Torture Chamber
K leaned against the cool wall of the house, ignoring the jab of his gun as he hit the intercom button leisurely. He crossed his arms, waiting patiently for the answer to his ring.
The cold exterior was just an act, of course. Inside he was ready to tear down the walls that kept him from his sanctuary and kill something. Repeatedly.
Judy had left him, taking Michael with her. He wouldn't be surprised if she'd run off with Ark or some other hired goon. K snorted, disturbing a thin lock of blond hair. He would be getting his son back, of course. Nothing would stop him from doing that, but he had time, he had patience, and he had connections. First, however…
After another few rings, the muffled sound of human movement could be heard through the door a few feet from the intercom. A few second later, the door swung open, revealing a blonde man cursing under his breath.
"What the hell do you want?" a very grumpy, sleepy Eiri Yuki grunted as he recognized the boss of his young lover. He was still holding one of his pillows.
K smiled easily, standing from his lounged position against the wall. "Just a little chat. Maybe some coffee."
Yuki continued to glare at him, trying to register what had just been said. The last time he'd had a "chat" with this American, he'd been shot at about five times afterward.
And yet, seeing as how it looked like he was intent on staying, Yuki sighed and walked back inside leaving the message that K could follow him.
K stepped inside, grinning amiably. "I see you got those bullet holes fixed." He commented conversationally.
Yuki shuddered inwardly. He gripped the pillow closer to him slightly. No matter how cool he was he was still a bit shaken up at the thought of being sniped at.
He swallowed before answering, "Yeah, the stucco and paint worked really well to hide it. You can't even tell I was…sniped at…"
K smirked. "Sniped at? Surely an author such as yourself could come up with a better phrase..."
Yuki turned to glare at him again.
"Well, perhaps I'm not always adept at much gun phrases like certain ex-FBI agents." he spat, practically shooting daggers at K for insulting his writing skills.
K smiled innocently in the way that only American's seemed to manage properly. "It's not just gun phrases, you know. There's so much more then just guns..." He sighed dreamily, thinking of the laser that destroyed both Tokyo and New York City.
Yuki watched the dreamy expression on K's face for a moment until he became a bit uneasy and turned away. Americans were so weird.
"So what is it this time? Shuichi and I haven't been fighting lately, and if my television, radio, and every music store in Japan is correct, Bad Luck is doing fine." Yuki said, sliding onto the couch.
"Exactly." K crossed his arms comfortably over the straps of his shoulder holster. "Bad Luck's doing fine. Better then fine. They're doing so well, they've left the country."
"Left the country?" Yuki repeated, one eyebrow rising up. When had that happened?
"He's left for America again?" he asked slowly, "Let me guess…You put him on tour without his consent?"
"It wasn't entirely without consent." K shrugged. "Shuichi is Bad Luck, and Hiro agreed to the trip."
Yuki thought about that. And found himself asking, "How long will he be gone?"
That could translate into 'How much time do I get to work' or 'How long until I see my sweet Shu-chan' if you looked into Yuki's mind.
K's smile, ever present through the conversation changed from friendly to somehow predatory. "A month. A month and a half, at most."
A shiver so slight, he scarcely noticed it, ran down Yuki's spine.
He could finish half a novel or more in that amount of time. He'd be able to go someplace without Shuichi asking to go with for a whole month, or even a month and a half!
A dreamy expression not unlike the one seen on K's face earlier, found it's way onto Yuki's face.
K reached into his pocket, pulling out a small cap gun and firing it, breaking Yuki's reverie. "Shuichi did leave several requests with me, however."
Yuki hadn't noticed that he was still holding his pillow, and was clutching it tighter as their "chat" went on.
"What kind of requests?" he asked, a tiny yawn escaping his mouth.
K tucked the cap gun back into his pocket, tugging out a rather crumpled piece of paper instead. He cleared his throat, beginning to read. "One, that you - that's me," K clarified, "Will never let any harm come to my darling Yuki - that would be you. Two, you will protect him with your life. Three, you will never, ever, ever let him get lonely. Four, make sure he goes to places where he'll be safe." K paused, "Wait. That one's scratched out. Ah. Here it is. Four, stay with Yuki always to make sure he goes to places where he'll be safe."
Yuki chuckled and reached for a packet of cigarettes lying on the coffee table. He took one out and placed it between two fingers, still unlit.
"But that's not the only reason why you are here, right?" asked Yuki, brandishing the cigarette accusingly.
K shrugged, smiling in an unreadable fashion.
This only irked Yuki further before he muttered, "Goddammit," and reached between the sofa cushions for a lighter.
"I am going to repeat a phrase you may have already heard." Yuki said, lighting his cigarette, "What the hell are you doing here?"
"Right now?" K's smile widened. "Fulfilling the duties that Shuichi applied to me."
Yuki smirked.
"Well, the last I checked, I wasn't under any harm, I don't need to you protect me, I'm sure as hell not lonely, and I'm not planning on going anywhere but back to bed." Yuki said, counting off them on his fingers.
K tsked, looking down at the paper again. "Four, stay with Yuki always to make sure he goes to places where he'll be safe."
Yuki almost choked on his cigarette. Why in the hell did Shuichi have to be so damn specific? Why had he crossed out the other one? It would have worked better!
"So…you're planning on staying here for the next month or so? Because you were told to?" Yuki asked, taking the cigarette out of his mouth before he swallowed it.
"I'm a hired man. I do what I'm told," He smiled before Yuki could interrupt him, "by my superiors at N-G."
Yuki's eyes widened a bit and his mouth fell open. If he remembered correctly, K was very serious about his job and did any assignment without fail.
"You're seriously going to stay near me the whole time?" Yuki asked, using the cigarette to point at him again.
"Yep." K nodded cheerfully. "Don't worry about a thing, Yuki-san. Everything's going to turn out perfectly."
For some reason, Yuki didn't believe that and he began to dread the month to come.
Suqua: Mmmm...This will be interesting to watch progress!
Anndy: Interesting? More then interesting. It'll be fun to write too: )
Suqua: This is a startling yet interesting choice of coupling, huh Anndy-chan: D
Anndy: I like this coupling. It's YUMMY!
Suqua: XD They make very unusual couple. . . very slashed up Gravi fic, ne?
Anndy: Yeah... it's a good thing we managed to find a way to keep Shuichi out of it, though (No offense to Shu-chan lovers!)
Suqua: But eventually...he'll have to come back! O.O
Anndy: Eventually, I suppose...
Suqua: I hope he won't be TOO mad at us! Xx
Anndy: Heh... I should hide... getting him out was my idea... --"
Suqua: Well, I'm the one who came up with the YukixK-ness: )
Anndy: That's true.
Suqua: And I was the one who said that we should make a fanfic!
Anndy: o-o yeah. . .
Suqua: Maybe Shuichi should kill me.
Anndy: He should: O
Suqua: O-o Whilst I await my bloody doom by Shuichi, please review: D