Disclaimer: the usual applies folks. If you don't know that, then you should read the huge disclaimer in chapter one!


The sound of the radio reverberated off the walls of the lab. If one were walking down the hall outside, you would first hear the melodies of the songs long before the words were sung.

Selene hummed along to the music as she read the latest research her cohorts in Scotland had sent her. As she walked from one end of the lab to the other, engrossed in the mood of the music as well as the journal, she did not notice the person leaning against the doorway of her lab.

"Sorrow has a human heart

From my god it will depart

I'd sail before a thousand moons

Never finding where to go"

Jack leaned against the door, arms crossed as he listened to the music. He had a reason for being there, but he could wait. Watching Selene walk back and forth, lost in her own world as she worked, was somewhat mesmerizing for the Colonel.

As the song reached its final verse, Selene stopped her pacing. Looking over towards the door, she noticed Jack. With a wave, O'Neill walked in.

"Hope I'm not interrupting anything." He said with a smile.

Selene shrugged. "Not really. Just catching up on some things that I was working on in Scotland." She set the journal down on her desk before turning the music off. "Did you want something, Colonel?"

Jack leaned against the counter, looking at the stack of folders on it. "Not really. Just wanted to see how you're doing."

Selene walked over and picked up the stack of folders. "Sure you did." She placed the folders on a nearby bookshelf out of the Colonel's way. "Now, tell me what you really want."

Jack sighed, crossing his arms. "Alright." He looked up at her. "I think you should get out."

Selene blinked. "Excuse me?"

"What I mean is…you need to get out and have some fun! It's not healthy staying cooped up all the time with work. Get out; enjoy the sights and sounds of Colorado!"

Selene leaned against her desk, arms crossed. "And what exactly is there to see and do in this town?"

Jack shrugged. "All sorts of things! You could go out for a few drinks with some co-workers. You could go hiking or walk in the parks. Hell, you could even drive up to Denver and watch a game or two!"

"Basically, what you're telling me is that I should get a life?" Her eyes narrow at him in a cold stare.

He raised his hands defensively. "Hey, I don't care what you do with your life so long as you don't waste it working!"

Selene sighed, walking around her desk to retrieve the journal she was reading. "I'm perfectly content with my life the way it is."

"Bullshit. Everyone needs time away from work. Hell, it took us three months to get Carter out of her lab!"

Selene placed the journal on the shelf along with the folders. "Why are you so concerned about what I do with my life anyway, Colonel?"

Jack shrugged, walking over. He leaned against the bookshelf, gazing down at Selene. "Because."


Jack sighed, straightening. "Because I want to you to come have dinner with me—I mean us—sometime."

Selene blinked in surprise. "What?"

"I mean it. Come have dinner, say….this Friday?"

Selene stared at him for a few minutes, blue eyes searching brown. Finally, with a sigh, she walked over to the stereo and turned it back on.

Jack frowned, watching her as the music began again. He didn't know if she was mad or what as she sat down at the computer and began working.

Without turning around, she replied "I'll think about it."


Selene walked into the Embarkation Room. It had been almost two days since Jack talked to her in her lab. She still didn't have a good excuse for not having dinner with him, but she still had time.

While she thought of an excuse, she had work to do. Janet had cornered her a few hours before and asked her to check on Colonel O'Neill. The Colonel, unfortunately, was pinned to the far wall of the Gateroom by a huge spike, which it—along with several others—protruded from a metallic sphere which stood a good four feet off the ground.

Selene looked around the room as she maneuvered her way towards the Colonel. Sergeant Siler was busy trying to cut at the spike that had Jack pinned to the wall with a blow torch. Daniel and Teal'c were positioning a ladder under the Colonel so he was more comfortable; Janet was checking his vitals.

Janet reads the label on the injection she prepares to give Jack. "I'm going to give you a broad spectra antibiotic to help your body fight the infection, Colonel."

Jack nods, wincing as the pain in his shoulder. Biting back a curse, Jack looks behind Janet, noticing Selene. "Hey."

Teal'c and Daniel look over at the geneticist as she walks around to stand next to Janet. Looking at each other, they say their farewells to Jack before heading out of the Gateroom.

"You always seem to get into trouble huh, Colonel?" Selene smiles up at him. Jack frowns at Janet as the doctor sticks him with a needle, injecting the antibiotic into his system.

"Hopefully that will help. I'll check back in a couple of hours to see if there are any changes." Smiling at Selene, Janet headed back to the Infirmary.

Selene sat down on one of the rungs of the ladder which held the Colonel. She was silent as she watched the Sergeant work on the spike. Jack, through the haze of pain, watched Selene.

"Looks like our date will be cancelled." Jack said quietly. Selene looked up at him, blue eyes hard.

"If I recall, you said it wasn't a date, Colonel."

Jack winced, biting back a curse as pain chased through his shoulder as he shrugged. "So I lied." He looked down at her. "Seemed like the only way to get you out of your lab and mingle with the rest of the human race."

Selene snorted, returning to watch Siler cut at the spike. "From my experiences with the human race, they aren't worth the effort."

Before Jack could ask her what she meant by that, the Sergeant turned the blowtorch off. Looking up at the Colonel, he lifted his visor.

"I think we can remove it now, sir." Jack nodded at the Sergeant, then winced in pain at the effort.

Selene stood. "I guess I'll leave you alone now. Good luck boys." And with that, she turned and left the Embarkation Room.


Selene watched as Janet finished injecting Sam with an antibiotic. She listened to the conversation the two women were having, all the while trying to ignore the constant buzzing in her head.

Janet smiles at Sam as a nurse takes the needle and tray away. "Your idea seems to be working."

Sam stood up from the bed, shrugging. "It seems to have slowed the spread of the organism by ninety percent."

Janet frowned. "Just don't jump up and down for joy. I don't want my other patients to get excited."

Sam smiled. "I won't." Her expression turns serious. "I better get back to work."

Selene turned away from the two women as Sam headed back to work. She looked over the charts of one of the patients, the buzzing in her head getting worse.

"Are you alright?" Selene looked up at Janet as the doctor placed a hand on her shoulder.

The Geneticist nodded. "I'll be better once I can figure out where this buzzing is coming from."

Janet frowned, confused. "What buzzing?"

Selene sighed as she set the chart down. Walking away from the patient with Janet beside her, she headed out of the infirmary.

"It's difficult to explain really." She began. "It closely resembles the buzzing that a bee or fly makes when they hover next to your ear. The only difference is, this is inside my head…like several hundred people are thinking or talking all at once."

Selene stopped in the middle of the hallway. Janet walked a few feet ahead of her before realizing that her companion had halted in her trek. Turning around, the doctor asked what was wrong.

"I don't know…but I think I need to speak with Dr. Jackson about something." With that, Selene headed down the hall and towards the Control Room.


"I think the gibberish we've been seeing on the computer is actually the aliens trying to communicate with us."

Selene stopped at the top of the small set of stairs of the Control Room. She listened as Daniel and Sam were talking with General Hammond. A quick glance into the Embarkation Room revealed that Jack was still pinned to the wall; Teal'c standing beside him to keep him company.

"The symbols could just be random files from our research." Sam explained, somewhat unconvinced by Daniel's theory.

The Archeologist shook his head. "I don't think so. I didn't start working on this until after the computers went down."

Selene closed her eyes, only half listening to the conversation. The buzzing that she heard earlier was getting louder.

She opened her eyes, watching the trio talk, but could hear nothing except for the buzzing. Leaning against the wall for support, she tried to focus on the conversation, or anything but the buzzing and dizzying feeling she got.

"Are you alright, Doctor?" Selene looked up as an Airman watched her, concerned. Nodding, she straightened up and smiled at Hammond as he looked over.

"Doctor Douvre?" Hammond asked, his voice and eyes full of concern.

Selene shook her head. "I'll be fine. I'm just fighting a headache right now." As she started to walk towards the General and two members of SG-1, she felt rather than heard the buzzing grow louder. The last thing she remembered was everything going dark as she fell.