
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters… No surprise there

Chapter 1: Moonlit crimson

A shudder ran up my spine; shaking me to the very core of my being. A rancid taste filled my mouth as bile rose up in the back of my throat; I barely managed to hold back what little I ate for dinner. I focused my eyes on the door at the end of the hall; my feet slamming against the floor with each step seemingly in slow motion.

I knew what laid behind that door and it brought a sickness to my heart as I neared the door. The door- mere feet away but it felt like hours to me. A sudden noise sounded from behind the door, barely audible to my ears and it caused my heart to speed up and dread to fill my mind.

Oh god... please no...

The cold door knob was now caught in my palm and I was turning it- shoving it open and I was in familiar room but it laid raged and torn in front of my feet. Dressers were over turned and clothes scattered about the room…

God… What happened here…?

A scent filled my nostrils and it was one that was too familiar for my liking.


My eyes moved towards the far end of the room… something red catching my eyes.

A trail of dark crimson was lit by dim moonlight and my eyes could only stare forward yet my mind screamed for them to turn away. My lips parted in a silent gasp. The trail of blood led to the still body of Vegeta. His eyes wide- staring forward to me... past me to the open door I entered the room through. Snapped bones glistened almost beautifully in the light; they had been shoved through the tan skin of his arm, which now was twisted as was his ankle. His clothes were torn in various places, the cloth pulled back to reveal gaping wounds. Scratches littered his face, one across his cheek and another on his forehead. It was as if someone had attacked them and barely grazed the skin.

His body was doused in blood; all of it couldn't possibly have come from him… I shook my head in denial as I tried to rid my mind of the demons I knew would plague it. My hand reached forward to his broken body as I said his name lowly. I couldn't tell if he was alive or not, I almost wished... he wasn't.

His pupils shifted slowly towards me and I jumped back, startled by the not so sudden movement but surprising none the less. His eyes were dull and lifeless but his heart was beating steadily under a snapped ribcage. No where in his eyes was pain. Only a blank confused stare met mine. "Vegeta… who did this to you?" My eyes narrowed at the thought.

Who could have committed such a heinous act? I have seen some horrible things in my life, but nothing like our life has been in the last 6 days. I've seen Earth explode, my children going with it... but this? Brutal murders without reason. Innocent people are being killed and there is nothing I can do about it… I can only try and stop it and so far...

My eyes flickered over Vegeta; he has been through so much in the last few days. Physically… he doesn't look too well I can only hope that mentally he is doing much better than I am. I moved from my own thoughts back to Vegeta. I need to get him to Bulma immediately so she can put him in the regeneration tank. Maybe he could explain what happened…

"I'm going to pick you up ohkay?" He gave a painful nod and I bent down, pulling him into my arm and holding him close to my chest. He shivered lightly and his teeth chattered together as I began walking from the room. Vegeta let his eyes slowly slide shut as I started down the stairs... knowing it would only get worse from here out.

To be continued…

Agent182: Yes, short but it's all that needed to be written in this chapter… I know I have a lot of stuff to update and I'm going to get back, into the swing of things hopefully soon. The next chapter should be up quickly... I am already in progress of writing it. I hope you liked it and as always it is nice to see what you think.