The Baudelaires seriously needed help. Professional help.

"Vuhgma," Sunny said quietly. She meant, "Someone please call the police." Her siblings agreed with her.

"Hello?" Violet spoke frantically. "Someone just broke into our house, officer. Uh yes, we are the Baudelaires. How did you know?"

Violet dropped the telephone with her hand still at her ear. Then silence.

Klaus looked at his sister fearfully. "What'd he say?" Klaus asked. Violet looked pale as she opened her mouth and tried to speak. "…uh….er….," Violet stammered.

"Come on, spit it out," Klaus urged. "What happened?"

"That police officer I just talked to. He said he was Alf Octoun and he's coming to get us. I remember seeing that name on the security guard at the drive in. I had a sinking feeling that he was Count Olaf because he looked really familiar in...a bad way," Violet spoke softly. Tears sprang to her eyes and Klaus and Sunny could tell that she was trying to look as if she wasn't scared. They could tell she was frightened to death.

"Cobhux," Sunny said gently to her sister which meant something along the lines of, "It's okay, Violet, nothing will happen to us." But of course Sunny didn't know what she was talking about because she couldn't prove to her siblings that nothing would happen to them. But I'm not saying that something will happen to them.

Klaus thought for a moment. "We have to manage to escape. Come on you guys we have to get out of here before Alf Octoun comes."

"Count Olaf," Violet said.

"Yeah what she said," Klaus answered. He looked around his wrecked home sadly. He was hoping he and his sisters could go visit the Quagmires and take them to the fair tomorrow. Klaus knew this couldn't happen because of what they found.

Like she could read Klaus' mind, Violet said, "I really was hoping that we could go to the fair tomorrow with Duncan and Isadora, but I guess we cant. And I'm not saying this to rub it in," Violet added quickly, being aware of her brother's sensitive feelings.

"No, really, it's okay Violet. I already learned my lesson. I know now that I could never get the chance to talk to either Fiona or Isadora, no matter what I feel for them. And even if I did get to say something, they would just take everything as a joke or something. Nothing will change," Klaus said quietly. "Nothing."

He took off his glasses and buried his face in his hands. Then he let out a scream (of emotional pain, not because he was stabbed to death) he had been keeping in for a very, very long time.

Violet went up to Klaus and hit him on the head. "WHAT WAS THAT FOR!" Klaus yelled.

"For giving up so easily," Violet said flatly. "Klaus, why are you defeating yourself like this? This isn't the brother we know. You have to get through this without worrying. How do you know that nothing will change? How do you know that Fiona or Isadora wont take you seriously?" Violet's eyes were daggers piercing deep into Klaus' heart as he realized that his sister was definitely right. Sunny went up to Klaus and stepped on his foot.

"Ugghh. Not you too SUNNY!" Klaus cried in pain. "Look, guys, I get your point, but do you HAVE to inflict such pain on me?"

"Jiklop," Sunny said simply. She meant,"Oh yeah we're sorry about that. We just wanted you to focus that's all."

Before they could say another word, there was a knock at the door.

"Oh no! We forgot all about Olaf! We were supposed to be leaving and now it's too late!" Violet cried helplessly.

The Baudelaires panicked not knowing what to do. They were too afraid to open the door or run away, or move, or do anything.

Just then, the door slowly opened. And who should the siblings find but the Quagmires themselves.

The Quagmires ran up to their friends. "We heard about your house getting crashed. And we were so worried about you. Are you alright?" Isadora said frantically. Klaus melted on the spot.

"Yeah we're okay I guess. But we were scared you might be Count Olaf. I called the sheriff's department and the person who answered it sounded like Count Olaf. He said he was coming to get us-" replied Violet.

"-oh, no, that was just Fiona. She wanted to play a trick on you. She saw the security guard at the drive-in you guys went to and watched Violet's encounter with him. Fiona really knew it was Count Olaf because she quickly figured out his name tag, which said, Alf Octoun. But Fiona decided not to say hi to you. It turned out that she actually thinks you guys are weird. She called us after Violet spoke to her on the phone just a few minutes ago and said that she was at the sheriff's department also, visiting her uncle. He told Fiona to answer all the calls on the hotline. So Fiona found out it was you and just disguised her voice as Alf Octoun." Duncan said.

"And we thought it was really cruel of her to do that. She doesn't like you Klaus. Fiona said that you were such anerd and that that really turned her off," Isadora added.

The Baudelaires were very stunned. Too stunned to speak. Suddenly Klaus spoke up after a few silent moments.

"That bitch! She thinks she can talk shit about us behind our backs! How dare she!" Klaus cried furiously.

"Yeah and all our happy times were such a waste of time with her!" Violet shouted.

"Hogubogen!" Sunny shrieked, which meant something along the lines of, "You shall PAY, Fiona!"

Then Klaus calmed down a bit and said right then and there, "Isadora, there's something I've been wanting to tell you."

Violet said under her breath, "Oh boy, here goes…"

Isadora had a sort of misty expression on her face as she and Klaus stared at eachother.

Klaus began.

"Ever since the day me and my siblings met you at Prufrock Prep, I fell madly in love with you. And the same thing has happened to me with Fiona also. I really thought you two were amazing. I also didn't know whom to choose. But now I know that Fiona isn't worth my time at all after what I found out right now from you and your brother. I now know that you are the one for me and you have always been a much better friend to me than Fiona," Klaus spoke slowly carefully choosing his words.

Isadora just looked at Klaus for a few moments and couldn't say anything. She tried to speak, but nothing came out.

"I love you," Klaus whispered.