Sasuke now liked the sound of the plan while Itachi just liked anything that made him have a little fun. Besides he already had his eyes on Sakura and doing her was already part of his plans.
" NOW GO!" Orochimaru said to itachi. Itachi vanished.
" Sasuke, I want you to tell the others to kill the prostitutes! No person that knows this girl must live!" Orochimaru said while Sasuke smirked then left!
(A small house in the middle of the forest right outside of Edo)
Naruto was carrying Sakura all the from Orochimaru's mansion. Naruto wasn't tired one bit because he had been training for the day he might fight Sasuke. As Naruto and Sakura entered the small house Naruto looked over to Sakura to make sure she was alright.
" Are you okay Sakura-chan?" Naruto asked with concern in his voice.
Sakura looked at him with tears in her beutiful emerald eyes and shook her head.
" No, Naruto-kun...I'm sorry you're going thru all this just for me! This is all my fault! " Sakura said as she began to let the tears come out voluntarily from her eyes.
Naruto looked at her then he slapped her right across the face but not hard enough to make her bleed.
" Sakura-chan, don't say such stupid things. If this were your fault then you would have taken up that job without any worried and I probably would have over looked you. I did this out of my own free will. I don't need you blaming yourself." Naruto said with a smile on his face which made Sakura cry even harder. But not because of sorrow but out of gratitude.
" Naruto-kun...thank you!" Sakura said as she jumped into his arms crying. Naruto embraced her without thinking it twice.
Naruto took Sakura's hand and walked in with her inside the house.
" Listen Sakura-chan, this used to be my old house before I joined Orochimaru...and I want you to live with me here until I can find a safer spot for us to live in. I know this might sound disgraceful but for now I think we should at least act like husband and wife even though we are not. It will look like we are lovers. I'm sorry Sakura-chan." Naruto said as his head went lower from saying this.
Sakura lifted his head with her hand and gently touching his face which made him look up to her.
" I don't care what others think anymore. My mind has changed in just one full moon but I have no regrets Naruto-kun. The first time I saw you, I knew I had fallen in love." Sakura said sweetly to naruto who just smiled.
Sakura neared Naruto and then gently placed her soft pink lips on Naruto's lips. Both ends met.
Naruto slipped his tongue into Sakura's mouth while Sakura savored the taste of his tongue and followed his lead. As they were about to get a bit more intimate they both heard a loud explosion.
" What was that Naruto-kun!" Sakura asked while being full fright. Naruto went to look out and he saw a fire in the same direction they had come from...Orochimaru's castle.
" I'll go look and if you hear anyone run thru the back way and don't look back Sakura-chan! I'll be right back!." Naruto said as he disappeared into the night.
" Oh Buddha please let Narruto-kun be alright." Sakura said as she looked at him leave.
( 1 hour later)
Sakura was still waiting for Naruto to come back but all of a sudden she heard the door slide open. Sakura was enthusiastic! She was about to go greet him but she remembered he said if she heard anything she should run. Besides if it was Naruto he would say something.
Sakura sneeked away but then a hand pulled her back.
Someone slapped Sakura so she could be quiet. Sakura turned back to see who it was and she remembered those blood red eyes. It was the same man who had tried to rape her before.
" Uchiha Itachi, is the name you should keep in mind Sakura-chan." said Itachi calmly walking towards her then pulled her by her hair.
" AHHHHH!" Sakura screamed from feeling shooting pain from her head while Itachi mercilessly pulled her up towards him.
He grabbed Sakura while she struggled to get loose even just a bit which just made smirk.
" Please let me go! What have I done to you for you to do this to me!" Sakura shouted at Itachi while he just smiled at her frustration and anger.
" Nothing but it has been a while since Orochimaru let me have fun which such a luscious woman." Itachi answered her as he dropped her on the ground and took out a dagger from the inside of his shirt.
Sakura looked back at him with fear in her eyes but she remembered she had to do something unless she wanted to die.
Sakura grabbed a nearby plant at hit Itachi in head but to her shock he shook his head to reveal not even a trace of blood.
Shit! Now what am I going to do? This psychopath is capable of killing me! Oh no! Sakura thought out while Itachi came closer to her and then grabbed her wrists and then slammed her to the ground with him on top.
( Okay...this is my first attempt at lemons! Please don't kill me if it sucks! but this is a warning to those who don't like lemons! )
" Sakura-chan...sorry but I have to make sure you end up pregnant...think of it this way...You will be carrying the heir to the Uchiha's bloodline...okay?" Itachi said in a trying-to-be sweet voice.
" NO! PLEASE!" Sakura pleaded one last time before Itachi slapped her so hard that blood began to drip from her mouth.
Itachi grabbed the dagger and placed it above Sakura which frightened the girl but instead he used it to cut the obi around the kimono.
Itachi then pulled on the obi that loosely came off while the rest of the kimono fell off loosely which made Itachi lick his lips in lust.
Sakura just let tears come out of her eyes because she knew it was futile for her to scream because this was a spot far away from Edo, no one would hear her.
Itachi opened her Kimono up and began to take it off. Sakura still tried to resist but this just made Itachi get more turnon.
Itachi went down to her stomach and began to lick it while Sakura just began to cry because she didn't want to loose her virginity before marriage or become pregnant from some freak who just wanted to taste her body.
" Please stop!" Sakura shouted but Itachi payed no mind to her.
Itachi moved higher and higher to were her breasts were. She still had bandages around them but that was no obstacle towards him. He grabbed the dagger and one quick slash did away with them.
Itachi began to circle her breast with his tongue while Sakura couldn't take this anymore she was in so much shame.
Naruto...if anyone I was hopping it would be you... Sakura thought out because it was the only things she could do.
Itachi began to suck on her nipple and then felt out the other breast while doing it. He felt so much pleasure running thru his body. He stopped sucking to go just a bit higher to Sakura's mouth. He right in-front of the girl.
" You taste just as good as you look Sakura-chan, but now it's time to prove that I will be the first man to enter you" Itachi said with a smirk.
He went in for a kiss. Sakura couldn't hesitate anymore her body wasn't reacting which is something Itachi took advantage of. He began to use tongue then went deeper. He broke off and began sucking on her neck and feeling on her breasts and enjoyed it. He was taking it all in, the wondrous feeling.
Itachi ripped off whatever clothing he still found on her and put his fingers inside her while she let out a shriek of pain but Itachi just took this as a sign for more. After a few minutes he took his fingers out and let the real thing go in. Sakura shrieked again but Itachi felt so much pleasure run thru him. He began to feel all about her body in that position and began to suck on her nipples once again. He then stopped and then began to eat Sakura out. Sakura really couldn't take anymore but now it was his turn to feel pleasure.
He pulled Sakura into a kneeling positioned and forced her to suck him off. Normally he made a woman they would gladly suck him off but Sakura did it out of that fact that she didn't want to be humiliated and suffer anymore.
Itachi felt his troubled leaving him and loved the feel of her tongue on his manhood. He was really enjoying this.
( Lemons over! Finally!o')
It had been over four hours and Naruto hadn't comeback. Sakura was laying naked with one cover over her and Itachi was getting dressed.
" I had a nice time Sakura-chan. I hope you did too." Itachi said with a smirk on his face. Sakura looked at him with lifeless, dull green eyes.
" Don't worry, now we won't have to kill you but Naruto-kun may be another matter. I'm sure I left enough for maybe even three kids. You need not worry about the money. You are the woman to a Uchiha, Uchiha Sasuke that is. I would have taken you but Sasuke claimed you first so I'll let him but you must go back to Orochimaru. That is if Naruto-kun doesn't take care of you which is the most likely what he will until then my beautiful Sakura flower." Itachi said before he jumped and disappeared into the rising sun.
Sakura was left on the ground looking very dull until one tear fell from her beautiful eyes.
( 20 minutes Later)
Naruto finally came back and opened the door to find Sakura on the ground covered by only a thin cover. Naruto dropped what he was holding and ran towards her.
" Sakura-chan!" Naruto went right next to her and lifted her up and spotted bits of red and white fluid on the ground.
" Oh no..." Naruto whispered under his breath.
" Please Sakura! Tell me who did this to you!" Sakura looked to the side and whispered something but Naruto couldn't hear it.
She whispered it again but this time a little louder.
"Don'" was what Sakura said before she burst into tears.
Naruto hugged Sakura for comfort and then looked onto Sakura who didn't mind being next to a wound Naruto had which was oozing with blood but had closed a bit.
" I won't leave you sakura, and that is a promise..." Naruto said as he smiled towards the crying Sakura.
Sorry I made Itachi-sama sound like and ass but you know it's part of the story! If you guys didn't like this chapter maybe you'll like that chapter that shows what happened to Naruto when he left Sakura and why he was wounded. I hope you guys review! I'm counting down chapters now! This story is co ming to an end but if you are faithful to Naru/Saku feel free to check out my others fics because remember I'm a fan of that couple! Later guys and don't forget to review!