(Standard disclaimer: I don't own YYH or its characters; they are the sole property of Yoshihiro Togashi, Shonen Jump Comics Weekly, Studio Pierrot and Fuji Television)


"Forgive me." A solitary tear slipped from ruby eyes as Hiei looked at the woman before him – the only mother he'd ever known. The crystal drop trailed slowly down his cheek, coalescing into a stone so red it appeared almost black as it fell from his chin, dropping with a soft 'ping' onto the windowsill. Hiei picked it, clenching it in his bandaged fist. "Kaasan…. I….."

Shiori smiled gently at this small being…. her son – for so she had come to think of him; had done, in fact, since that first night.

"There is nothing to forgive, Hiei," she told him. "He loved you and would not want you to keep blaming yourself." Soft brown eyes met crimson. "I love you, as well, and nothing will ever change that."

He wanted to deny her words, but he couldn't, for he knew, deep within his heart of hearts, that she was right. He looked down, opening his hand to stare at the tiny gem in his palm. He continuing looking at the stone until a feather-soft touch on his cheek caused him to look up. Shiori traced the blood-red trail the tear had left.

"Hiei," she began, the sheen of unshed tears in her eyes, "promise me that you won't ever leave and stay away for so long again." She swallowed, her tears now spilling over to slip down her cheeks as she held his eyes with her own.

"I have already lost one son," she continued when she trusted herself to speak again. "I can't bear the thought of losing the other," she finished.

Hiei looked at her, his throat tight. He broke the gaze, looking down at the stone he still held. Reaching over, he gently took her hand, dropping the tear gem into her palm and folding her fingers around it.

Bringing the hand to his lips, he brushed a soft kiss against her fingers, sealing his promise with the words, "you have my word, Kaasan."

They had talked far into the night, and now, as the first rays of the morning sun lit the dusky rose sky of dawn, one slept while the other kept watch.

The scene was familiar and Shiori smiled fondly as she watched the small figure sleeping soundly in her son's bed; her hand clasped tightly in his, just as it had been that night, so long ago.

A soft breeze, perfumed with the scent of roses, wafted through the open window. Shiori raised her face, feeling the gentle caress against her cheek.

"Thank you for bringing him home again," she whispered to it, tears springing to her eyes.

"You're welcome," she heard it whisper in return. Shiori could almost see her son's gentle smile as she listened to the wind. "Ai shiteru, Kaasan," it whispered again before disappearing.

"And I you, my son," she said, smiling through her tears.



A/N: Well there it is – my first pathetic attempt at an anime fanfic is now finished. Many many thanks to all who have reviewed by little story – your words meant the world to me.