*Chapter 8
She-ar-ah sat nervously on the metal table at a healer's clinic on the lower levels of Courascant. She was awaiting the news of her aliment. Suddenly the healer returned, She-ar-ah jumped when the door slammed shut.
"Well?" She asked apprehensively.
"Your tests came back positive." The healer smiled.
"Oh gods, how?"
"Do I really have to explain how this works?" The healer joked.
"No, I mean how is it possible? I had a miscarriage only a few weeks ago." She-ar-ah looked down at her stomach.
"This is very unusual, and very rare. You or the father or both must be very strong with the force because apparently the force has its reasons for this child to be born." The healer said as she took She-ar-ah's hand. "Does the father know?"
She-ar-ah shook her head. "The father was just killed a few days ago." She began to cry.
"I'm so sorry for your loss, that must be why this child was given to you." Just then the healer's comlink beeped. "Oh I must be going. When you check out, they will have some information for you my dear."
"Thank you." She-ar-ah said in a whisper.
"May the force be with you, and your child." With that, the healer left the new mother to be.
She-ar-ah touched her midsection. 'This cannot be happening.'
Later that evening She-ar-ah was lying in her bed; she then heard the sound of her master yelling. 'When did he get home?' She thought to herself. She made her way to his apartment, and found him throwing things around with the force, and smashing them on the wall.
"Master?" She-ar-ah called into the room.
Palpatine looked at the young woman. "An apprentice." He said when she came into the room.
"What?" She asked, confused.
"Lord Maul was killed by a mere apprentice!" He smashed another trinket against the wall. "I hate the name Kenobi."
'Kenobi? Obi Wan? He's alive!' She-ar-ah tried to hide her happiness.
Palpatine moved towards her. "I swear, I'll make this Obi Wan Kenobi pay for what he did. Anything and everything he cares about will be destroyed."
Fear began to swell inside of She-ar-ah, her thoughts turned to her unborn child...Obi Wan's unborn child. "Master, you must calm yourself."
Palpatine touched her cheek. "The only thing in this galaxy that calms me is you my child."
Images flashed through She-ar-ah's brain; she first felt completely disgusted by the idea of her master putting his hands all over her, but then another thought entered. 'If I let him have me, then I will have anything and everything I've ever wanted. I will have the control.' Then she thought about the child inside of her. 'I'll let him think the child is his.' Suddenly she turned to him, and let him kiss her.

Later that night while the new Supreme Chancellor was asleep, She-ar-ah looked at the ceiling. She remembered the night she and Obi Wan had shared each other. How different she felt then. She felt so at peace, so at one with the living force. What her and Obi Wan shared was beauty, this was nothing. She rose out of bed and went to the freshener; once again she looked at the image staring back at her. This time the image looked vague and emotionless. She hated herself for what she let happen, but she knew it was the only way. She had nowhere else to go, and she couldn't let him destroy her child. Even if a part of her wanted to return to the Jedi, one thing was for certain; it was too late now.
Obi Wan Kenobi walked onto the balcony of his apartment. He looked to the horizon, and noticed the sun coming up. He remembered the night that he and She-ar-ah had first shared each other, and how wonderful the world seemed. Now his world was falling apart. All he had left was his promise to his dying mentor. He had let his master down when he wasn't there to save him; he sure as hell wasn't going to let him down now. He turned at looked at the boy on his sleep couch; Anakin was staying with Obi Wan until another apartment could be arranged. Obi Wan was surprised to see the boy awake, and staring at his new master.
"Anakin? Are you alright?" Obi Wan asked, coming back into the apartment.
"You seem sad." Anakin answered, in a very sweet tone.
"I am Anakin, but I will be better...I promise." Anakin nodded. "Is there something bothering you padawan?"
"Master Obi Wan, have you ever been in love?" The boy asked, Obi Wan wasn't expecting this question.
"Once." Was all the answer he was going to give.
"What happened?" Anakin continued to push the subject.
"Love is an emotion that Jedi should stay away from." He recited. 'Gods, where have I heard that before?'
"Trust me Anakin, you're better off without it complicating your life." Obi Wan sat next to the boy on the couch.
Obi Wan sighed. "Please Anakin, just take my word on it, don't fall in love if you can help it."
"Alright master." Anakin said, as he nuzzled up next to his new master.
Obi Wan put his arm around the 10 year old, and the two of them gradually fell asleep. Neither one of them knowing what lay in store for them in the future, but at that moment it didn't matter.

The End?

*Author's note: Well that was story number 2! I hope you all enjoyed it. I have many more to come, and they do follow these storylines somewhat, so keep an eye out for them. Thanx again for all the reviews! I love you guys. -Ewan's girl