Chapter 1

"Pan, who is that guy standing over there?" Bra asked Pan.

"Which one Bra? There are about 20 of them over there!" Pan replied as she put her books in her locker and stood up and looked at the cluster of guys more closely.

"The one with the dark black hair with the yellow shirt and black pants on," Bra replied grinning at Pan.

"Oh you mean him! He's new. His name is Brad and he is in the same grade as Trunks and Goten. He has a little sister, too who is in our grade but I haven't seen her yet and I'm not sure of her name either," Pan said.

"He's cute, don't you think?" Bra asked.

"I guess. Bra you better watch how loud you say things like that, you know how keen Uncle Goten's ears are, and if he hears you, you know what he will say. To tell you the truth Bra what you and my uncle do is your business, but I really don't want to here him whine!" Pan said sighing.

"And what were you two ladies talking about?" A Goten said as he slid his arm around Bra and turned her around and kissed her.

"Get a room," Pan said looking disgusted.

Before Goten said anything, Trunks walked up with a girl attached to his arm and said, "What's up?"

"Nothing much big brother, so who is the girl?" Bra replied.

"Oh yeah, this Stephanie, and her and her brother just moved here," Trunks replied.

At the sight of the girl attached to Trunks' arm Pan's thought her heart would break into a million pieces. She had to get out of there before she started to cry in front of everyone. "I have to go and help my dad pick out his anniversary gift for mom, you know how bad he is at things like that," Pan said cheerfully as she started to walk away.

"I promised Pan I would help so I better go before she gets too far ahead of me," Bra said taking off in Pan's direction.

"What's wrong Pan?" You took off so quickly, and your parents already had their anniversary like four months ago," Bra asked walking beside Pan.

"I can't fool you, can I?" Pan said trying to hide the hurt in her voice.

"No you can't! For one what are friends for and for two I've known you since forever," Bra replied, "Now let's go to the mall; then back to your house so you can grab some clothes and then we'll go back to my house and spend the weekend. Sound good? Good. Then you can tell me why you left so quickly."

"Yeah, sounds like fun," Pan said skeptically.

"Okay let's go," Bra replied ignoring Pan's skeptical tone.

Meanwhile, Trunks and Goten were having a conversation of their own, "So Goten what are you doing this weekend?" Trunks ask keeping his arm around Stephanie.

"Nothin.' You?"

"Nothin. Why don't you come over to my house for the weekend and we can chill?"

"Sounds great. In that case I have to run home and get some things. I'll meet you at your house. Oh and nice to meet you Stephanie. Talk to you later Trunks. Bye," and on that note Goten turned and left.

"Hey Steph, I gotta go now. So I will talk to you later," Trunks said giving her a kiss.

"Alright, I will call you this weekend sometime." On that note they parted ways and headed home.

That was the first chapter. Will add the second soon. I hope you liked it. Please email me and tell me what you thought of it so far. My email is email. This is my fist fan fic.