Zero was applauded and welcomed by the resistance and many reploids were more than joyful for the return of their hero. Zero smiled and thanked them all, but said little otherwise. None of the guardians really associated with the others. They pretty much followed Zero and acknowledged any praise or compliment made to them. X reunited with Alisi, who quickly explained everything that had happened. Ciel's search for the Mother Elf had suddenly turned out successful, and she quickly left with the Mother Elf to go help X and co. when she saw the reploid on the monitor near X's position.

X quickly understood and told Alisi he held nothing against her. "Now that we're here," he said with a smile "I think you and I have a few plans to make."

Afterwards, Megaman and Zero made a true reacquaintance. Zero was overjoyed at meeting his old friend at long last, and Megaman was never happier to just converse with his partner once again. Ciel had tried to make Zero feel accepted and tried to help him forget that he had ever done anything wrong. But even as Zero knew that she had good intentions, it only made him think more and more about what he did, and self-condemning thoughts entered his mind and he became very solemn and quiet.

Towards the end of the day Zero went outside the base and onto the roof among the towers. He did what he usually did when he desperately needed to think and be alone. X say him, but lingered in the base. He could think of what Zero was thinking and knew that he was best left alone.

Ciel did not know this, unfortunately, and she decided that she should try and speak to Zero despite his mood. After about two hours, she had waited long enough. She entered the roof area and looked for him. She found him perched right on the very edge of the roof, standing perfectly still and unblinking. She very slowly and very carefully touched his arm. Zero's eyes darted in her direction, and then looked back at the horizon.

"Can I talk to you, Zero?" she asked very quietly. Zero barely moved from his fixed position as he nodded without speaking. This old stony conduct of his had returned. Ciel would have sighed if she hadn't been so concientious of his thoughts. "How are you feeling Zero?" she asked, trying to sound a little cheerful.

"I feel horrible." he replied. "I feel more guilt and self hatred towards myself than I ever have. No, that's not true. I've felt this way before, but it has never lasted this long. I'm going to leave this base Ciel. I'm going to leave it in X's hands."

"Why?" asked Ciel. "Why should you leave, after everything you've done for us?"

Zero looked at her like she was insane. "You mean everything I've done to you. Ciel, I've killed resistance reploids. I've threatened everyone's very existence and the welfare of the whole world. I nearly killed you! I've never done such horrible things to others in my life Ciel. It will be safer for me to be away from you, and the resistance."

Ciel shook her head. "You can't.." she said, her voice beginning to break slightly. "We won't be safer without you. We would be nothing if it weren't for you. What about me... I couldn't bare to lose you again after all this."

Zero felt a pain in his chest begin to grow. He bowed his head and turned around from his forward gaze. "I'm nothing but a danger to you Ciel. I can't stay around you, for your sake."

Ciel's eyes streamed tears. "For my sake?!" she cried. "But Zero, I love you!"

"I know that!" yelled Zero, stress building in his voice. Ciel was dumbstruck, and her tearstained face froze in shock. Zero's whole form sagged.

"I know that, but... you can't trust me like this, Ciel." he said as a lump of his own filled his throat. "Even with Dr. Weil gone, I'm just a machine. A robot to be controlled by good or evil. I'm not even capable of choosing who I follow, I... I'm not trustworthy. I'm only a machine."

Ciel walked right up to him and grabbed his shoulders. "That is not true! It wasn't a machine that decided that Dr. Weil could have one more chance to live! You saved my sister and saved the rest of us from Dr. Weil's reign. I don't care what you may think of yourself, I know that you are a perfect reploid. There is more to you than your armor and saber. You are Zero, and that is what gave X another chance to live. Zero is the one who saved my life at the first request right after being awakened from a hundred year sleep. Zero is the one who saved this resistance and freed the whole of Neo Arcadia from the grip of evil. Whatever things you may have done while being controlled were not your fault. It's the Zero that dwells in that body and fights for right and peace between reploids and humans. You are Zero."

Zero's face was lined with streams of tears running from his eyes. He had never had someone trust him so much in all his life. He covered his face with his hand and swallowed hard to keep from sobbing outright. "I knew someone else.." he whispered. "Who I loved, and she loved me, but.. she didn't believe in me."

"I believe in you." said Ciel. "I've nearly lost you so many times, you have been nearly killed so many times, and you've been destroyed over and over again. And yet, you always find a way of coming back to help humans and reploids."

Zero felt his guilt ridden soul begin to feel light and he looked up and out towards the horizon again. "You're right." he said. "I never thought of it in that way myself but... what you said is true."

He shut his eyes and said. "I am Zero."

He turned around and gave Ciel a warm smile. "I am Zero!" he said again as he felt his confidence returning to himself. Ciel smiled back and nodded happily. "Yes, you are Zero."

Ciel never saw Zero look so happy before. Then, his expression softened as he continued to look at her. He stepped forward, tilted her chin upwards and kissed her. Ciel felt her heart leap to the skies. She couldn't believe what was happening. Then Zero broke the kiss...

And then he kissed her again! Zero never felt more love for anyone in the world. He kissed her once more and then pulled her close to him in a hug that Ciel had believed she would never feel again. "Ciel.. I love you." said Zero softly. "... so much."

Ciel sighed and hugged Zero as much as she could. Nothing could have ruined the moment right then. Ciel had never felt love since she left Neo Arcadia, except from Alouette.

And her parents. Ciel felt tears spring into her eyes as she remembered what happened. Zero looked down and noticed this. He pulled away and asked her. "What is it?"

"My parents." she whispered.

"Oh Ciel!" Said Zero. "I'm so sorry!"

Ciel let out a small sob and she grabbed Zero's arm tightly. "Please don't ever leave me again." she said pleadingly.

"Ciel... I can't promise that." said Zero. "I may have some other duty to fulfil in the future, but... I won't ever leave you if I can help it."

Ciel did not expect to here this from Zero. Zero smiled and patted her hair. "But don't worry. I always come back, I'm a shooting star. I'm Zero, remember?"

Ciel smiled and she and Zero both left the roof, taking a tower elevator down to the main halls of the base. They both simply walked together up and down the base feeling happier than both of them had thought possible. Other soldiers elbowed Zero and grinned mischeviously. They saw Cerveau and Enzan and Alisi and Selah. They both smiled at them and all of them gave them their best wishes. X shook Zero's hand and smiled warmly. "Congratulations, Zero and Ciel."

"Thanks X." said Zero and Ciel in unison. Leviathan and Harpuia both walked up to them.

"Thank you all." said Zero. "For all you did to get me back. Only one other person ever went through that much trouble to get me back."

Leviathan and Harpuia simply smiled. "We owed it to you." said Harpuia, though you could tell through his mutual air that he really appreciated the praise.

"So are you three going to be staying here with us?" asked X. "We could always use your help here."

Fefnir joined the group. "Nope." he said. "We're going back to Neo Arcadia and help the humans there."

"He's right." said Harpuia. "We're going to leave for a while. If you ever need our help, we'll be nearby, don't you worry."

Megaman nodded. "Alright. I wish you guys would stay here, but I know what you mean. I felt the same way once... a century ago. But anyway, I guess I'll see you later then."

"You will see us later." said Leviathan, who had grabbed Harpuia's arm and smiled in a very hinting manner. They all transferred out, leaving the three alone.

"They are great fighters." said Zero. "I'm sure they can't stay away for long. What do you think, X?"

Megaman shrugged. "I'm not sure. But I suppose Harpuia and Leviathan have a few ideas in mind. If you'll excuse me, I have a few ideas in mind for Alisi and myself that I need to discuss with her."

"I'm sure you AND I both have things to discuss." said Zero smiling and clapping his friend on the shoulder. "Go get'em Megaman."

X smiled. His friend was really back.

And that concludes this story. If I haven't already, I say a big thanks to those who have faithfully read my story even though I was horrible in updating it. I hope you all enjoyed it very much! Bye!