Miles away from Here

Chapter One

How they Met

Disclaimer- I do not own Inuyasha and characters. Nor do I own Sims. Only the plot and any events happening in this fic belong to me.

Sango giggled as her raven haired friend typed up some more nonsense in hopes to scare off the unwelcome stranger on the receiving end. How this person had even gotten her msn username was beyond her.

The two of them had been in the middle of trying to make a quiz when an instant message had popped up. The email address had looked familiar but she was pretty sure she didn't know this person. Though he talked like he knew her.

InuTaiyoukai- so how have you been?

TaintedMiko- just fine and you?

InuTaiyoukai- could be better.

Kagome arched a brow at her friend. "I have no idea who this person is," she admitted.

Sango giggled. "Just go with it. Maybe we can have some fun with this." Her grin widened.

InuTaiyoukai- you still there?

TaintedMiko- uh, yea, sorry.

InuTaiyoukai- so how is your girlfriend?

Sango busted up laughing.

Kagome shook her head with a smile. Now she was positive he had the wrong person.

TaintedMiko- you must have the wrong person.

InuTaiyoukai- wrong person? Isn't this kag203?

TaintedMiko- that is my email but you must have the wrong person.

InuTaiyoukai- and why do you say that?

TaintedMiko- I don't have a girlfriend because well for one thing i AM a girl.

InuTaiyoukai- you're a girl?

TaintedMiko- yes, I'm a girl. Do I sound like a guy to you?

InuTaiyoukai- well you see I just sorta assumed…..

InuTaiyoukai- um….sorry?

TaintedMiko- forgiven. Now since I let you know that I have no girlfriend I find it only fair if you tell me whether or not you do too.

Sango cracked another smile. "I told you this was bound to be amusing."

Kagome nodded her agreement.

InuTaiyoukai- when we last talked I did but she broke up with me on my birthday after cheating on me.

TaintedMiko- ohhhhhh. So sorry.

InuTaiyoukai- its fine.

Sango raised a brow at her friend. "I bet that's a bunch of bull he's feeding us right there to make us girls feel sorry for him. Guys do it all the time."

The raven haired girl nodded. "Yeah, you're probably right."

"KAGOME, COME TAKE OUT THE TRASH!" Her mother called from downstairs.

TaintedMiko- brb. I have to go take care of something. My friend will chat with you until I get back.

InuTaiyoukai- alright.

Kagome handed her friend the keyboard before rushing off to finish her chore. When she came back, Sango was still busy typing away.

Kagome sat down beside her. "So what have I missed?"

The other girl shrugged. "Not much. He asked our names. I told him Sango and Kag. He's a year older than us."

Kagome took back the keyboard.

TaintedMiko- kay, I'm back.

InuTaiyoukai- so where are you guys from?

TaintedMiko- newyork and you?

InuTaiyoukai- japan.

Kagome's eyes widened. "This guy is all the way in Japan?" And then something clicked. She had met this person before. It was in a chat room about two years back. "Sesshio," she whispered.

"What?" Sango asked.

"Nothing. I just remember where I had met him. His name is Sesshio."

TaintedMiko- I remember you now! We met in a chatroom and I had asked you what time it was in japan!

X InuTaiyoukai is no longer logged on. Your message could not be displayed X

Kagome frowned. "Now what's that all about?"

Sango shrugged. "Maybe he had to be somewhere?"

Kagome bit her lip. For some reason she had not wanted him to leave. She had actually WANTED to chat with him. Well now that she knew who he was. She decided to shrug it off as her merely being bored.

"So what do you want to do next?" The auburn haired girl gave her nudge to get her attention.

"How bout' we play Sims?"

Sango jumped up from her spot on the bed. "I get first player controller!"


Sesshomaru quickly logged off the internet when his younger half-brother had rudely barged into his room without knocking.

With his cold mask back in place he stared over at Inuyasha. "What do you want?"

The younger boy looked at Sesshomaru's blank computer screen. "And just what were you doing before I came in?"

"None of your business."

Inuyasha shrugged. "Well I need the computer. I have to type up something for English."

"What's wrong with your own computer?" He narrowed his eyes at his younger half-brother. He had actually been enjoying his little chat with Kag. She proved to be somewhat interesting. Inuyasha always seemed to pop up whenever he was least wanted.

"It won't turn on for some reason so I need to use yours."

Sesshomaru got up from the computer. "Very well. But this is the last time I will allow you to use it."

"Yeah, yeah." Inuyasha grumbled.

Sighing, the older silver haired boy left the room. Passing by Inuyasha's room, he took pause. Might as well have a look at the other boy's computer. Perhaps he could fix it.

Walking inside, Sesshomaru looked over at the computer and than over at the wall where he saw that the machine was simply not plugged in.

"Baka hanyou," he mumbled.

A/N- Well hope you enjoyed the first chapter of this fic. I had enjoyed typing it so I can only hope that you had enjoyed reading it. Please review and let me know what you think of it so far.
