All characters belong to Capcom. Asaki Kai and
that shadow belong to me. I'm not making money off of this. It's
for entertainment only. Dedicated to the few who know me and are
*not* disgusted with the male/male inserts. Now, have yourself a
nice day. ^^
Chapter 1
The year: 21XX.
The period: after the fourth Maverick war.
Time was slowly ticking away for the beginning of the end.
The beginning where hope would fall from the sky on broken wings, archangels pulled from heaven to aid the war-crested mortals. Such creatures never saw a war they couldn't fathom and this one was too deep in blood and sorrow to grasp the hold on it... and they learned the true meaning of fear and warfare; it was nothing like the petty squabbles they conjured up day after day.
The end was where their wings grew back and were allowed back into heaven, away from the wails of tears and the ferocious demons that crawled from the pit of hell. Away from the men who's mortal medicine could not cure a diseased companion. Back to God, who could cure all.
A mere man had brought them down, investing in the sorcery that pulled those angels down by unbreakable chains. He is no Lucifer though, only a pawn, while the true Lucifer sends out his minions to keep the creature who represents his decoy in line.
And the Devil's Cause has happened. Hell on Earth has lasted for 39 years and the point of the 40th's tip is approaching fast....
"Dr. Asaki?"
The question rumbled through the hummed silence and ricocheted off the shadows. The mentioned name resulted in the only organic component in the room to stop his programming and swing the chair around to face the darkness all about him. "Hai, kage?"
"The anti-matter has been properly installed like you wanted."
"Excellent. I want you to monitor the entrances and make sure we are not discovered so soon by either the Mavericks or the Hunters."
"Yes sir." And the voice exited the room, leaving Asaki Kai to finished his interrupted coded sequence.
"C'mon Yakasa! Don't you dare tell me you can't climb the rest of the way!"
Zero's voice echoed from above and X took his gaze off of the rocky wall to look up at his best friend. Dr. Cain had advised some time off for the two Hunters, hopefully a weekend. And so far, two days into the five they had, they haven't been signaled to return because of a Maverick crisis.
The pair were spending this vacation in the woods off the boundaries of some reservation. Zero was practically giddy over the ideas he had planned (and X got nervous when Zero wouldn't mention most of them until it was too late), which was very out of character from a guy who slaughters Mavericks like a paper shredder slices through it's confidential prey.
And now, rock climbing was an idea that had the Crimson Hunter getting adrenaline rushes just thinking about it. He was already at the top, patiently waiting like a kid bouncing around waiting for Mom to catch up. X was only about fifteen feet from the top, and somehow, Zero's ranting made him feel slightly ridiculous. Here he was, climbing a wall of rock, which he was having a small problem with. Maybe it was because the ground was a good hundred feet below him. Or maybe it was because every other time he had climbed a wall, at times with no grips, he had been donned in armor. "I can climb just fine Zero. All that excitement is disorting your mind into thinking that I'm going slower than a sloth. I'm just taking my time. ...And if you think that taunting me is gonna get me to go any faster, you've got another thing coming to you."
Zero's smile was a charming one, a mischievous gleam tinting his perplexing ultramarine eyes. "Is that a proposition?"
The smile made Yakasa melt, and the mischief made him wince. The combination? Seduction... and god damn it, it always worked. "Hentai," he grumbled, knitting his eyebrows together. He had to concentrate on his objective, not his sex crazed lover. But Zero was definitely making things difficult.
In the past..
"Don't you ever die?!"
Rock narrowly dodged a shot to the head, falling to the morning dew-covered grass. The blast hit the ground hardly 20 feet away, kicking up a healthy amount of dirt and smoke. The little blue robot covered his helmet with his hands, mainly out of reflex. When the sound and UFCs settled some, Rock's arms fell to the ground and looked skywards, only to see a heartbreaking sight. Forte was pointing his cannon right at him, a pure look of controlled malice sketched in his lavender eyes.
Why Bass, why? Why must you continue to fight me? Rock gave up his hopes then, and closed his eyes, waiting for that fatal blow that would finally end his silent misery.
That blow never came. Instead, a loud clank sounded, followed by a thud after a moment's pause. Swift, light footsteps came his way, stopping beside him. "Rock, you can't just lay there like a man heading for his execution. I will not involve myself directly with your cause, but I'm going to have to because if you don't get your act together, you're going to loose your chance forever, from the simple fact that you. Will. Be. Dead!"
A curse was heard in the distance. Forte groggily stood up, whistling sharply to recall Gospel from his mission to keep Rush away from his partner. After the lupinoid obediantly responded to his master's order, Forte looked over to the bioroids and shouted, "You will pay for interfering with destiny, old man!"
And with that, both him and the wolf teleported back to Skull Castle, the beams of black and purple streaking the sky.
Blues narrowed his eyes at the now barren spot, scowling. Damn you, Forte. Just... damn you! Turning away, the maroon and grey robot flipped his younger brother over, frowning at the crying face he discovered. Easing his arms under the boy, Blues gently lifted Rock against him. It was then Rock opened his eyes again, emeralds capturing sadness, depression, and hurt within their crystal shell.
"Rokku... you need to tell me what wrong."
Blues let out a sigh, the answer not convincing him in the least. "Rock, I know you love him. Don't tell me 'nothing' after he nearly killed you."
The tears hung in his eyes for a second, staring at first. But then, he remembered that his older brother practically knew everything that went on and the glistening water again rolled down his cheeks. "Gomen, Oniisan, but.....I can't do this, Buruusu. I just can't do this any more."
There was a silent pause, as Blues chose his words carefully. "What do you truly want?"
"I want him back..." It was meek whisper, full of despair. "I.. I can't live like this. Every day, I have to go on like it never bothers me that I have to face him in that manner. My heart is tearing apart at the sight of those eyes wishing for my death."
It was then Rush decided to return, walking only on three legs. The fourth was his left hind leg tucked under his body, which was sparking from a broken electrical wire. Obviously damaged in the dog fight with Gospel.
He sat down before them, whining with worry at the expression his master wore. Rockman turned his head to see his red puppy and gave a small smile. "I'll be okay, boy. Don't worry about me."
Obviously, Rush was worried, but took this time to be light hearted and barked with a high pitch, signalling his mood.
Blues stood up, Rock still in his arms, and put the blue bomber back on his feet. Watching him soulfully from behind the opaque visor, the grey bot cupped Rock's chin, angling it upwards. "You do realize, Rokku, that if Light ever finds out your feelings, he will reprogram you and erase those memories for the 'good of mankind.'"
"I know... that's why I'm determined never to let him know. It hurts to see him like this, but I won't give up the pain to save myself and destroy him. He's too important. My sanity is too, though." He shook his head mournfully and whispered brokenly, "I just don't know anymore....."
It was the last thing Rock except when his brother's arms wrapped around him in a comforting hold; the Blue Bomber had to fight to keep the tint out of his cheeks. He returned the hug, burying his face into the crook of Blues' neck. In the past, it would've been the ultimate heaven to reach being this close to his former crush, but the feeling had dwindled and he was suddenly glad it had.
"We need you. I need you. You need Forte. I promise, Otoutochan, if it was meant to be, then it shall happen in the future. ....And I swear on my life that it was meant to be."
"Hai... hai."
In the present...
"Do you know how long that took you? If I had a grandmother, I'm sure she would've climbed faster than you." Zero was grinning for all he was worth, and it didn't help X at all that he was trapped underneath the Crimson Hunter's weight. Yakasa had flopped onto the rocky cliff ledge the instant he had reached the top. And all Zero did was take advantage of the position.
"Maybe I'm just not as anxious as you about whatever idea you're currently dragging me to," breathed X, panting from the exertion in the climb. God, am I out of shape?
"Hn." Zero laid a brief kiss on the neo Blue Bomber's forehead. "You never like my ideas."
An eyebrow rose and X locked onto Zero's eyes, emerald looking into deep ultramarine. "I never end up liking you're ideas because you never let me in on them."
Zero cocked his head, smirking. "You always wanna know more about a situation. It may be better to *not* know anything about a situation."
"And I wonder why you say that, Mr. I'm-too-cocky-for-my-armor."
Zero burst out laughing, putting his head on X's chest. It wouldn't have been all that funny if X had not sing-songed it to the tune of 'I'm Too Sexy.' "Oh man! That is too scary, koibito. You hardly ever do, let alone say, something like that."
"Feh. If it scared you, then why are you laughing your ass off?"
"Because it was so kawaii!" And he focused his body on trying to calm himself out of the fit, throwing few-second laughs here and there. X looked from his lover to the sky as a large bird flew overhead soundlessly, looping around and disappearing behind the cliff face. He closed his eyes, picturing that avian perfectly. A raptor bird it had been. A raptor, just like Zero... and not.
Zero portrayed what every warrior wanted to be: undiscouraged by the death of an enemy, bystander, or associate alike, calm, cool, and damn good looking. It was all a mask though, hidden behind the pretty face and even prettier eyes he was blessed with. Zero wasn't all those things in private. The deaths of the enemy didn't mess with his mind, but all the others did. Many faceless people have died because of him, whether he meant to or not. And ones with faces haunted his dreams. The lifeless windows to their minds had been wide open when he passed, and Zero had purposly burdened himself with the responsibility of living with it. And every night, when the Crimson Hunter was alone, he cried.
But even one with remorse for the blood on his hands, the red reploid wasn't without any humor. Just another facade to coverup the softer (and more human) side he still, thankfully, had.
X had been there for him after Iris died and all the other times he needed to be comforted.. and well as vice versa. What were friends for anyway?
"Did you die on me?"
"Ehhh..." X fluttered his eyes open, a little confused by the interuption of his thoughts, but propped himself up on his elbows.
Zero was still smiling; Yakasa truly wondered if he ever stopped when he was able to persuade the leader of the 17th unit into his crazy schemes. "Guess not... All the better."
It was then X realized how far south one of his friend's hands had strayed to. It rested contently on his abdomen and X had to raised an eyebrow. "All the better, huh. To be frank, this trip up the mountain is going to kill me if you don't tell me exactly why we're climbing it."
"Secret." And he gave his lover a quick kiss before standing and preparing for the next and final scale of the cliff face. "Now c'mon! If you don't hurry up, it would have been all for nothing and we have to do it all over again tomorrow!"
Yakasa let out a weary groan and fell back onto his back. After a short minute, he picked himself up, dusted as much dirt off as his could, and glared at the rock-based wall. He made a promise that there was no way in hell he'd ever touch this cliff again after this.
Hands slid roughly over bare skin, dragging out strained moans on every pass. Lips met straving lips, both trying to devour the other with a firey passion.
"Why?..." came the breathless question when they broke for air.
"Why what?" was the simple response before trying to reclaim the mouth that insisted on talking; he didn't want to talk right now.
But the other wouldn't have it. He pushed his partner's head against the wall and crooned, "Why must we... keep doing this. You kept your silly promise."
"Baka," the walled one hissed, baring his teeth in a threatening manner. "I made an even deeper promise and it will not be kept until /he/ is destroyed forever."
"But then what of us? I want to be with you, dammit! Not running around, lurking in the shadows, stealing kisses and gropes!" He wet his lips. "I want to be inside you. It's been so long..."
His mate purred. "I know, I know. I want it too. Kami knows how much I want you to fuck me, for me to fuck you. Dirty pillow talk, bondage, food sex. Shit, you have noooo idea how badly I want it."
A guttural growl errupted from his throat. "That's it. No more talking."
"Hey you star--" but those bruised lips were silenced as he did his best to make that body against him sing in the short time they had together.
^_@ Maybe I should have commented about the limes thrown around for good measure.