I think all the intensity is getting to me…" he muttered.
"Or it could be Jack's bad card playing…" Raimundo chuckled. The pale red-head turned his head and scowled.
"Hey hey! I heard that!" He then turned to the one Jack-Bot that still held it's cards. "I've got a pair of threes. You?"
"Full house," hummed a metallic voice. Jack moaned in discontent while the bot hovered about its metal companions, bragging about being 'da man'. Anna rolled her eyes.
"How do you stand him?" she asked. Wuya shrugged steel shoulders.
"You get used to it after a while…" she sighed. Clanking around in her metal fingers was now the Emerald of Isis, the witch still seemingly wondering what to do..
"Emerald of Isis!" she cried all of a sudden, a jolt of magical energy flowing from the gem to the stone hand. The stony grip became water, though oddly enough the shape of the hand remained. Floating toward the Wu, she gripped it tightly and gave a sharp tug. The Sol Scythe did not move. She tried again, pulling harder on the handle, yet the golden rod refused to leave it's watery hold. With a bright flash the magic wore off, and a disgruntled Wuya hovered off to the side. "Your move…" she mumbled.
"About time," Anna sighed as the Flip Coin rolled in her hand. Peering up, a smile spread across her face.
"Mantis Flip Coin!" and with that she vaulted upwards, but not towards the hand that held the Scythe. Instead she landed on the other hand, its palm facing upward. Tucking away the coin she drew in a deep breath and cleared her throat. "Uh…ma'am?"
To everyone's amazement the statue's head began to move until it faced the speaker, rock eyes blinking in question.
"Yes young one?" a kind voice asked. While all watched in astonishment, Anna flushed slightly.
"I…hate to be a bother ma'am, but my friends and I need that gold scythe you're holding…" The stone woman looked at her with question, then smiled.
"Of course," she said, placing the Wu in the girl's hands. "Glad to be of service."
As everything returned to normal, Anna grinned as she sported the Sol Scythe, which gleamed in the mall's light. Sure, the showdown wasn't as challenging as she was hoping, but still, a win was a win. Omi was the first to get to her, the small monk grinning from ear to ear.
"Very wise Anna. I could not have done better myself!" he praised. Rai rolled his eyes and patted Omi's head.
"Where have I heard that before…" he mumbled with a sarcastic tone. He then looked at Anna and smiled. "Nice job." He then noticed that she wasn't all that happy anymore, a look of concern covering her face. "What's up?" he asked in pure concern. Anna didn't even look at him to answer.
"Where's Wuya?" At the question the others looked around only to find that the hag was nowhere to be found.
Fast paced footsteps echoed along the rock tunnel as Chase Young hurried down it. Pressing two fingers to his ear in order to hear better, he allowed his gaze to flit back and forth.
"Nice job keeping those fools preoccupied Wuya…I knew you were up to something," A voice laughed in his head via a communicator that was nestled in his ear. Jack seemed to be useful after all.
"Why of course Chase," Wuay answered in a mock humble tone. Chase chuckled, then became serious once more.
"I'll contact you when I find it Wuya," he stated, his pace lessening only slightly as he entered an enormous corridor. The center shone a soft blue hue, basking the Haylin master as he stopped, gazing at it. Closing his eyes, he allowed himself to enjoy the sense of power the light emitted, a power so strong even a buffoon could feel it at this range. Opening his eyes again he walked up, wrapping his fingers around the object that created the light. Looking at it, he smirked, then chuckled darkly.
The object of the world's demise lay in his grasp.
What was the object Chase found? Find out on the next chapter of Hidden Light!
So ends the chapter... R&R please!