Title: Timeless Mistakes

Summary: After the death of Sebastian, Annette and Cecile, both find themselves pregnant with his children.

Author's Note: Birth Control and protection, they DON'T always work.

Somewhat of a background story for an upcoming story I have in mind.

Cecile laid in bed, feeling like the proverbial truck hit her. For the past several weeks, she has had the same schedule. Wake up, throw up, get ready for school, eat breakfast, go to school, come home and do homework, eat dinner, see Ronald, throw up, go to bed and repeat the cycle. She didn't want to get up and start her day, she didn't want to go to school, she didn't want to argue with her mother about Ronald...she just wanted to sleep and let the feeling pass, which it will.

Hopefully. Maybe. She didn't know.

She glanced at the clock. The big green digital numbers, because reading digital clocks are so much easier, flashed out at her. 7:54

If she was going to go to school, then she should probably start getting ready very quickly. But since she really didn't feel like moving, she stayed right where she was.

Her mother probably wouldn't accept this behavior, but she didn't really care. Her mom was trying to turn her into herself when she was Cecile's age. At that meant, no dating boys who aren't the same class, race, and a billion other things that she isn't going to try to name. And her mother certainly didn't approve of Ronald. But Annette and Sebastian taught her things about life. That you should seize the day, because you don't know when you'll be gone.

She knew that Annette still grieved Sebastian greatly, and that she hated Kathryn for it. And if you thought about it, it was basically her fault. She told Ronald that Sebastian hit her, so he went out to teach him a lesson, which ended up with Annette falling on a busy road and Sebastian saving her by pushing her and throwing his own body in the way.

She didn't even felt like she had to come to Kathryn's defense. She is grateful that Kathryn helped her and Ronald get together and that she taught her how to kiss, even if that was a game that she was playing because she was bored.

Her mother was greatly upset at the fact the Kathryn was slightly responsible for Sebastian's death because she saw Kathryn as a perfect angel, while Kathryn was far from it. She had heard from her mother that Kathryn was in a special clinic to help her with her problems. Which is a far cry from what is said at school. The most-known rumor was that Kathryn was joining the army to escape the punishment of her "games". Others included that she would be getting the death penalty, she changed her name and went to France and of course there was the one where she was a spy for Spain. Amazing how rumors get started, she mused.

Cecile's thoughts suddenly took to the 2nd round of nausea hit her. This time she couldn't calm it and went straight to the bathroom, where she barely made it. After the spasms passed, she laid her head against the cool tiles and closed her eyes.

She was tired and she just wanted to sleep, to hell with school and her life, not that she had much of one anyways.

Thought I try something a little different.

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