Heya! Thanx for clicking into here! This story I've written ages ago. It's a parody of Hana Yori Dango and Meteor garden. It got deleted cause people say its abuse! But I said it was a parody! So I'm trying to upload it again kus many people enjoyed the cardcaptor version of this story! I hope to get the old readers back and new readers too! So yea, if it started off dodgy and crap, still read on kus its my first story and its better, PROMISE!

I've uploaded 3 chapters at once cause the first few, even I myself thinks is a bit…well… awfully crappy….

Disclaimer: I don't own cardcaptor kus clamp does! And also..i don't really own the plot either…but I do own this version of the plot! No one can copy that ;)……

Neyways… On wit thi amazin' story!

"Sakura, Sakura! Wake up!"

"Mmmmm…. What? What?" said a girl with chocolate brown hair and great emerald eyes. She was tangled in her pink bed sheets.

"You've forgotten, I need to drive you to uni then I need to go to work. If your late, then I'm late and if I'm late," said Touya rolling his eyes with every word.

"You'll lose your job and can't earn money for our family and it goes on," said Sakura stretching. "I'm up anyway!"

She rushed to the bathroom and looked at the clock. 7 in the morning. Even though uni starts at 9 she wakes up that early. Why? She tells herself that's because it's far away, but, to Touya, it's because she need to spend 1hr to get ready and eat breakfast. Sakura is 19 and goes to Tokyo University. Her dad works there sometimes on special occasions. Even though Sakura is 19, she still has her bad habits and her bad brother. One of her bad habits are getting late for school and blushing at the sight of cute boys…. And I won't go on…

In the bathroom

Sakura was humming in the shower as she scrubbed herself. She had grown into a beautiful woman with her large bosoms and perfect body. She admired herself and most boys at uni do too.

"Sakura, tick tock, tick tock," said Touya's voice outside the bathroom door.

"OK! OK!"

Sakura got out and slipped on a red halter top that showed off her belly button every time she moved. She also wore a short black skirt that showed off her legs incredibly. She put on eye shadow, mascara, lip-gloss and few dabs of blush. She put on some odd earrings that were silver. She did her hair up in a messy bun and stepped out the bathroom. She went to her room and grabbed a pair of ankle socks. She then grabbed her bag and some things and stuffed it in. (She wasn't know as very neat….) She fled downstairs dumped her bag near the door and slipped into the kitchen. Mr. Kinomoto was cooking up some pancakes and Tori were sipping a cup of coffee at the table.

"Sakura, your early for breakfast today," said Mr. Kinomoto placing a plate of pancakes in front of her, while Tori gave her some orange juice.

Sakura smiled at her dad and picked up her fork.

"The kajuu will never be early if it wasn't for me," said Touya still taking sips of his coffee.

"No one asked for your comment. And I asked you to stop calling me kajuu when I was 15 and you've been still calling me that!" said Sakura stuffing pancakes down and taking swigs of her orange juice now and then.

"Your always kajuu to me, I think I liked you better back then when you where still in junior school."


Sakura finished off her breakfast and dumped the plate and glass into the sink.

"You better hurry, or you'll be late for work," said Sakura smirking at her brother.

Touya laughed and went to put on his jacket and shoes. Sakura hopped to it and put on her sexy trainers and grabbed her bag. When they got into the car Sakura turned on the Stereo on a blast.

"Hey! Turn that down Sakura!" said Touya, shoving his work things at the back.

"Oh! Your no fun onii-chan!" said Sakura turning the music down.

Touya dropped Sakura off at the front gate of Tokyo University. Sakura said a quick good-bye as usual and sped into school. She raised her eyebrows when she passed 4 expensive sports car of silver, black, red and gold.

Wonder who owns them? She thought.

She always looked for her friends especially her best friend Tomoyo. She went to her locker first to dump her things down and take her books her first lesson. She then went straight to the grounds. She went to the usual spot near the cheerleading practice places.

"Hey! Sakura over here!" shouted Tomoyo in a blouse and blue skirt and her hair tied in a plait.

Sakura ran to her friends. There were 3 other girls. One had her hair tied in a ponytail and wore a red shirt and long skirt. She was Naoko. Then there was Rika who wore baggy pants and a no sleeve T-shirt. Then Chiharu who wore a normal dress with her hair down.

"Ohayo guys! Touya was a rag again today!" said Sakura beaming.

"Hai, the usual right?" said Tomoyo.

They all laughed.

"Anything new or interesting lately?" asked Sakura dying to hear anything that's interesting.

"Nope, nothing I know of," said Naoko.

"Haven't heard anything either," said Rika with a shrug.

"I know something Sakura!" said Chiharu, eyes glittering. It was normally Naoko and Rika that bring news, but this time she knew something they don't!

"Nani?" said Sakura eagerly, smiling at her.

"Well, there are these four new students coming. They say they are this gang of 4 thing. They're all a bunch of rich boys too!" said Chiharu.

"Really? You're not making this up right Chiharu?" said Sakura grinning.

"No way!" said Chiharu. "Didn't you see those posh cars outside!"

"Yeah I did!" said Sakura, remembering the cars she saw. "Hey, I might go for it this time."

"For what?" said Tomoyo.

"Sakura, don't act that fast. I heard they are kinda snobby and mean cause they are rich. So better be careful and cautious at first," said Chiharu, frowning. She didn't expect Sakura to be the one to act, especially first.

"Oh, ok. But I can make them melt with my glances! I mean who wouldn't!" said Sakura beaming.

The girls giggled. Then the bell ranged so they hurried to class, knowing the punishment of being late in university isn't good. As they took there sits in class the teacher hushed everybody saying he has an announcement to make.

"It's about the 4 guys!" whispered Naoko to Sakura who sat next to each other.

Sakura nodded, holding her excitement. She just couldn't wait to see how they looked like.

"Miss Naoko and Miss Sakura do you have something you would like to share with everybody?" said the teacher.

"No Sensei," said Naoko and Sakura.

"Good. Now, we have some new students today and they are 4 males. I would like you to treat them nicely. Please come in."

Four guys filed in. The one in the lead had brown hair and has shocking great looks. His amber eyes were filled with boredom. He didn't seem to care where he was. He just stood there carelessly. The second guy had blue hair and eyes with glasses. He looked great too, but not as good as the first one. The third one was pretty much just winking at the girls. He had more of a long hair and its colour was orange red. His eyes were a very dark shade of brown. The fourth one was just equally good looking as the first one. He stood there smiling like a normal new student. Not waving or winking. He had sleek black hair that was at a middle length and splits out at the end. It suits him. Sakura looked at the last guy and flushed crimson. She wondered if he had a girlfriend.

"Welcome our new students! The first one here is Syaoran Li," said the teacher gesturing at the one at the lead. "The second one is Eriol Hirragizawa, third Hiro Sinkento and fourth Shingo Tang Lei. Please say good morning to them as a welcome."

"Ohayo gozaimasu," piped the class. (That's Japanese good morning)

"Ohayo gozaimasu minasan," said the four guys. (That's good morning everyone…. Sorry but I just get carried away with Japanese…)

"OK, now you four sit at the empty seats at the back of Sakura Kinomoto. Yes, the girl in the bun. Well, our school isn't big so I guess you don't need a tour. Just ask someone if you need directions. Now, on with the lesson," said the teacher beginning to write on the board.

"Oh great! University is finally getting interesting," thought Sakura a smile creeping up her face.

On the way back to their lockers…(The 5 girls)

"I reckon they were all so cute!" said Rika.

"Yea, they were," said Naoko with a dreamy look.

Sakura nodded. She didn't know if she should tell them that she's totally in for the fourth one. She looked down at the grounds. A few younger students at the University were picking up some markers from Physical Education studies. They put them in a box ready to be taken back inside. Two of the students picked up the heavy box and moved it carefully. Then –WHAM-they suddenly dropped the box and the markers fell out. Syaoran Li had just carelessly bumped into them and said that they should have just moved out of the way. They younger students seem to cower a bit at his loud, demanding voice. But now they have to collect the markers again! Sakura felt a sudden rage through her. Even if he was a rich, he had no right to do that!

"Do you think they were cute Sakura?" asked Tomoyo, breaking through her thoughts.

"They were cute Tomoyo-chan, yea they were cute," said Sakura calming a bit from the snobbish Syaoran Li.

They headed down the stairs with Chiharu at front, going on about the four guys. She had a big pile of books and didn't quite see where she was going and wasn't concentrating since she was talking about the 4 guys. She stumbled and all her books fell through the air hitting a guy with brown hair and shocking good looks. He also had 3 other guys behind him. It was Syaoran Li and his gang.


A pause.

"Oh, I'm so sorry Li-kun!" said Chiharu getting closer to see if he was badly hurt and to collect her books.

She went up to him. Syaoran Li looked at her….and slapped her on the face. More gasps. Chiharu was in total cheek. She held her cheek and collected her books as she trembled. She ran back to the girls, tears filling her eyes. She whimpered a bit and Rika tried to comfort her.

"Don't ever go near me again bitch," said Syaoran coldly.

With that, Sakura couldn't hold herself anymore. She was freaked out but hurting younger people and slapping one of her friends like that! She yelled out at him.

"You're a friggin asshole Li! You better watch out! You don't know what I can do!" the words came out of Sakura mouth.

Sakura doesn't even know she wanted to say those words.

"Sakura what have you done!" whispered Tomoyo urgently, probably even more freaked then Sakura.

"Well, then. Let see what you can do Kinomoto. Besides, You don't know what I can do," said Li.

He walked pasted Sakura bumping her hard making her drop a few books. Eriol and Hiro frowned and followed behind. Sakura bend down to collect her books but another hand was doing the same.


The hand belonged to a person who had a worried looking expression but had gentle expression at the same time on his face. Shingo Tang Lei. Shingo nodded and handed her the books and walked off with the other guys. Sakura heart was thumping rapidly, everything seemed so misty when she looked into his face. She thought that he was so nice and wondered why he hanged around Syaoran Li.

"Wow, Sakura that was very, very. Eh… I don't know how to put it but that wasn't the best idea. You made yourself a bad rival," said Naoko.

"I know, but sometimes not everything is perfect," said Sakura sighing. She realised her legs were trembling.

"But Shingo is alright…" said Rika whistling.

"Oh, Shut up Rika we better go home since short classes today, besides, I think Chiharu would want a rest. Is your cheek alright? Mmm?" said Sakura lovingly.

"Yes mother, my cheek is fine," said Chiharu laughing, obviously recovering from the slap.

The next morning, Sakura headed for her locker. As she approached it she gasped. On her locker stuck a wide big red ribbon with words embroider saying,


Sakura ripped it off in horror. Just then, Chiharu came rushing up to her saying,

"I've found out! That Syaoran Li and his friends are called The Clow Four and they are known as the bully of each school they've been too! OH! I need a rest," said Chiharu falling to the ground.

Sakura wanted to scream she handed the red ribbon to Chiharu. Chiharu looked at it and gasp.

"There's another thing I have to tell you. When they give you red ribbons with you'll be dead, the clow four……Oh Sakura-chan! You've been tagged! You're Clow Four's next bully victim…"

"Victim?" stammered Sakura, knowing that she would have been better off not saying those words from yesterday…..

Oooooooo! I wonder what's gonna happen to her! I really want reviews feedbacks just anything will satisfy! I wanna know if I should continue or not……. I want to know exactly what you think of my story! So c'mon I eat reviews…. LOL

Fantasy Angol

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