Dateline: Wednsday, April 22, 1981, 5:46 PM, Pacific Daylight Time.

"We're going to take a closer look tonight at the newest super team to appear on the scene," said Jeter Pennings from his anchor desk at DBC News World Headquarters in New York. "The newly formed 'Alpha Force' operates out of Metroville, and appears to have just two members, who operate under the codenames of Python and Rocket. Who are these new heroes, where are they from, and where are they going? DBC's Michael Farm has this story."

The shot cut to two individuals in super suits, one male and one female. The female was wearing a leotard with snake-skin print and a violet-colored letter "P" on her chest. She was also wearing a skull cap to cover her hairstyle and a mask to cover her face, both of which are in snake-skin. The male was wearing a green suit with bright yellow racing stripes down his sides. He wore a full metal helmet that covered his face in such a way that no one could see his lips move.

"So, Python," began Mr. Farm, "what made you decide on the name Python?"

"Well, my primary super power is invisibility, like a snake in the grass. My brother here suggested I call myself Viper, but I thought that name sounded a little too sinister."

"Wait a minute, Rocket is your brother?"

Rocket sighed. "Well, the cat's out of the bag now! Yes, Mr. Farm, Python is my sister."

Mr. Farm just nodded and smiled. "So, Rocket, I hear that you have some ties to the notable super hero known as Mr. Incredible. Can you dispel these rumors?"

"Actually," interrupted Python, "the rumors are true. Mr. Incredible is our father."

Rocket punched his sister in the arm. "Shut up, you're going to give away our secret identities!"

"Relax, Rocket. They don't know Mr. I.'s real name, and they won't know ours."

The shot cut to Michael Farm standing by himself on the streets of Metroville.

"This new super team calls itself 'Alpha Force' as a tribute to the now deceased super team 'Beta Force'. The two are being paid for their hero work by the Metroville Police Department. I can't speak for everyone, but I for one feel much safer here knowing that Alpha Force is looking out for me. Michael Farm, DBC News, Metroville."

A young man slouching on the couch turned off the television. He seemed to be in his early twenties, about six feet tall, with blonde hair and a mustache to match. Standing behind himwas a young woman with straight black hair that reaches down to her knees.

"Well, Violet," said the male, "this is another fine mess you've gotten us into. Do you realize how close we came to blowing cover?"

"Dash," said the woman, "we didn't blow our cover! Will you just drop it?"

"We've only been Alpha Force for a week and already we're flying a little too close to the sun for my taste."

Violet just giggled. "What happened to the Dash I grew up with, the one who was always taking risks and getting in trouble?"

"He grew up, that's what happened!"

"Yeah, well, if you're so grown up, why don't you help me with dinner tonight?"

Dash stood up and gave his sister a dirty look. "Do you want the apartment to catch fire?"


"Then I think it would be best to leave this job to the professionals," he said as he patted Violet on the shoulder.

"Professionals built the Titanic," quipped Violet. "Amateurs built the ark."

"Touché," said Dash, "but I think I would only be a hindrance to your exquisite culinary artistry."

Violet snorted. "Fine, go watch your stupid TV show."

"Hey, MASH is not stupid!"

(A/N: In case you haven't noticed, time is extremely important to me. In all my research, I failed to find the dates of some events related to the movie, so I had to make them up. Here they are.

Bob's DOB: January 27, 1927.

Helen's DOB: February 18, 1929.

Violet's DOB: March 2, 1960.

Dash's DOB: November 27, 1962.

Jack-Jack's DOB: July 7, 1971.

Bob and Helen's Wedding Date: June 14, 1958.

Date of Syndrome's Death: May 26, 1973.

Date Alpha Force was formed: April 15, 1981.

If these dates seem a little off to anybody out there, please let me know so I can fix them. Chapter 2 is coming soon, and it will be longer than this one is, I promise!)