Disclaimer: I Own Inuyasha and Saiyuki... In My Dreams (cries)

Chapter 1: The Two-Tailed Demon Cat Karou/New Friends

It's been ayear since the Inu group began searching for the jewel shards. Naraku had well over half of the jewel, Kagome had only 1 fragment, (1 fragment equals 4 shards) and Koga had half of a fragment, and that's it. Many things have changed over a year's time. Like Sango and Miroku were finally together, Shippo was older and less annoying, Kikyo; Koga; and Sesshomauru joined the group, and Inuyasha& Kikyo; Miroku&Sango were now mates. Kagome well... she was over Inuyasha a long time ago. (On with the real story)

A gorgeous 16 year old girl climbed out of the well that lead to her time. She no longer carried that large book bag, she now carried a regular sized one. Herbeautiful sapphire eyes glistened with joy, innocence, and pureness. She smiled her golden smile and walked to the village near by. Suddenly she sensed 2 demons, 1 hanyou, and some kind of holy being. She heard looked around just in case, but all she did was hear yelling and a vehicle? She thougt," that's weird I didn't know there were cars in the Fuedule Era?" She was snapped out of her thoughts when she saw a jeep coming towards. She yelled," STOP YOU IDIOT!" And it instantly stopped. The girl was scared and angry at the idiot driver. She huffed and walked over the side of the to see who was about to hit her. She saw4 VERY attractive guys and blushed but it instantly faded and she yelled/asked/scolded them," HELLO YOU ALOMST RAN ME OVER HERE. YOU NEED TO WATCH WHERE YOU'RE DRIVING. BECAUSE IF YOU WOULD OF HIT ME OR SOMETHING TRUST YOU'LL BE INA WORLD OF PAIN. ANYWAY WHY ARE YOU DRIVING IN THE MIDDLE OF A FOREST? HAVE YOU EVER HEARD OF WALKING. YOU SHOULD TRY IT SOME TIME!"

Thedriver said," um, I'm sorry miss. I wasn't watching the road." The girl snorted at his politeness and said," and my name is Kagome not miss. Miss is for old ladies." Then suddenly the youngest one jumped out the jeep and said cheerily," and I'm Goku." Kagome couldn't help but grin at his attitude. Then the driver said," I'm Hakkai and that's Sanzo." He pointed to the monk who was smoking, not paying attention to her at all. Then the ed head and seductively," I'm Gojyo and maybe we should hang out dsome time. I know lets find the nearets inn and rent a room for ourselves for the night." Kagomeface was red from anger and embarrassment. Then suddenly: SLAP! BONK! BAM! TWACK! Kagome slapped him, Goku and Hakkai hit him on the head, and Sanzo hit with his fan.(Oooooohhhh, I think I see jealousy from Goku, Sanzo, and Hakkai) Kagome changed the subject," so what are you doing here?" Sanzo finally spoke," we're looking for some one." She asked," really? Who? Maybe I can help you. I know almost everyone around here." Goku said," I forgot." Everyone else nodded in agreement and tried to remember the person who they were looking for.

Goku: Um, young preistess...

Hakkai: Who wears skimpy clothes...

Sanzo: That can sense the shards of The Shikon No Tama...

Gojyo: And was very humble and beautiful...

Kagome: - -

After 5 minutes of thinking of her. Kagome sighed and said finally," guys... that's me." They stared at her in shock,she asked," what do you want with me?" Hakkai said," we're supposed to be you personal body guards." Kagome said," cool, lets go you must meet my friends." They nodded in agreement and Kagome said," make room for your princess." Sanzo snorted and they others laughed. Kagome said," let me drive."

" Can you even drive?"

" Yeah... sort of."


" Hey, you made you king of the jeep, Hakkai's the driver so he gets to decide if can drive or not."

" Um... I think it'll be okay."

"Yeah, move over."

5 minutes later At the Village

They all got out of Hakaryu and he transformed into his dragon form. Gojyo was shaking, Goku was twitching, Hakkaiwas stiff, and Sanzo was trying to get twigs and dirt out of his hair. Kagome asked," how did I do?" Sanzo managed to say," terrible." Kagome ignored him and nearly shouted," I'm back guys." Then she was tackled by Shippo, Kilala, and Sango.

" Kags-chan."

" Oka-san." (sp)

" San-chan, Shippo-chan hi."

" Welcome back, Lady Kagome."

" It's good to be back, Miroku-sama."

" Hello, reincarnation."

" Greetings, Kikyo."




They were shocked to see that Goku hit Inuyasha with his staff. (Pole, staff, stick, same thing) Inuyasha had a HUGE RED lump on his head. He asked," who are you bastards?"

" I'm Goku."

" Hakkai."

" Gojyo."

" Sanzo."




" Actually we're her personal body guards."

" Hey guys?"

" Yeah?"

" From on, I want to call me... PRINCESS."

" - -"

" I'd perfer calling you Sexy Goddess of Seduction."

" OKAY!"


" Hey I hear something."

Everyone turned around her rustling in some bushes. Kagome walked toward it and gasped. She saw a two-tailed demon cat like Kirara/Kilala except this cat's eyes were deep sea blue instead of crimson blood red. It meowed at her and Kagome smiled. They others came over and it transformed into a huge cat and growled at them.



Everyone got out of fighting stance and it transformed back into the cute cat it already was. Kagome asked," I'm gonna keep her and her name is Karou." Sango squealed and said," how cute." (Karou's name is pronounced Ca-ru) Karou jumped on Kagome's shoulder and meowed at Kilala. Kilala meowed back and jumped on Kagome's other shoulder. Inuyasha yelled," there's no way you're keeping it, wench. That stinky cat is already enough for me. I HATE CATS." Sango yelled," hey she smells better than you." Inuyasha snorted and Kagome and Sango pounced on him. After 5 minuted, Inuyasha was missing a tooth, had 2 more large lumps on his head, had 2 blaxk eyes, was bruised almost everywhere. The sun was setting and Kagome yawned. Inuyasha said," aw, too bad you're tired because we're looking for the shard starting now." Then Kikyo yawned and he said quickly," alrigh, it's time for bed." They all went into the hut and went to bed. Except Inuyasha and the Saiyuki gang. (Duh.) Sanzo asked," shouldn't half breeds go to sleep? They are weak after all." Gojyo said," hey." Goku said," that includes you." Inuyasha said," I don't trustyou my Kagome." Goku asked," aren't you mated with that dead bitch?" Inuyasha said cockly," of course but I can still have both of them." They yelled," YOU CAN'T HAVE KAGOME!" Their asleep companions moaned and rolled over. The boys argued until they fell asleep.

End of Chapter!

AN: Sorry, for the grammar and mispelled words. I'M JUST A KID AFTER ALL! Don't blame me. Tell me how you really feel about it. Good or Bad? If something confuses you or you have a question tell me. And in the next chapter I'll try make things clear to the best of my abilities. Don't ask about pairings because I'm gonna tell you now.

Kagome/OCC (Well, the Saiyuki Gang to be exact)

Some: Sango/Miroku


So tell me your real opinion. Flames R Welcome In All My Stories, so flame away. I'm new at this so give me some pointers. If you review, I'll give you another chapter ok.

Keep it real, peace out.

Cute Angel Girl