okay last chapter, sorry it took so long, but I've been very busy with all sorts of crap...ah I get to write, yay!


The twins ran half crying all the way into their mother's room, and by pulling at her paws, woke the mother. She let out a cry of happiness and embraced the children. But Rin and jin new better then to let their mothers hugs stop what they had to tell her.

"Haru's gone! He took Haru!" Jin cried pulling at his mother for her to rise.

"Mamma! Hurry! The bad Cat took Haru!" Rin half sobbed tugging her mother's arm.

Yuki's eyes widened and taking both her children by the paw, she ran with them towards the dining room. When she burst through the doors, all turned to her. At the sight of the kittens, smiles quickly spread on everyone's faces, but Baron. Lune ran to his children, but Baron, feeling sick ran down the hall. Toto followed him, squawking for him to slow down. "Lune," Yuki cried grabbing her husband's shoulders, "Haru is gone!"

"WHAT?" Muta cried rising, knocking over his chair his fur bristling.

Jun rose with him, and touched his injured arm gently, "Muta you have to be careful!" Muta however payed her no mind, and rushed past her, entering the room just in time to see Toto and Baron fly off. He ran to the window, and was shocked at what he saw. He now knew how Kyru could get in the castle and leave so quickly. He was on top of a sparrow, and sure enough was holding Haru in a fierce embrace.

Jun joined him, and gasped, "Oh my God!" Muta growling, and never looking angry turned to leave but Jun caught his tail, "MUTA! You're injured! Don't go out there, leave this to me, I am Haru's body guard!" Muta turned to her, and placed his paw on her face, and sternly told her, "She is an annoying, stupid little nitwit, who can't keep her nose out of other people's business, but she is my dear friend. I will not stand by as she is carried off to die for something she had nothing to do with!" Muta suddenly bent over, and kissed Jun very quickly on the lips, shocking the cat. He looked into her mix-matched eyes, and then winked.

"Sorry Jun, but I'm not one to sit by and let these things happen to my friends."

He took off, and after the initial shock, gave chase, following him outside.

Meanwhile, in the air, Baron directed Toto in the air, crying out Haru's name. Haru was starring at him, the rushing wind blowing her tears off her face. "Baron! Baron! I-" Kyru slapped her hard across the face, scratching the other side, and he glared at her, "Shut up you stupid girl!" She stared at him, tears pouring out her eyes faster. "Kyru...please stop this." She grabbed his arms, and he looked at her in shock. She hugged him, "Please Kyru, you don't have to do this to him!" Kyru tired to pry her off, all the while huffing, "You brat! Do you not realize I'm going to kill you!"

"Of course I know your going to kill me, but I don't want you to burst Baron! If you're going to kill me, don't let him see! Please stop hurting him like this!" She sobbed on his chest, and Kyru stared at her in awe. He had honestly expected her to beg for her life, not for Baron's peace of mind.

"Kyru, should I fight that pesky bird?" The sparrow asked glancing back at his master. Kyru shook his head, "No Ferdy, just continue onward," Kyru looked at the sobbing girl in his arms, with what could almost be called a soft expression, and surprised himself by wrapping an arm around her. She did not pull away but gripped his shirt harder, continuing to beg him not to do this to Baron.

Baron pressed Toto to go faster as he began to fall behind. "I'm tired, that bird is fast!" Toto explained between exhausted gasps. Toto felt something wet drip on his neck, and glancing back, he was shocked to see that The Baron was crying. Toto turned away, and sharply whispered, "But I can continue going!"

On the ground Yuki held her children, as Lune held her. He looked up at the sky, and cried with frustration, "DamX that Kyru!" Muta and Jun looked up at the sky as well, knowing that all the could do was watch...right? A loud boom filled the air, and cannons launched, balls of fire launching high in the air. King Lune turned to his guards, "WHAT DO YOU THING YOU ARE DOING!" He shouted, "HARU IS ON THAT SPARROW! CEASE FIRE!"

"TOTO!" Muta suddenly cried, compelling the others to look up in the sky. Toto's chest had been brushed by one of the fiery balls, and now he was spiraling downwards, smoke coming off his chest. Baron held on tightly to his friend trying to get him to fly. "Toto! Toto, are you alright! Hold on Toto!" Toto looked at Baron weakly, "Baron," He whispered, "I'm not going to make it..." Baron looked at him, eyes wide, and then to the sparrow that was flying off. He felt a sharp pain in his chest and realized it was not his own pain, but Haru's. He could hear her faint cried, and feel her sorrow, as if it was his own.

At the last moment, Toto flapped his wings weakly managing to hover a bit, but despite that they still crashed to the ground. The crash however was not as bad as it would have been, but none the less it was still a nasty jolt to the injured bird and Baron. Baron knowing that if his friend landed on his chest the faithful bird might die, and so with a sharp turn forced Toto to land on his back. All was quiet, and neither Baron, nor Toto heard their friends. Muta dropped down by the bird, and stared at him with wide eyes, "No...no! Come on you bird brain! Please, wake up, come on..." Toto did not respond, but at least her was breathing, and there was little blood.

Lune went to Baron, and stared at the scratched up cat. His eyes were closed, and he would have looked asleep, if it wasn't for the weird position he lay in, the cuts, and the steady trickle of blood from his head. Lune took him in his arms, and then looked up, as the Sparrow vanished into the forest outside the village near his castle.


Haru slumped limply against Kyru's chest, staring at where Toto and Baron had crashed. She was too high up to see how hard they crashed, or how they were but she knew they were hurt. With dead watery eyes she looked up at Kyru, who was looking at where Toto crashed, "The fools shot down the wrong bird," he whispered, and then sensing Haru's eyes on him, he looked down at her. He stared at her a moment, before turning away from her, and waiting for Ferdy to land. When they did, he pushed Haru off his lap, and not bothering to resist she fell off the bird onto the grass below.

He looked down at her, and shook his head. Jumping off he roughly grabbed her by her arm. She did not stand, and he sighed annoyed. "Ferdy," he snapped, "Go on, I got what I wanted." Ferdy nodded looking at Haru for a moment, before turning and taking off in the air. He looked down at her, and tugged at her arm, "Get up," he ordered. She did not move. He shook her hard, "Get up!" he said again. She looked up at him with blank eyes, but did not rise. Growling he yanked her up, and slammed her into a tree. Pinning her to it, he glared at her angrily. Her head was hung low, and her head dropped, She was now no longer looking at him.

Quietly he looked at her, and observed her body. She was very attractive now that he thought about it. He pulled away from her letting her slide down the tree into a sitting position. She pulled her legs to herself, and began to sob. Kyru looked down at her, and sighed, "Well since he's dead, I guess I won't have to kill you," he looked at the huddled form and added, "but I won't be releasing you either! You'll stay with me."

She began to shake and she sobbed a bit louder. He sighed and pulled off a cape he'd worn, he'd planned on wrapping her body up in it when he killed her, and then giving her body to Baron. He sighed placing it on her, and then went a bit away from her, to start a fire. She looked up at him half surprised. Rubbing at her eyes, she turned away from him, and wrapping the cloak around her to keep herself warm, she closed her eyes and cried herself to sleep.

Kyru glanced at her after he pulled out some dried meat and fruit and sighed. He picked up a small rock, and chucked it at her. She yelped as she woke, and looked over at him, fear in her eyes. He sighed holding out food, "Come and eat." She looked at him uneasily, and cowered when he rose sharply, growling, "That was not an offer, it was an order!" Holding the cape close to her body, she slunk forward and took what was offered to her. She ate with tears in her eyes, and flinched as he played with his cane. He snapped his thin sword, in and out of his cane, his mind off somewhere. When she finished up her meal che glanced at the distracted cat. She dropped the cape, and snuck off, but only managed to get a foot away, when he pounced.

She screamed as he turned her over, pinning her on her back. He looked down at her, watching the tears drip down her cheeks, and let her cry, and waited for her to tire and stop thrashing. When she finally did he waited for her too look, at him but she refused to. He again noticed she was a beautiful cat, and remembered the warmth he felt when she touched him. He knew she was in no position to fight back if he wanted...

Leaning down carefully he placed his lips to hers, and muffled her cry as he kissed her. When her mouth opened he took advantage of this and snuck his tongue in her mouth. He felt her wet tears on her face, and when he pulled away she was sobbing loudly. He glared at her, ripped up his cape, tying her wrist and ankles together. She curled up in a bowel never feeling so dirty, she'd been kissed...been kissed by someone other than Baron.

Kyru may have been cold, and felt hate towards all, but he was not so cruel to make her giver herself to him. If she did, it would be freely. He smirked, in time, she would love him. In time she would be his.


Baron woke, and cried out as he tried to rise. Warm arms wrapped around him, and he looked into Yuki's kind face. "Toto," he whispered, and Yuki smiled, lowering him down. "He's hurt but he'll recover." Baron groaned touching the bandages on his head, "What about Haru...?" Yuki turned away from him, "We're looking for her. Lune, Jun, Muta, everyone that's able is searching." She rose and smiled, "You've been out for an hour, rest, we'll find her." Baron closed his eyes, and asked, "Yes but will you find her alive?" Yuki looked at him, her cheeks turning red, and tears feeling her eyes. Baron had tears streaming steadily down her face, and she covered her mouth, clearing her throat. "You must be thirsty...I-I'll go get you a drink." When she was gone, he rose, pain shooting through his body. He glanced at the mantle seeing a sword hanging there.

Going to it, he took it, and left the room. "They will never find her," he whispered, "Only I will be able to find her." Leaving the castle was easy enough, but walking towards the forest was hard work. He was positive he had broken ribs, but ignored the pain. Pain was nothing. Haru was out there somewhere, alone with Kyru. He was not going to let her be kept by him. If she was dead, he had no problems with fighting to the death with Kyru. And if he lived, by some miracle, he would have no problems with taking his own life.

It took an hour for him to get in the forest and start searching, but he was determined. Another hour ticked by, and he was sure dawn would be approaching. He felt hope slowly leak out of his body, as if he had an open wound. But then, soft sobs caught his attention, and going towards it he found Haru and Kyru. Hiding behind a tree he saw Kyru sitting by a dying fire. He was looking over at Haru in annoyance as she sobbed. She was bound, and curled up in a ball. Baron sighed, "It's not as if I raped you," Kyru sighed. Baron felt his blood boil, and then glanced over at Haru. "You-You kissed me...I...I'll never be able to fo-forgive myself!" She sobbed.

Growling Kyru rose, and glared at her, "Forgive your self, it's not like you kissed back. Besides your loved one is dead. Get over it, he was a waste of time and space." He approached her, and kicked her in the side, "Focus on something else, like how you'll have someone new to love." He reached down for her, and that was all Baron could take. He rushed forward, and plunged his sword into Kyru's body, and forced him to a tree, The blade stuck through the wood, and Baron back away, collapsing in exhaustion. Kyru was trembling, and a short laugh came out his throat. "Well done Baron...well done."

Before their very eyes, Kyru turned into a figurine, and shattered into many pieces. "Baron!" Haru whispered, her tears blurring her vision. Baron crawled over to her, hastily untying her. She wrapped her arms around him, and sobbed his name. "Haru," he whispered, holding her to him as tight as he could. "Haru I love you so...so much." She pulled away, and kissed his bandages gently, putting her paws on his face. She kissed his eyes, his nose, and finally his mouth.

He wrapped his arms around her tightly, and eagerly kissed her back, both pulling away when they needed air. She kissed him a last time, before resting her head under his chin, and falling quickly into a peaceful slumber.


"I now pronounce you, finally, Cat, and wife!" The old cat priest said, and pushed up his glasses as Haru and Baron kissed. There were cheers from everyone, and Muta smile proudly at his friend. His arm was okay now, and holding that arm, was his fiancé Jun. Baron smiled at their friends, and Haru picked up Rin who was laughing. "Oh Haru," Yuki sighed happily, "I'm so happy for you!" Haru smiled and set the child down and hugged her husband. Toto was fully restored, and playfully nudged Muta. "Now that your going to marry Jun soon, this is going to make you king of her kingdom." Toto laughed when his whole body went red. Jun smiled up at Muta lovingly, and blushed, when the others pat them on the back.

"Oh we should have had a double wedding!" Haru sighed, but Jun and Muta both shook their heads. "Nah," Muta sighed, "We want to wait a little." Lune suddenly pat Baron's shoulder, "Well, you two better be off. It's time for you honey moon!" Baron smiled looking down at his wife, and kissed her brow. "Finally," He sighed, "Finally everything worked out."

"Don't count your chickens before they hatch," Muta huffed, "I'm just waiting for another nutter to come through that door and want revenge on Haru!" Laughter filled the end, and it looked as if much happier times, finally had decided to come their way.


yay! its over!
I didn't realize how much I liked this until I finished it!