The story starts off at Tyson's dojo. Soft snoring punctuated the silence that hung in the night air. Seven figures lay under blankets on the wooden floor, all sleeping soundly. Apart from one. The blankets shifted as the body rolled over again. Mummers escaped the young boy's mouth as his brow creased at dreams that disturbed his sleep. Dreams he wished he wouldn't have.

A small boy at the age of four stood by the leg of his mother watching three forms arguing about him. One of the three forms was his grandfather. Kai saw his grandfather look at him with a glare in his eyes. Kai's mother picked him up and held him close in her arms. She started to run away from the other two forms and out of the huge mansion into the ice cold snow.

Kai heard his grandfather yell." stop her and bring back the boy!" Kai could hear his mother breathe hard as she ram faster and faster. Then there was a shot and Kai and his mother fell down. Kai saw the snow on the ground turn red were his mother had fallen

"Mama? Mamas are you okay? Mama please get up!" said the crying form of the young boy.

"Kai stay strong and don't lose hope. You will be saved my sweet son." those were his mother's last dying words.

Then some cold hand tried to pick up Kai but Kai bit that hand and ran towards his mother. Kai then cried out loud and hard before his grandfather backhanded Kai and then Kai was silent.

"No grandson of mine will cry. It shows weakness and Kai I don't accept weakness." said his grandfather with a stern cold voice. His grandfather then picks Kai up and walks towards his car. Kai turned his head and looked back at his mother's lifeless form in the snow. Then Kai's father shows up weak but still fighting to get Kai back.

"Father give back my son. I won't allow you to use him for your plans!" yelled Kai's father. His father tried to grab Kai when Kai's father was stabbed in the back and then when his form fell to the ground his father tried to reach Kai when he was stabbed in the chest. Kai's father laid in the snow in a pool of crimson blood.

Daddy! Daddy! No Daddy wake up!" Kai yelled before he was knocked to the ground.

"Kai you have no one else but me now. You will become strong and not show weakness ever again." said his grandfather with his stern cold voice. Then picked up Kai and put him in the car as he fell asleep not aware of what he would face the next seven years. As the car took off the unconscious form of Kai let tears fall from his crimson closed eyes.

In the dark the boy dreaming woke up. His slate and dark blue hair gleamed in the small amount of light the moon gave off through the window. His alert crimson eyes glowing softly. Sweat beaded his pale forehead and sighed with deep sorrow.

These nightmares have been plaguing his dreams since the end of BEGA. After seeing Boris again Kai wondered about the disappearance of his grandfather and Boris along with Brooklyn. He still doesn't remember much of his past memories except the small flashbacks his dreams provided him. He wished he didn't have the dreams, that he had his full memory. It would mean he knew everything about himself, not just the disturbing images that didn't make sense. Out of all of them the one about his parents was one of the worst. Even compared to the ones where he was beaten and punished, were he woke up screaming. It was stuffy in here. He got up and walked to the door opening it carefully. One last look around the other forms in the room confirmed he hadn't woken anyone. Good, he didn't want them to know about his dreams. Even when he woke up screaming they never seemed to notice. Let it stay that way. With those last thoughts he walked into the cool outside air, sliding the door shut behind him.

A pair of amber eyes watched in the dark. The pair of eyes looked worried saying, "Kai what's going on with you?"