Disclaimer: Does not own any Inuyasha!
Ok well here is a good story for you! I hope that this story is as good as my other ones. I hope you enjoy reading it. As I enjoyed writing it.
Chapter 1:
It was a nice beautiful day in the feudal era.
It was just Inuyasha, Sango, Miroku, and Shippo.
Kagome was back in her time studying for a test she had to take.
There were no demons around so it was just a day of relaxation for everyone.
"Ahh, I am so glad we can take a break" Shippo said in a huge sigh of relief.
"Hey, Miroku, how about we go for a walk" Sango said blushing.
"Um sure Sango" Miroku said trying to go for Sango's butt.
"Miroku, don't even think about it" Sango said angrily.
"Alright well lets go" Miroku said worriedly.
"Hey Miroku" Sango said.
She wanted to tell Miroku so bad that she loved him. Today would be the day.
"Miroku. I...I love you" Sango said blushing.
"Sango, I never new you felt that way about me" Miroku said in shock.
"I'm sorry Sango, but I like you as a friend" Miroku said.
Sango cried and ran off.
"Sango" he called.
She was crying in the hut they were staying at.
"Sango, don't cry over him, Inuyasha said walking in"
She kept crying.
"Uhm, it will be ok Sango" Inuyasha said. Not knowing what to do.
"Ok" Sango said drying her eyes.
"Inuyasha, I don't know what to do anymore' she said acting helpless.
"It will be ok" Inuyasha said while sitting next to her.
"Alright' Sango said smiling.
"Inuyasha do you think you could walk with me to Kaede's house to get my Hiraikotsu" Sango said.
'Wow I have never felt this way about Inuyasha before" She thought
"Sure' Inuyasha said standing up.
"Alright, lets go, then we can meet shippo, and Kagome by the well" Sango said happily.
"Right" Inuyasha said getting a little freaked out.
Sango and Inuyasha had finally made it to Kaede's house.
There Sango grabbed her hiraikotsu and they left for the well.
Miroku had walked passed them.
Sango quickly wrapped her arm around Inuyasha's to try and make miroku mad.
Inuyasha quickly moved his arm out of her's when Miroku left.
"Fool, what are you ding" Inuyasha yelled.
"I don't know" she said.
"Ok" Inuyasha said
"Inuyasha will you stay near me, I feel a little alone without Miroku next to me" Sango said.
"Alright but only until Kagome gets back" Inuyasha said.
'I got a bad feeling about this' he thought.
Alright that was the first chapter. I hope you liked it. There will be a second chapter If I get some reviews. Read and Review please!