I'm very sorry. I could never forgive myself. I would never. I have not update for six months I think? Anyhow, I would never forgive myself as the author. I mentioned my cousin came back but more family problems kept arising. Make me annoyed that my cousin had to be problematic child. I'm very sorry. Also my schoolwork continued to drag me down each day. I have been lacking the effort to get good grades. I'm very sorry. Also, I have a surgery coming up again. I felt scared and lost, causing my fear to create writer's block. I'm very sorry. I felt that I had destroyed the CLAMP characters for not updating. I'm very sorry. I need to learn how to stop apologizing. Anyhow, RESPONSES to REVIEWERS! This will be short since there's…….A LOT.

Windflight: Good to know that you're supporting Tomoyo! She would be happy to hear that if she forgives me. Sigh.

Ice illuser: I'm grateful that you were happy that I updated. But I have failed your expectations and updated very late. I'm very sorry! I love to torture Kurogane for some odd reason. Heh.

Anna D. Gray: You must be starving after all these months. I'm very sorry. I'm terrible chef and I failed as novelist. But when you say that, I'm really happy but I'm not that great. I mean I don't know much words and I suck at grammar. And I think I'm being slow-paced instead of fast-paced. Anyhow, GO KURO/TOMO!

Midnightfirestar: Sorry, my friend. I have updated too late. I have a feeling that you might kill me……Actually I know you will kill me because you live close to me and you tend to be…destructive. But I granted your wish by making arguments between Kuro and Tomo.

Azuremiko: I'm so sorry! Indeed, Kuro/Tomo fics are getting rare. WE MUST MAKE MORES! Sorry for late update.

Dust-in: Let your hatred for yaoi prevent Kuro/Fai from growing. I have something to confess in here. Ever since I seen that friendly disturbing picture of :shudders: yaoi. When I watch anime and read manga, every time I see Fai and Kuro get close. I can't help but get sick. I BLAME MY FRIENDS! I'm sorry for my terrible late update. Thank you for everything and your passionate reviews. I'm so sorry that I failed you. I'm sorry that I had died.

Kunoichi-kitty: I'm so sorry for the late update. As for your review…you might never know. AHHHH NOW I GOT TO GET MY MIND OUT OF THE GUTTER!

Asga: I'm very happy that you think this is the best chapter. It does indeed had the most Kuro/Tomo interactions. I'm sorry that this chapter might fail your expectations. I'm very sorry again.

Zoro: If you're somehow alive, I'M SORRY FOR A LATE UPDATE! SORRY! If I had killed you, I'll never forgive myself….then again I already never forgive myself. SORRY! Glad you think it's cute.

Hikaru: Thank you and I'm sorry for possibility of failing quality and late update. Souma is interesting character but she's minor character sadly. I'm sorry!

Arika-chan: SORRY IF I TOOK TOO LONG! SORRY! Heh, Kurogane might had a heart attack or "love" But that would be a long time heh.

Jo-chan: Syaoran will appear soon. He would be one of the last main characters to appear. But not to worry he will appear. I'M SORRY AGAIN! I'm too horrible to deserve such compliment from you.

Craze Izumi: I'm sorry for major late update and I do love Kuro/Tomo more than Eriol/Tomo! THEY'S JUST KAWAII!

Merytamun: I will not abandon this story. I'm sorry that I failed. I'm very sorry! I'm glad you make suggestions and I will use them. Hate/Love relationship are indeed interesting.

Sugar High: Thank you so much for your compliment. I'm sorry. Have you heard of Season 2 coming out this month. I'm so excited!

xXredemptionXx: I was on a much longer hiatus than you. Heh, I'm very sorry. I'm very sorry. Glad you love Kurogane.

Mysticdawn5: There are no words to express my thanks to you for your wonderful fic. Your amazing usage of words and display of emotions inspired me to take courage and face surgery and write again. I thank you with my sinful heart if that was enough. I'm very thankful and I'm sorry for not updating soon.

WHEW! THAT'S LOT OF REVIEWS! …I probably won't see this many if you guys are too mad at me or forgotten this story. I'm sorry, everyone. Hope you enjoy this chapter.

:Operation 07: The Treasure Hunter

The blazing sun stood high in the clear azure sky, sending its rays of cursed heat toward the unfortunate people below on the hard solid ground of Earth. It was insanely hot and the people would be crazy to leave their home cooled with air conditioners. Fortunately, the blue sky was decorated with clouds of amazing shapes, providing cooling shades from the great ball of fire.

Under the sun, the sky and the clouds, a lone teenage man was sleeping on the meadow full of tall lushful grasses. The teenage was comforted by the gentle breezes that carcass his slightly muscular body dressed in a shirt full of different patterns of forest colors and wood brown pants. The breeze ruffled his wild green hair attached to his handsome face with the hint of childish and his trademark cross shaped scar on his cheek. With his gloved hands and arms as pillows, his face expressed serene tranquility and confidence.

As the breeze continued to blow, it lifted a single red aged leaf from the ground and dropped it on the sleeping teenager's face, causing his nose to twitch. In few seconds, the teenager quickly sat up and yawned as he stretched his arms. His golden eyes glanced down and he picked up the single red leaf that fell on him and smiled, "Hmm, fall is coming." He looked at the view of the city on the grassy hill he rested on, "Well, I felt like going treasure hunting again," He glanced at the forest behind him, "How about you, Emeraude?" Suddenly two yellow glowing eyes flashed in the dark forest out of response.

The green haired teenager smirked, "I thought so."

Somewhere in the city, somewhere in the district, somewhere in the Tokyo Military Academy, a raven-haired girl, Tomoyo, was sleeping peacefully on her twin-sized bed with the headboard near the glass window. The sun slowly turned its ray through the window, making the heat even stronger. It gently landed on Tomoyo's face, stirring her up. She slowly opened her knowing onyx eyes and sighed disappointedly, "Another day." She tilted her head toward another bed at the opposite of the room, "He's gone. Must be in his morning training of course." She assumed as she slid off the bed into her warm fuzzy pink slippers.

Suddenly, she heard a door hinges tweak as the door opened elsewhere.

"Huh?" She looked up,

Her eyes immediately widened in shock as she gazed upon a tall man with chiseled abs and muscular arms and legs. Water droplets slowly dripped off his handsome body showing that this man just came out of the shower. His spiked wild black hair was all plastered with water and he only had a white tower obscuring the girl's view from you know what. That man was Kurogane.

The raven-haired girl's wide onyx eyes increased bigger as she absorbed the mental shock to her mind.

Kurogane didn't notice that his female roommate was awake and thought that the crazy girl was still fast asleep even right after he finished his morning training. He ruffled his wet hair, trying to make his hairstyle wild and crazy. The sleek straight hair doesn't suit his rude cold personality. Instantly, his sharp senses alerted him of a presence in this room. He quickly looked up and saw a familiar raven-haired girl who was staring at him in shock. His blood red eyes widened as he realized the circumstances he was now in.

Tomoyo's jawbone dropped as she gasped and quickly covered her mouth with her hands. Blood were rushing to her cheeks as she took a step backward.

The ninja assassin only mouthed two words, "Oh crap."

Suddenly, an ear-piercing high-pitched scream echoed through the entire Omega dorm, causing most people to wake up.

Sakura instantly sat up on her bed and shouted, "HOE!" She glanced at all directions with her tired baggy eyes. She stopped moving her head and questioned herself, "Huh?" A large question mark appeared above her head.

Kero suddenly fell from his tiny bed that was set on the drawer next to Sakura's bed. Because he was still tired, he didn't have time to flap his wings as he fell to the floor with a loud bang on his round head. He quickly stood up and demanded, "What the hell was that!"

Less than a second later, a familiar voice shook the entire world with a very loud eardrums-shattering voice, "SHUT THE HELL UP! I'M TRYING TO SLEEP HERE!" The only person who would yell this loud could only be the blue-haired water magic-user girl, Umi. Her scream caused everyone in the school to fell out of the bed while the model girl went peacefully back to sleep.

The Omega Division's dorm had a U-shaped pattern. The bottom part of the U consisted of the living room and the dining room. But U was split in half with each line for different gender. In the middle was the hot spring and north of it was a recently built dormitory building. The owners of the new dormitory were………

"GET OUT! OUT! I WANT YOU OUT!" The raven-haired girl's eyes were closed as she grabbed any nearby objects and threw it at the nearly frontal nude man.

Kurogane with his sharp senses easily avoided the thrown objects because of Tomoyo's terrible blind aims. He yelled angrily, "STOP IT, DAMNIT!"

Tomoyo opened her onyx eyes and her face became red right away. She threw more objects at Kurogane this time at faster rapid pace, "PUT SOME CLOTHES ON! DON'T YOU KNOW ANY PRIVACY!"

Kurogane brought his arms up as he braced the incoming objects assaulting him. He shouted, "I'M TRYING TO GET MY FKING CLOTHES!" Suddenly a bucket filled with black clothes smacked him in the head, compliment from the poor embarrassed girl.

However as the bucket smacked him in the head, it resulted Kurogane felling into the floor with TOWEL FLYING as he fell.

Tomoyo's entire face was extremely red as she saw…IT, "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"

Another loud high-pitched scream echoed throughout the dorm.

Inside a dorm room, Sakura had fallen out of her bed with dizzy swirling eyes, "Hoe, I think I lost my ears."

Kero fainted with dizzy eyes too, "Same here." He agreed with his mistress.

Tomoyo was kneeling beside the bed with her arms on the top of it. She was praying in front of the super huge poster of Sakura in her cute red card captor outfit. Tomoyo prayed with teary eyes, "Oh kawaii Sakura-chan, I have been scarred as I encountered a horrible deadly thing in my own tiny meek room. Sakura-chan, bask me with your adorable kawaiiness and save me from this most dreadful thing I have ever seen in my entire life."

"What the hell are you doing?" The rude voice interrupted her prayers as he slammed the bathroom door closed.

Tomoyo quickly glanced toward Kurogane who dressed in his black clothes. Her chilling onyx eyes made direct contact with his piercing blood red eyes. As their eyes made contact, both of them couldn't help but had a faint blush across through their cheeks because of the "incident" minutes ago.

There was a very long uncomfortable silence between them.

Although Tomoyo was a patient lady but Kurogane was not a patient man unfortunately. He finally snapped and broke the silence, "ARE YOU SOME KIND OF MORON? IS YOUR BRAIN THE SIZE OF THE PEA? HOW CAN YOU NOT HEAR THE SOUNDS OF THE WATER RUNNING INSIDE THE BATHROOM?"

Tomoyo narrowed her eyes as she snapped and yelled back, "WELL EXCUSE ME! I ASSUMED YOU WERE STILL IN YOUR MORNING TRAINING, SO I DON'T EVEN BOTHER CHECKING!"



Kurogane roared, "YOU INVADED MY PRIVACY!"

Tomoyo shouted, "YOU TRAMUTIZED ME!"

Kurogane just crossed his arms and scowled, "It's your fault for throwing that basket at my head!"

Tomoyo realized that he was right and nearly won the argument. She hated losing the argument to this man. But what perfect comeback she would make to overturn the tide to her victory. She smirked evilly, "Well, at least it's not really that different from my father."

Kurogane was struck by dramatic lightning as the huge word PRIDE behind him shattered into thousand pieces. His manly pride was ruined as he turned into stone and crumbled into dust. He quickly regained himself and glared, "WHY YOU…"

"I'm going to go get breakfast. Ciao." Tomoyo quickly left her room and had won the argument.

Kurogane gaped at her escape and cursed, "THAT BITCH!"

Sakura gasped, "HOE!" She exclaimed with pink cute cheeks, "Eriol-kun lent you the new room?"

Tomoyo nodded, "That's right, Sakura-chan. That's why I didn't come back to your dorm last night."

Hikaru swallowed a piece of waffle down her throat, "You could have told us, Tomoyo-san. We thought you were still with your mom." She poured a large amount of syrup on her stack of waffles because she thrived on a HUGE BATCH OF SUGAR.

Tomoyo smiled softly as she apologized sincerely, "Gomen, Hikaru-chan. I had many things on my head yesterday night. Will you forgive me?"

Hikaru nodded frantically, "Of course I do! We're friends!" She gave a bright shining smile.

Umi just walked up to their table with tray of waffles, the breakfast of the day, and asked right away, "So how come I hear you scream this morning? It interrupted my well-deserved rest." She sighed disappointedly.

Tomoyo had a giant sweat droplet as she gulped nervously, definitely not a normal reaction for the raven girl. She quickly lied, "Oh, I just saw a centipede." Tomoyo realized what she said and blamed herself, 'Of all possible bugs, why do I have to pick a centipede!' She blushed slightly as she knew what the centipede referred to.

Umi actually believed her lie and commented, "It must be a HUGE centipede if it scares you so much."

Tomoyo blushed even more and lost her cool, "NO, IT'S NOT!"

Umi was surprised at Tomoyo's reaction and had a large sweat droplet on her forehead, "Woah, chill. It's natural for us girls to be scared of disgusting creepy bugs."

Sakura spoke with concern, "Tomoyo-chan, are you alright?"

Tomoyo quickly composed herself, "Hai, Sakura-chan. It's just exhaustion from moving stuff around yesterday."

Chi, who was also sitting next to Hikaru, was staring at a very large stack of waffles in front of her. She blinked in confusion with numerous question marks above her head. She stared at the waffles as she had never seen it before.

Umi, who sat next to Hikaru, whined, "But man, I'm SO jealous that you got your own room and to top it all off, you even got your own bathroom."

"It's not that great." Tomoyo replied as faint blush spread across her white cheeks when she remembered the embarrassing "bathroom incident."

Yuzuriha, who was sitting next to Sakura, pointed out her shock, "I'm surprised that Eriol-kun would give such a nice room to Tomoyo-san especially when she's new."

Chi noticed that the red-haired girl was pouring a thick gooey brown liquid on the circular breakfast food. Chi glanced at her glass of orange juice and then she glanced at her stack of waffles. She gasped as she realized what she should do. The innocent girl picked up the glass of orange juice and directly poured it on the waffles.

Umi's eyes glinted as her lips turned into a wide smirk. She put her finger under her chin and spoke slyly, "Maybe it's because the chief "likes" you that's why he gave you all the special treatment" She giggled afterwards.

Tomoyo waved her hand to silence Umi, "Umi-san, there is no feelings between us. I guarantee you that. Beside Eriol-san is a gentleman and wouldn't have time for a city girl like me." She calmly sipped her cup of tea.

Chi noticed another glass which was filled of milk this time. Chi gaped happily as she grabbed the glass and poured it on the waffles too.

Umi didn't listen but rather her smirk became wider, "Oh come on, think about it." She stuck out three fingers from her hand, "He promoted you to the frontline pilot," She put one finger down, "He allowed you to leave the Tokyo Gauken," she put another finger down, "HE EVEN GIVE YOU OWN ROOM!" She clenched her fist and clasped her hands together, "He really like you!" She grinned.

A tiny sweat droplet appeared behind Tomoyo's head and she thought to herself, 'Even though you say all that, you were wrong about my own room though.' She averted her chilling eyes away from breakfast toward the black-clothed ninja sitting on the other dining table.

Chi was humming to herself as she added pepper and salt to the drenched waffles.

Fuu smiled as she knew it wasn't really true, "I think the chief is just giving her special treatment because she is a special pilot."

Tomoyo just waved her hand, "I'm not really that special. I'm not great as the adorable Sakura-chan!" Tomoyo's eyes were replaced by shining stars as she remembered how gallantly that Sakura fought in the previous battle.

Chi was singing as she poured in raw meats to the waffles.

Sakura had a sweat droplet behind her head and she tried to reason, "But Tomoyo-chan, I broke the generator of my Tsubasa Soukikai and Presea-san nearly yelled at me." She sighed as she remembered Presea's scary angry face with demonic red eyes.

Umi just laughed and slapped Sakura's shoulders heartily, "Don't worry about your Soukikai because that little brat Zazu is fixing them. Any extra work for him is joy to my ears."

Fuu commented, "That's mean, Umi." She couldn't help but laugh softly.

Umi smirked and closed her eyes arrogantly, "Well that brat deserved it anyway."

Hikaru had a giant sweat droplet on top of her head as she stared at Chi's messy waffles that seemed like a huge garbage can.

Chi took one bite and smiled brightly, "CHIIIIII!" which means delicious in her own words.

Yuzuriha and her dog had a sweat droplet too as they gaped at Chi's smile, "Jeeze, Chi must have a steel stomach."

Meanwhile at the other tables where the male members usually gathered around, Kurogane was eating his typical Japanese breakfast at the start of the morning and of course what kind of morning would it be without Fai to annoy him around.

Fai was crying with rivers of tears coming out of his closed eyes, "WAHHHHHH! I was hoping to sleep with Kuro-chan last night!"

Kurogane's forehead vein twitched but he remained calm as he drank his miso soup, "Stop calling me weird names," Then he slammed the bowl on the table, "AND DON'T MAKE IT SOUND LIKE I'M YOUR LOVER, YOU DISGUSTING FREAK!"


"SHUT UP!" Kurogane threw the bowl instantly but Fai easily avoided it.

The blonde sorcerer laughed smugly, "I heard you came back but I never expect you got a new room."

"Hmph, it's not like I like it." Kurogane was pissed at this morning especially at the certain raven-haired girl.

Fai smirked, "If you don't like it," He clasped his hands and there were pink sparkles everywhere, "Does that mean you miss me!"

Kurogane snapped and he was about to threw the giant table at Fai.

Fai quickly waved his hands to calm the angry swordsman down, "Just kidding! Just kidding!"

Kurogane's forehead vein was still twitching and it was about to explode, "One of these days, I'M REALLY REALLY GOING TO KILL YOU." He gritted his teeth.

Fai smiled and cheered, "Oh how lovely, we're going to get married soon!"

"Who's going to get married?" Zazu asked as he came in with the breakfast tray, followed by Ascot. The young mechanic had a tiny bead of sweat as he saw Kurogane at the background with fiery aura and holding the breakfast tray as a sword above Fai.

Kurogane averted his burning anger toward the poor little guy from Fai and snarled, "NO ONE!"

Zazu's tiny bead of sweat just grew bigger as he witnessed the fire in the assassin's red eyes. Zazu winced, "I'm just asking, jeeze."

Fai took this opportunity to tease Kurogane even more. He grinned slyly, "Aww, Kuro-min, you don't need to be so embarrassed about it. We should spread the wonderful news about us!"

Kurogane stared angrily at Fai again and berated, "THERE'S NO WONDERFUL NEWS!"

However Zazu had different thoughts as he naively believed what the sadistic sorcerer just said. A noticeable red blush spread across his cheeks, signaling dirty and impure ideas in his youthful mind. Ascot seemed to have the same ideas because his entire face was cheery red. Ascot felt dizzy and his eyes were swirling in circles. He couldn't handle too much information since he's not knowledgeable on this dirty sort.

Zazu just let his jawbone dropped and stuttered, "Y-y-you…." He pointed his index finger to Fai, "A-a-and you…" He pointed to Kurogane next as he was patching wrong ideas together in his head. Once he realized it, he straightened himself and pointed accursedly at both older men, "IKNEW IT! YOU GUYS REALLY ARE…"

The young mechanic couldn't say the last word as Kurogane suddenly seized Zazu's collar threateningly and lifted the poor boy slightly above the stable marbled floor. The sudden movement frightened poor Zazu and made him dropped his breakfast tray. The assassin gave Zazu his infamous death glare with his red eyes drilling holes through the boy's head, making the poor child whimpering like a poor puppy.

Kurogane narrowed his eyes, making his glare sharper and scarier, "Say that word and I'll cut your tongue off, so you will never get to speak again!"

Zazu gulped as he stomached his fear and nodded frantically, begging the cruel swordsman to spare his poor life.

Kurogane hissed, "Good." The way he said it made it sound like a threat. Of course almost every word coming from his demon's mouth was a threat.

The blonde sorcerer closed his knowing eyes as he was secretly amused by Zazu's fear and Kurogane's threats. Fai pouted in a lovey dovey tone, "Aww, Kuro-koi, you shouldn't deny the truth so passionately." He said the last word with hint of flirt in it. Of course, he was just joking around but the audience doesn't know it.

Zaku, one of the unfortunate audiences, turned entirely red as more dirty ideas corrupted his mind. However, fortunately or unfortunately for him, his thoughts were interrupted by a fearsome chill coming from the man who held him captive. Zaku noticed that Kurogane's blood red eyes were hidden in shadows while his tall body was surrounded by black aura that sent goose bumps all over Zaku's body. The mechanic had many beads of sweats that were formed out of fear assaulting all over his body. Ascot had a giant sweat droplet behind his head as he worried about the consequences that Fai set himself into.

There was a long uncomfortable silence between males while the females were innocently chatting between each other.

"Hoi." Kurogane finally broke the awkward silence, speaking to the most annoying person on his list, right above the annoying female ninja that he was unfortunate to meet in the Golden City.

"Hai?" Fai answered with an all-knowing smile plastered upon his pale face.

Kurogane slowly turned his face toward the annoying sorcerer with his forehead vein that almost looked like it was going to burst. People could tell that this behavior was a very, very, very bad thing but Fai just smiled as he provoked the assassin even more.

Few seconds later, mayhem and chaos filled the cafeteria as the ninja finally snapped and chased the sorcerer around. Fai was laughing as he was enjoying it while trotting around the cafeteria away from the scary swordsman. Kurogane also known the so called scary swordsman was chasing the sadistic blonde with his deadly katana drawn from his scabbard. The ninja roared angrily with red demonic eyes and sharp canine fangs, "I'M GOING TO F&&KING KILL YOU!"

Fai just mocked Kurogane in a casual and playful tone, "Ahhh! Kuro-wan is so scary!"

Tomoyo was witnessing the chase with a tiny sweat droplet on her forehead. She asked the others, "Shouldn't we stop them?" She was not really worried about her rude bodyguard but really concerned for the sorcerer that her bodyguard was chasing.

Yuzuriha just shrugged the craziness aside and smiled gently, "Not really, it's okay." She waved her hand to assured Tomoyo's concerns.

Umi closed her blue eyes and sighed frustratingly, "Yeah, these idiots always do this practically almost every day." She ignored the cheers for Fai coming from Hikaru, Chi, and Mokona. She opened her eyes and noticed something peculiar about Tomoyo's new action, "…What are you doing?" She raised her eye in suspicion.

Tomoyo was recording the chase scene with her video camera. Tomoyo glanced at Umi with a look that said that the answer was obvious, "Recording, of course. I miss YEARS of Sakura-chan's daily life and I don't plan to miss it now!" She said it with stars in her onyx eyes.

Umi just stared at the raven-haired girl with disbelief and then she smacked her own head, "You and your weird hobby."

Sakura sweat-dropped as she witnessed Tomoyo's passion again, "Tomoyo-chan." Sakura felt embarrassed of her best friend's hobby.

Kero looked away and stared at the screen, questioning Tomoyo's action, 'How the chase scene was related in any way to Sakura?'

Umi tried to change the subject, "Anyhow, pushing those idiots aside." Umi stared at Tomoyo with determined eyes, "I still think that the chief had special eyes on you!" She finally noticed that the girls were moving their breakfast trays away from her. She questioned their movement, "Huh? What? Why are you guys moving?" Her question was answered by an action.

"ALLEY-OOP!" Fai immediately soared over the girl's table, his feet nearly touched Umi's head right below him.

Umi was astonished as she glimpsed at Fai above her. Fai landed on his feet gracefully and bowed, "Ta-da!"

Umi was disturbed, "HEY, I'M TRYING TO EAT MY BREAKFAST HERE!" She was about to yell at Fai to go away until suddenly her face was pushed down to her own breakfast try, squishing her own food.

Apparently while Kurogane was chasing Fai, he stomped on Umi's head as a stepping stone and landed near Fai. He roared, "STOP RUNNING AWAY, YOU DAMN COWARD!"

Fai just chuckled amusingly as the ninja's threats had no effects on him, "Actually, I think you're the one who should run away."

Kurogane took offense on Fai's words and he glared, "Are you calling me a coward!" He dared the blonde to say it.

Fai just smiled innocently, "I don't really mean that," Then Kurogane noticed a powerful chilly angry aura, "I meant that." Fai pointed to the source of aura, making Kurogane glimpsed back.

A deadly flaming blue aura bordered the tall model girl as she slowly risen her head with blue glowing demonic eyes and her long hair strands seemed to defy gravity and deviate from her usual hairstyle. Those qualities made her look like as Touya quoted, "Medusa." The waffles flattened on her face and the syrup sauce dripping from her chin and hair just added the creepiness factor to her already scary look.

Kurogane had a tiny sweat droplet behind his head, "Um…"

Fai also had a sweat droplet but on his forehead. He caressed his face cheek and smiled nervously, "Oh mine, how scary." People were unsure if his tone was mocking or seriously scared.

Fai's comment just crossed the line and made Volcano Umi erupted. She gave a loud beastly roar, "I'M GOING TO KILL BOTH OF YOU!" She quickly stomped over the table and chased them around like a psycho woman she was.

Kurogane just ran away. Normally, he would stand up to anything but he does not underestimate the powerful wrath that women could unleash. He complained, "Why the f&&k is she chasing me for! This is your fault, damn blonde!"

Fai laughed tauntingly as he ran along aside the ninja, "Now, now, my fault is also entirely your fault."

Kurogane countered, "Like Hell it is!"

Umi kept chasing them with her legs as wheels. She growled with sharp fangs, "STAY STILL DAMNIT!" She narrowed her crazed furious eyes, "I PROMISE THIS WON'T HURT A BIT!" She laughed manically.

Fuu sweat-dropped as she watched the chase, "Umi, you need to calm down!" Then she quickly noticed that Hikaru, Chi, and Mokona, the naïve comedy trio, were also joining in the chase, naively thought that it was a fun game. Yuzuriha and Kero didn't join but they were betting on who would survive the chase. Fuu just sighed, "I give up." She knew she couldn't stop the usual chaos in the OMEGA Division.

Tomoyo couldn't help but laugh softly as she knew what Fuu had felt. It was indeed noisy and surprisingly crazy but it was the craziness that brought life into this weird team. The raven-haired girl stopped laughing as she noticed Sakura was also laughing too with an adorable expression. It seemed that Sakura was used to it and took enjoyment in the insanity brought upon. Tomoyo smiled gently as she gazed upon Sakura's beautiful smile. She closed her eyes and felt incredibly glad that one she loved could smile in the times of war.

"COME BACK, YOU IDIOTS! ARE YOU MEN OR MICE!" Umi insulted Kurogane's pride but of course, it wouldn't work on Fai.

Kurogane stopped running and turned around in response with his own red demonic eyes and sharp fangs, "WHO'RE YOU CALLING MICE!" Even if he doesn't underestimate the wrath of women, he would never dare let anyone get away with insulting his pride of being the strongest. Then again, he let a certain girl get away with it but that's only because he was not allowed to harm her since she's his "job." He mentally cursed himself for not being able to hurt the so called "bitch."

Fai also stopped running and made an innocent comment, "I don't mind being a mouse. A mouse is indeed meek and quite cute." Not really but he just love to annoy certain hot heads with his small random comments.

Kurogane glared back at Fai with a stress mark throbbing in his head, "Nobody asked you!"

Fai retorted with cocky answer, "Really? Umi-chan was asking."

Kurogane's vein just twitched harder and he spoke in annoyed tone, "I don't know who's more annoying, you damn blonde or the damn medusa/banshee." He thought the last line to himself, 'or that annoying bitch for a roommate.'

Suddenly a soup bowl whizzed past both men in an amazing speed of the fastest pitch that a baseball player could deliver. The bowl made a shattering sound as it crashed into the stucco wall and broke into hundreds of pieces. The plastic pieces made tiny sounds as it fell on the hard floor. Both men had a tiny sweat droplet as they watched the destruction of the bowl and they slowly looked back at Umi who now decided to use foods and utensils as weapons. She was holding forks, knives, and heck even spoons between her fingers.

Umi shouted a war cry, "TAKE THIS!" She tossed them as ninja daggers in deadly speed.

Kurogane and Fai avoided them with slightly difficulty but the wall suffered damages as the utensils were stabbed into the wall as darts stabbed into targets. Kurogane looked at Umi as she was insane, "DAMNIT WOMAN, YOU'RE CRAZY!"

Fai just moved around as he was in graceful dance, avoiding the sharp tools. He pondered out loud, "Hmmm…I wonder if I take it too far."

Kurogane yelled sarcastically, "JEEZE, YOU THINK!"

Umi took Chi's breakfast tray and aimed it, "SUFFER, YOU IDIOTS!" She tossed it with great strength, making the tray went so fast that the food remained stuck to it instead of sent flying away. Both Kurogane and Fai were alert and avoided it at the last moment before the tray was about to hit them. However at that last moment, a certain someone with midnight blue eyes entered the cafeteria at the worst timing.

Yuzuriha gasped as she recognized the new person in the room, "CHIEF, LOOK OUT!" She tried to warn him as quickly as possible.

Sakura's laughter was immediately replaced by concern as she yelled his name, "ERIOL-KUN!"

Eriol recently entered the cafeteria and already noticed a speeding tray heading his way. At this rate, it was not possible for Eriol to avoid but the wise sorcerer was not afraid. He smiled gently and closed his eyes as he concentrated on his magic. His hand glowed brightly, giving off a blue aura. The tray suddenly froze in midair, not moving an inch. Tomoyo stared at Eriol with amazement for it was her first time seeing Eriol's magic. With a single wave of his hand, the tray was sent flying back and crashed on Umi's face with great force. The impact was so great that it made Umi fell on her back. The audience except cold people like Kurogane stared in awe and at the same time, ignoring the poor blue-haired girl that had fallen. Eriol opened his eyes as he let go of his magic, "You shouldn't have done that." He smiled so gracefully.

Tomoyo continued to stare through his thin glasses and midnight blue eyes. She was indeed mesmerized by his calm exterior that he displayed in circumstances. Meanwhile Umi was suffering the horrible taste of Chi's breakfast. Sure, Chi said delicious but to everyone's popular belief, it was indeed terrible.

Eriol spoke with gentleness so great that it had the power to calm everyone down (and piss Kurogane off), "Good morning everyone. It's so good to see that everyone here is so active." He chuckled.

Hikaru exclaimed happily with happy sparkles in her background and cute rectangular blush on her cheeks, "GOOD MORNING, ERIOL-KUN!"

Chi followed Hikaru's example, "GOOD MORNING!" It showed that Hikaru's happiness was indeed contagious.

Fai even did the same thing with bright sparkles and cute blushes, "GOOD MORNING!" Yep, Hikaru's happiness was definitely indeed contagious.

Fuu was slight surprised that the Chief of the Omega Division was here, "Well this is indeed a surprise, Eriol-kun. You rarely visited us here."

Yuzuriha nodded in agreement, "That's right. You usually used Inuki to deliver the messages to us." Her husky barked happily.

Eriol smiled, "That is true indeed."

Kurogane crossed his arms and pierced Eriol's calm exterior look with his sharp eyes. He never liked Eriol because he seemed to know so much that the entire world could not hide itself but yet at the same time, he wouldn't give his helpful knowledge to his own comrades. Also there was the fact that Eriol can be sadistic as the annoying blonde. He questioned, "Why are you here?"

Eriol gazed at Kurogane with his ever calm smile, "Now what's wrong with visiting my own dear cohorts?"

Kurogane narrowed his sharp eyes, "Because that's not you and you never visit us unless there's a reason behind it."

Sakura tried to reprimand the ninja, "Kurogane-san that was rude to Eriol-kun."

Kurogane gave his death glare to the poor naïve girl that whimpered and quickly hid behind Tomoyo. The raven-haired girl glared back with her chilling eyes and frowned, "Don't scare Sakura-chan!"

Kurogane looked away with disgust, "Hmph, then tell the ditz not to bother me."

Tomoyo deeply pouted as Kurogane insulted her own special friend, "Don't you dare insult Sakura-chan!"

Kero flied protectively in front of Sakura and boasted, "YEAH, YOU'RE JUST JEALOUS THAT THEY ARE BETTER THAN YOU!" Since both Tomoyo and Sakura were not reserve pilots like Kurogane.

Kurogane immediately glared at Kero, sending him shivers through his small stuffed body. He scowled, "What do you say?"

"Calm down, Kurogane-san." Eriol interfered before the situation goes out of hand, "Kero-chan, you should restrain your comments in the future. Kurogane-san was indeed correct." He smiled again, "I have a mission for you."

Umi suddenly rose from her grave with all the food fallen off her face, revealing her normal human side instead of the scary psycho side that appeared few moments ago, "ANOTHER MISSION!"

Eriol nodded in response, "Yes, Umi-san."

Umi raised her eyes out of suspicion as she had doubts since she too hate his sadistic nature, "This is not some boring mission, right?"

The wizard chuckled softly and replied with a question, "Since when do I ever give you a boring mission?"

Umi rolled her eyes and silently thought to herself, 'OH SURE LIKE LAST TIME!' She rather be in the middle of the actions like Sakura and Tomoyo did in the previous mission. She hated doing scouting missions because most of the time there was no fighting. Although they were rushed to the battle site but Tomoyo had already saved the day with her new awakened magic.

"So what's the mission?" Fuu asked with curiosity in her tone.

Eriol started to explain, "First of all, this mission does not involve your Soukikais."

The pilots blinked in confusion and asked at the same time, "It does not?" Since usually all the missions before involved their giant magical weapons.

Umi looked at Eriol with disbelief, "What kind of mission is that?"

Eriol smiled, "A very simple mission. I just need you to retrieve a certain item for me." It sounded rather simple but his gentle tone just made it rather suspicious.

Hikaru blinked, "That seemed easy."

Sakura raised her hand to grab Eriol's attention, "What kind of item is it?"

Eriol looked at Sakura with proud revealing in his eyes. He had great faith in this girl because he was very aware of her potential. Tomoyo noticed the special attention reserved in his blue eyes and wondered if he had the same feelings as her. Eriol replied, "I'm glad that you ask. The item that I need you to get is a crystal."

Umi scoffed, "A crystal? That's it?" She held her hands at her hips to show her obvious doubts, "I thought we might have to escort something dangerous like a nuclear bomb."

Eriol laughed as Umi was joking around, "Of course not, silly." His tone became serious, "That's the mission for next week."

Umi suddenly paled in fear, "Seriously?" She should have known that Eriol would make them do something dangerous.

Eriol smiled slyly, "Just kidding."

Umi suddenly fell in response. She quickly got up and yelled with white angry eyes, "THAT'S NOT FUNNY!" She SHOULD have known that Eriol would trick them.

Eriol smirked, "Maybe not."

Umi paled again. Then again, she REALLY SHOULD had known that Eriol love to leave them confused.

Of course Kurogane suspected Eriol's motive from the start, "What's the catch?" He knew that there's something behind this "simple" mission.

Eriol closed his eyes and gave a sly smile that slightly freaked Kurogane out, "The crystal I seek is in the underground ruin below Hakone Shrine."

Fuu immediately gasped as she recognized the name, "The Hakone Shrine!"

Yuzuriha looked at Fuu questioningly, "You know about that place, Fuu-san?"

Fuu pushed her glasses up her nose and narrated, "Long time ago, Hakone Shrine used to be a famous tourist spot for its famous hot springs and its location next to Lake Ashi and near Mt. Fuji. However ever since the Ghouls attacked Japan, the Hakone Shrine was one of the unfortunate areas that was corrupted. Eventually due to the Operation Green Restoration, the Hakone Shrine's natural beauty recovered however people fear the return of the Ghouls, so they never bother visiting it, thus making the Shrine abandoned. Then years later, a brave adventurer visited the Hakone Shrine and made an amazing discovery."

Hikaru absorbed all the knowledge from Fuu, "Ohhh but what is the amazing discovery you mentioned?"

Mokona was standing on the top of Hikaru's head, asking the same question, "Pu!"

Fuu continued on, "The amazing discovery was actually an underground ruin right below the Hakone Shrine!" Her eyes suddenly glinted with bright stars on her golden orbs, "I never thought I would get the chance to explore the mysterious ruin! Imagine all the possible discoveries inside!"

Umi just looked at Fuu strangely and snapped her fingers, "Fuu? Fuu! Come back to planet Earth!"

Sakura gazed at Fuu with admiration, "Wow, Fuu-chan, where did you get all that?"

Fuu smiled as she was proud of herself, "I read it in one of many histories books in the library here. There are so many amazing things in those books."

Umi replied in bored tone, "Yeah, yeah, tell us later, bookworm." She glimpsed at Eriol, "So whose going?" She had a nagging feeling that she's going to be coming along on this boring mission.

"Of course, you." It seemed Eriol had read her mind.

Umi looked away with tears streaming from her closed eyes, 'I KNEW IT!'

Eriol said more names, "Also, Hikaru-san and Fuu-san, of course. Since you three girls did excellent work on your scouting missions and I'm sure I'll expect it from this mission too. I would also like Sakura-san and Tomoyo-san to come along for supports." Eriol glanced at each girl that he mentioned. He looked at Kurogane last and smirked.

Kurogane had a tiny sweat droplet as he knew what's going to happen and he won't definitely like it.

Eriol said another name, "Kurogane-san will also come too."

Kurogane twitched because he knew he had to go since he's the "secret" bodyguard of Tomoyo. He cursed himself, 'Damn everything to Hell! Stupid sadistic freak!'

Umi was stunned with her jawbone dropped, "EHHHHHHHHHH! HE'S ACTUALLY COMING! THAT ARROGANT IDIOT!" She pointed to Kurogane.

Kurogane twitched again, 'Oh how I'm going to kill that sadistic bastard.'

Eriol chuckled, "Do you have a problem with this arrangement?" His clear eyes showed Umi that she should not refuse him.

Umi just sweat-dropped and Fuu answered for her, "Of course not, we're just surprised since he rarely goes on a mission with the likes of us. Could there be a special reason behind this arrangement?"

Tomoyo wore an unnoticeable sweat droplet since she was the very "reason."

Eriol replied, "No reason, really." He kept his promise to keep Tomoyo's bodyguard a secret.


Kurogane's third forehead vein twitched, 'Great, I have to be a babysitter for a group of annoyances!'

Sakura bowed politely, "Arigatou for coming, Kurogane-san."

"I had a bad feeling about this," Kero commented.

Kurogane just looked away and growled, "BLAH!" He really hated babysitting annoying girls. It was bad enough that he had to protect one annoying girl but now he had to go with five annoying girls.

Eriol smiled as he was amused by Kurogane's response, "Don't worry, Kurogane-san, you won't do the babysitting."

Kurogane's many forehead veins throbbed at the same time and he gave the most deadly glare he mustered at Eriol. The most annoying thing about Eriol was that he had the canny to read people's minds.

Eriol's smile grew wider and he turned his eyes toward Fai, "Fai-san, can I trust you to watch over them?"

Fai smiled as he knew what Eriol was doing, "SURE, ERIOL-SAN!" After all, great sadistic minds thought alike.

Kurogane finally exploded, "NANI!"

Umi yelled at the same time as Kurogane, "NANI!"

Fai waved his finger at Kurogane as he nagged him, "Kuro-mu, don't misbehave or I'll have to punish you for being a naughty child." Fai laughed, "You too, Umi-chan."

Kurogane held his shaking hand toward Fai as he so wanted to choke him dearly. He thought to himself, 'OF ALL THE ANNOYING THINGS, THIS STUPID BLONDE IS IN CHARGE OF BABYSITTING!' What really pissed him off was that he's the "baby" under Fai's care.

Umi rubbed her head as she groaned, "I'm getting a headache!"

Chi waved her hand to grab the wizard's attention, "Can Chi come along?"

Eriol nodded "Of course you can. It would be nice for Fai-san to receive a bit of help."

"CHI!" Chi grinned in response.

"HEY, I WANT TO COME ALONG TOO!" Zazu hated the feeling of being left alone because he's younger than them.

Ascot blushed slightly, "Um…I wanted to come too."

"You both cannot come." Eriol answered.

"Huh, why not!" Zazu demanded until he suddenly felt a familiar aura that could only belonged to one person. He jumped in fear as a hand grabbed his shoulder. He gulped as he slowly looked back and saw a woman who looked extremely furious, "Um…Hi, Presea-senpai?"

Presea looked scary with her furious face glowing fiery in the dark background. She hissed evilly, "ZAZU, don't tell you forgotten your duties?"

Zazu whined, "Forgot what?" He dared ask because he seriously didn't know.

Presea smacked him with a POW, "YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO FINISH REPAIRING THE SOUKIKAI AFTER BREAKFAST!" She glared vehemently, "I was left in the hanger all alone by myself, wondering where my assistants are and I find you here, planning to abandon me."

Zazu cried, "I didn't really mean it!" He waved his arms frantically.

Presea suddenly changed into her dreadful mode as she declared to Zazu, "YOU WILL BE PUNISHED!"


Presea glared at Ascot, "DON'T EVEN THINK OF RUNNING AWAY!"

Ascot had a giant sweat droplet, 'So much for being invisible.'

Presea dragged Zazu out of the cafeteria with Ascot following them, "COME ON WE HAVE MANY REPAIRS TO DO!"

Umi couldn't help but smirked, "SUCKS TO BE YOU, BRAT!"

Sakura sweat-dropped, "That was mean." Her eyes shone with deep concerns for the poor mechanic.

Yuzuriha also asked, "Could I join too?" She never got to have much action too since the previous mission. Inuki barked as he begged to go too.

Eriol laughed softly, "Sorry but I need you here for another mission."

Yuzuriha blinked and questioned Inuki, "Another mission? Do you know anything about it?" Inuki barked back that he also doesn't know too.

"Your mission will begin now and I expect you all back by the end of the day. Fuu-san, since you're knowledgeable about the Hakone Shrine, I'm putting you in charge of this mission." Eriol ordered.

Fuu saluted, "I won't fail you, Chief!"

Eriol smiled, "Excellent."

Meanwhile, south of Tokyo, there was a large pool filled with water that was clear as crystal. Under the great sun, the water shone so bright as the glassed window where fishes could be seen at the bottom of the pool. It was the famous Lake Ashi that once lost its beauty due to the rampage of the Ghouls but with the help of the Restoration from the Alliance, the lake had regained its former beauty. Right next to Lake Ashi, was a huge mountain surrounded by many peaks and filled with trees, adding colors to the brown mountain. After the Restoration, animals finally lived there in peace without fear of the larger known predators. Long time ago, people would visit this mountain to visit a shrine on the summit but no more. However, there was one visitor. On the top of the summit that barely reached the clouds and showered with the atmosphere dew, there was a temple that was unscathed during the attacks. For many years, the temple's artistic structure lasted and entertained many tourists. It was the Hakone Shrine. Before the Shrine, there was a large red temple gate that served as entrance. One man stood before the red gate, staring at the lasting structure.

The green-haired man smirked, "I thought I might find treasure here and it turns out my guts are right." His golden eyes glistened with excitement, "This hunt I won't fail or my name isn't Ferio."


Kurogane: Huh? It's my turn? HELL NO! I'M NOT DOING THIS CRAP! NOT AFTER I EMBARRASED MYSELF IN FRONT OF THAT BITCH:he grumbled: Fine, we went inside the ruin and fell into many traps. We met some annoying treasure hunter and we finally found the crystal. HAPPY?

Author: …um…that's kind of short and…you spoiled the story.

Kurogane glared: I SAID HAPPY!

Author whimpered: It's perfect.

Next Operation: The Golden Crystal

Author cried on Tomoyo: HE WAS SCARY! WAHHHHHH!

Tomoyo sighed: Kurogane-chan can be so rude.

There are no words to express my apology again. I'll keep apologizing again and again until my own characters and readers forgive me! I have committed a great sin and I could never forgive myself! Anyhow I think I add WAY TOO MUCH DIALOGUE! Because this chapter goes longer than I thought. I was planning to have Ferio met with Fuu. (of course) But I realize that would take MORE PAGES than 20-30 pages as usual. But man, lately there had been no Soukikais actions but not to worry! There will be plenty of them in the next chapter. As for the next chapter! I WILL HAVE IT BY THE END OF THE WEEK!...TWO WEEKS!...FEW WEEKS!...BY THE END OF MONTH AT MOST! Depends on my annoying annoying schoolwork and family problems. Do you ever wish your family could just leave you alone sometimes? Sigh. Again, my apologies for MY ULTRA LATE UPDATE, MY GRAMMAR MISTAKES, MY LACK OF MANY DESCRIPTIVE WORDS, CHARACTERS MAY SEEMED OOC, AND SPELLING MISTAKES! WHEW! That's lot of apologies and I'll keep apologizing. I'M SORRY, EVERYONE! ...I hope you guys still review. Gomennasi.


Does anyone know any good website with excellent information on all the characters from CLAMP works? If not, could I ask for Magic Knight Rayearth informative site? I LOST MY MAGIC KNIGHT RAYEARTH BOOKS:Cries: This must be the punishment for my cruel lateness.