Disclaimer - I do not own Naruto...Never did...Never will...sigh

Aishiteru Naruto

Chapter 1- The locked door.

written by - Treina

Naruto - Age: three

Three years after a certain demon was sealed into a certain baby, the hidden village of Konoha was just beginning to go back into peace. People were able to smile again, even those who lost family members due to the demon kitsune, everyone was able to laugh again. In these days the Uchiha clan was still around and Hyuuga Neji had not yet received his curse seal.

On this day, everyone was for the most part, happy. Everyone but one boy that is, while every other little three year old boy and girl was out living a normal life, Uzumaki Naruto was already living a hard one. There he stood in front of the entire village council, who were still trying to figure out what to do with him. There was no one in the village who would take him.

For the past three years the Third Hokage watched over him. Naruto stayed in a small room in the Third's apartment, there was no one and nothing to ever play with, but Naruto didn't really care, he stayed in his room, waiting for the third to get home. The Hokage grew to love the little boy, but felt sad for him as well, no one would take this sweet boy in with them and there was not much that he could do for the boy, although he would try.

But the Hokage went the country of mist accompanied by ANBU for a mission. The council reassured the Third that they would find someone to take Naruto in until he returned, but this task seemed to be harder then they thought. The council finally had to pay a great amount of money in order to find someone to take him for two days.

So a confused three year old Naruto with small tears in his eyes stood in front of the council, having no idea what was going on and where the Third went. A kind old man brought a small chair for the blond and sat him down. There Naruto waited, he thought he was waiting for the Third to arrive, but he was greatly mistaken.

Fifteen minutes later a woman came walking in, not looking to happy, or friendly. She walked up to the long table and exchanged a few words with the council, they handed her a thick envelope and then she turned around, scowling at the little three year old blond. She quickly grabbed his wrist and led him to her small house in the middle of the village.

When he first stepped into the house he noticed how wonderful it smelled, almost like flower field in the village, but there was another smell mixed with it, one he couldn't describe.

The woman led him down a small hallway, Naruto noticed a small boy around his age poking his head out of the door, Naruto smiled and waved his hand, but the other little boy stepped back into his room and closed the door. Soon the woman came to another door at the end of the hallway, she opened it and led him inside.

"Now you just stay in here and be quiet, I will bring you some food later," the woman said.
Naruto smiled and nodded his head, "kay"
But the woman closed the door, locking him in, he could hear her footsteps walking down the hall. Naruto did as he was told, and for hours he just sat on his bed quietly, smiling, thinking about what kind of food that he would be getting for dinner, taking in the nice new smell of the house.

Soon it got dark and finally he heard someone un-locking the door, the woman stepped into the room, placed a plate of food on the and left, locking the door once again. From the other side of the door Naruto could hear the woman, "go to bed after you eat," then the sound of footsteps walking down the hall once again.

Well this was something new, usually the Third would always feed him, and what was this green stuff? Naruto sat for a long time staring at his plate, wondering if he should dare try to eat this strange food that sat in front of him. He took a bite, deciding it was good, he ate the rest, leaving the green stuff un-touched. He was a mess, the bed was a mess, what do you expect? He is a three year old. Feeling his eyes drop he opened them wide, trying to fight the sleep. He had to wait for the Third.

Three o clock in the morning Naruto snapped awake from a terrible nightmare, crying he went to leave the room in search for that woman, but the door was locked. Naruto banged on the door screaming.

The woman awoke to someone screaming at the top of their lungs banging on a door.
"Noooooooooooooooooo! AAAHhhhhhhhhhhh"
The woman dashed out of her room and down the hall to see her little boy standing in front of Naruto's door. She realized that it was Naruto who was doing all the screaming, she frowned, walked up to the door and banged on it as well.
"Stay quiet in there!" The yelled, turning to her son who was almost in tears himself.
"You go back to your room," she ordered her son and he ran off into his room, closing the door.

The young beautiful woman took out her keys and un-locked the door to take a peek inside. When she looked, she saw a very terrified Naruto, tear stained cheeks, snot running down his nose.
"Go back to bed"
Naruto shook his head no, more tears welling up in his eyes.
"You better be quiet!" She demanded and closed the door once again, locking it.

What was she supposed to do? Let this little demon run around her house? She didn't care what he looked like, as far as she was concerned, he was dangerous. She wouldn't even allow him here if it wasn't for how hard things were getting, her husband died in the Kyuubi massacre and was only living on what little she was able to sell.

True things were getting better in the long run, the city was in peace and people could once again be happy. But the destruction caused by the demon fox was massive and the economy was still in the low, there were more homeless people and children in the streets. The only thing that this city had going for them was their allies who would deliver food and supplies weekly after they heard about the Kistune tragedy.

What choice did she have but to accept this demon into her house for a few days? She thought it would be simple enough to just keep him locked in that room, but now she was greatly regretting her decision, Naruto had been screaming for hours now, her son began crying too and she knew that this had to stop.

Naruto was terrified out of his mind, it was pitch black in his room and the door wouldn't open, his eyes played terrible tricks on him in the dark. Naruto turned his head away from the door to look into the darkness, more tears ran down his eyes. He screamed once more, attempting to open this wretched door. Soon the woman opened the door and scowled at the little boy.

"What are you doing!" She yelled in very mean, ugly voice.
Naruto ran into the woman, hugging her legs. But the woman jerked away pushing him off her, "don't touch me! Do you hear me?" She screamed, making her son burst into tears once again.
"Go to bed!" She demanded, pointing to her son, and he ran back into his room.
"You..." She said in a angry voice, fists clenched.


It happened so fast, he was screaming his head off, causing her son to scream his head off. She never realized that a three year old child could scream for four hours strait, she even had to explain to a group of Jounnins that showed up at her door. But now it was quiet, not a sound in the house, even her son didn't make a noise after he heard the sound of someone getting hit, he was confused, he had never seen his Mommy get that mad before.

There Naruto lay, eyes closed, unconscious. He had a huge red mark on the side of his face that was beginning to swell. The woman stood in the hallway, hands shaking, body shaking, her mind was racing two hundred miles an hour. In a way she felt relived, this little demon boy killed her husband a week after she had birth to her son, since then her life had been hell. But she still felt like she could not get even, she would have to kill the boy. The only problem was the council, they would never allow her to get away with it, they would either lock her up or kill her for sure.

'But why would they want this demon? Why would they keep us all in danger by letting it live?'

By the time Naruto woke up it was already past noon and he was back in that room, but at least it wasn't dark. He sat up dizzily, feeling the pain in his cheek, tears began to weld up in his eyes once more. He looked on the foot of the bed and there was food sitting there once again, at the foot of his bed, but eating was not on his mind. He was going to get the hell out of there, but alas the door was locked and the window was way to high for him to reach, so he cried some more.

The woman sitting in the kitchen heard that it was awake and decided that she couldn't stand it anymore, she would no longer allow this thing to disrupt her house and what was left of her family. She would give half the money back to the council if they wanted, she would no longer harbor the very thing that tore her family apart.

"Stay in your room hun, Mommy is going to go drop off that screaming thing," she explained to her son.
Out of all that his mother said, he understood stay in your room very well, and he would do just that and try to make sure that he wouldn't get his Mommy as mad as she was this morning.

Soon Naruto found himself being dragged somewhere by that mean woman, but he was happy enough to be outside and not in that room. Naruto decided he hated that smell that he once loved and he never wanted to smell it ever again.

To Be Continued---

A/N - Yeah I know its short but hey, its a side fic, these damned plot bunny's wouldn't leave me alone while I was trying to sleep so I decided that sleep was not what I needed. I needed to get these ideas out of my head and onto paper so I could continue with my other fic, okay im rambling now...gomen...by the way, the son of "the woman" in this fic, he is not anyone in particular...he is just some side character. Please note that this does have child abuse in it...it is a story about Naruto's tragic childhood ne?