The Sins

Chapter Four: Alternative Ending

A/N: Very edited cause I didn't like it and I wanted it to be very good for someone. And now, on with it.

Hermione turned on the tap of the bath. She let the water and white tea scented oils fill the tub. When the water was steaming and high she pulled her shirt over her head. She folded it and placed it on a side table. Her bra was crimson and lacy. She pulled her skirt down past her thighs, knees, calves, ankles,after what seemed like forever, off and folded that as well, placing it on top of her shirt. Her g-string matched her bra.

Pansy sat watching from a dark corner. Her mouth went dry at the sight. The crimson stood out like blood against Hermione's milk white skin. She looked so smooth. No she was not what most would consider perfect, but fuck if she wasnt damn close.

She stood around 5 foot 4 and her legs were not very long. Her thighs were cut and strong. Her calves were shapely and her ass was well rounded. She had a small stomach pouch, unlike all of the other popular girls in the school. Her breasts were perfect C-cup mounds, her nipples small, pink peaks. She had a very curved waist and slightly broad shoulders.

She was not the accepted image of perfect. But looking at her strong form was just about all Pansy could take. Everything sat just where it should be and was firm. So she was not the stick-thin, tanned, beauty queen type, like it mattered, she all but oozed sex appeal.

Hermione reached her hand around to her back and unclasped her bra. She folded that gently and slipped off the flimsy material that barely covered the V at her thighs. Her form was not flawless, her skin seemed to whisper of things that she had been through. Her past clung to her like a disease, but she wore it well, like an old friend with their arm looped through her own.

She looked like the type of person who could bring you to your knees in either pain or pleasure...or both. And for once in the history of the world, looks did not decieve. The stories about this woman were legend, and well known legend at that. It was said that nothing in the world could surprise her. She had seen everything, felt everything there is to feel.

It's high time someone put her to the test.

Pansy closed the space between them in three long strides and wrapped her arms around Hermione's waist. Hermione laughed. 'And after that? Come on I put on that little strip-tease for you and all you can think of is to grab my torso?'

Pansy growled and trailed her right hand down the middle of Hermione's stomach while latching her mouth onto the skin at the base of Hermione's neck. Hermione made a small sound and then shook her head.

"Really not good enough. If you plan on taking me on you need to bring more than that to the battle ground." She turned around and pushed Pansy against a glass shower door, hard. Pansy gasped, Hermione smirked and lifted the hem of Pansy's shirt up slowly, revealing smooth, tanned skin.

Lips crashed against lips in a hard, bruising kiss.Teeth scraping against each other and tounges dancing together. Hermione's nails raked their way across Pansy's abdomen and Pansy moaned into her mouth.

Pansy pulled away from her and undid the buttons of her shirt. Hermione became impatient and ripped the garment off of her body. Pansy rolled her eyes at Hermione and pulled the zipper in the back of her skirt down. Hermione stopped her. "Leave it." Pansy raised an eyebrow at her. Hermione shrugged. "Schoolgirl fantasy thing" Panmsy kicked off her shoes and pulled off her knee-highs.

She stood there in nothing but her black bra and gray, pleated skirt, her blonde hair cascading down to the middle of her back. Hermione closed the space between them. She promptly unhooked the bra and pulled the material off of Pansy's shoulders. She placed one hand on Pansy's hipand bent her head down tobite at her nipple. Pansy moaned, then gasped when she felt Hermione's fingers crawling up her inner thigh.

Hermione smirked again. "Let's play a game shall we?" Pansy nodded. Hermione kissed Pansy's collar bone. "Are you nervous?" Pansy shook her head. Hermione kissed between Pansy's breasts. "Are you nervous?" Pansy again shook her head. Hermione kissed her navel. "And now?" Pansy bit her lip and shook her head. Hermione kneeled and kissed her thigh. "Are you nervous?" Pansy let her lip free from her teeth and moaned. "Yes"

Hermione looked Pansy in the eye. "Don't make a sound, be good for me."
"What?" Pansy looked so lost. Hermione rolled her eyes.
"I'll make this very clear for you. I am going to do something and if you make a sound I will stop. Understand?" Pansy's eyes widened and she started to speak. Hermione's finger pressed against her lips. "Shh."

Pansy silently whimpered as she watched Hermione's head move downward. Hermione slid her tounge up Pansy's slit slowly. Pansy lurched forward. Her lips a thin red line on her face, trying her hardest not to make a sound. Hermione sucked gently on Pansy's clit. An arch of her back and a moan came from Pansy.

Hermione pulled away and walked toward the bath. Pansy was breathing heavy. "Where are you going?" Hermione looked over her shoulder. "You moaned, love. I told you not to make a sound." She then walked down the steps to the bath slowly and stood in the water.

Pansy wasn't quite sure what to do. Her thought process slowed down (if you've ever been in this situation... even if it is over the phone... you know what I mean.) and it took her several seconds to realize that she should follow Hermione.

Hermione stared expectanly at Pansy. Pansy felt an anger push it's way up from the pit of her stomach. This was not how things went. This was not how Pansy Parkinson was treated. She was not some play thing to be used as Hermione saw fit. Quite frankly... Fuck that shit.

Pansy turned her back on Hermione and pulled the zipper of her skirt down. She then slipped the piece of clothing over her ass and let it slide down her legs and onto the floor. She was wearing a bair of bikini breifs. She slid those down her legs as well. They came to rest at her feet. Pansy stepped out of the pile of clothing and walked toward the bath.

Hermione's eyes followed Pansy's every move. Her hips swaying with every step she took. This was her chance. This was an opportunityto make a name for herself. She would be the one to bring Hermione Granger to her knees.This girl was nothing. Just another potential notch on her belt.

Hermione saw the spark ignite inPansy's eyes and laughed out loud. "What are you thinking about?"Hermione pulled herself up on the side of the pool her chin inches above the floor. Pansy jumped in lightly and landed right next to Hermione. She pulled Hermione's face by the chin to hers.

As her tounge entered Hermione's mouth she slid her hand downward. Hermione gasped into her mouth and grabbed Pansy's hand under the water. This was a strange sort of arm wrestling. Hermione was winning for about two minutes. Pansy bit Hermione's lower lip, drawing blood and Hermione let go of her hand in shock.

Pansy's two fingers slid into Hermione smoothly. Her other hand moved to Hermione's back. The pads of her fingers dug in there and massaged. Hermione's eyes went wide. Her forehead pressed against Pansy's. Their lips whispering against each other. Neither one of them giving enough for it to be a kiss. But neither of them pulling away enough for it not to be.

Hermione was lost in sensations. The water around her body added pressure where Pansy's hand was pressing into her. Overwhelming her senses.The scent of white teainvading her mind. Making her dizzy with pleasure. Pansy slowed her hand. Hermione growled. "Don't do that." Her voice was vicious. A threat more than a request.

With two words Hermione came out of her trance. "Say please." This was the biggest mistake Pansy could have made. Hermione's eyes sharpened. Her hands moved to Pansy's hips and her nails raked upward. "You say please."

Hermione turned the situation around. Pansy's back made sharp contact with the stone of the large tub and a series of shallow scrapes erupted on her back as Hermione thrust her fingers into Pansy so hard that her entire body moved up and down with each thrust. A series of moans emitted from Pansy and her eyes rolled into the back of her head in what can only be described as pure ecstasy.

Hermione nibbled on Pansy's earlobe and whispered to her. "What did you think you could do to me? What made you think you could possibly take me on?" Pansy whimpered and Hermione laughed harshly at her. Pansy's lips moved forming words that she couldn't speak.

Hermione brushed her lips across Pansy's. "What is it, hmm? What are you trying to say?" Pansy took a deep breath as Hermione thrust into her particularly viciously. "I... want... I want... God... more." Hermione licked her lips and smiled sweetly. "I completely agree."

Now Hermione was not a nice girl. Not by any stretch of the imagination. She was a royal bitch truth be told.And when those sweet lips of hers smiled at you that way you just knew... you were about to be taken for one fuck of a ride.

Hermione gripped pansy's hips and lifted her up to sit on the edge of the tub. Pansy's confused expression was not lost on Hermione. It caused her lips to curve in a vendetta-laced smirk. Hermione brought her lips down to Pansy's inner thigh and kissed her way upward. Pansy took in a sharp breath and her stomach quivered in anticipation.

Hermione kissed her way down pansy's other thigh, teasing her mercilessly. Pansy cried out when Hermione's finger began to rub circles on her clit. Lips traveled across her abdomen and her legs began to shake. Just as Pansy was about to beg Hermione for it, just when eshe was going to give in completely and whimper for it, Hermione gave it to her.

Her soft tounge delved deeply into Pansy. She turned and twisted her tounge inside of Pansy. Withdrawing it to the point where only the very tip was inside and Pansy's hips tried to soar up onto it, just to move it back in as far as it would go. Pansy's fingers tangled themselves into Hermione's hair, urging her forward, silently begging with her hands while verbally begging with her mouth.

Hermione tired of ths game. She pulled her tounge away from Pansy and pressed two fingers into the wetness that she had caused there. Pansy's moans and gasps grew steadily louder and more insistent, until finally she came. Her muscles gripping Hermione's finger again and again.

Hermione continued to thrust her fingers into Pansy. The orgasm had made her even slicker than she had been before and Hermione was able to thrust faster, harder, deeper. It didn't take long for Pansy's second orgasm to rip through her. Her head thrown back a scream escaping from her. Hermione took her hand away from Pansy and slowly licked her fingers clean.

Pansy sat there with her feet in the water, completely exposed and defeated entirely. Hermione pulled her clothes on, all but one garment. She kissed Pansy on the lips and pressed a small piece of fabric into her hand. "Every player gets a prize." She said and walked out of the bathroom. Leaving behind a girl who had learned quite a bit from the game.

Pansy opened her hand to find the crimson g-string she had admired earlier. She smiled, letting herself be content in the two orgasms she had experienced and thought to herself. This is not over.

A/N: I might continue it. I'm not sure. I'm having fun with it. How many of you think I should?