Alex's POV
I growled as Kouji took away Amaris to probably be raped by a sick, twisted bandit. After I free everyone, we went in search of our lost priestess. While doing so, we come upon a mess hall of some sort with bandits getting drunk by the capful. Oh great... drunk bandits...
"Hey look!" one called out, "it's the prisoners from last night!"
We all sweat dropped at his slur. Suddenly, he came towards us and asked for some "entertainment" while wiggling his eyebrows at our supposed female half. I nearly gagged but quickly regained composure.
"Sure," I say in a serious tone, getting closer and closer, "we'll give you "entertainment.""
He came ever closer to my face until I grabbed a nearby broomstick, took off the bushy tail, and used it as a sword.
"I'll tell you all a story of daring danger, hopeless romance, and battling evil!"
They all wooted in approval as my friends sweat dropped in unison. Miaka was excited though.
"Plays are a lot of fun," she said, adding to my excitement.
"But what do we do?" Nuriko whispered back, "we don't know any of the stories of your world and I doubt you know ours."
"Don't worry," I whisper back, "I'll be narrator and tell you what to do and what to expect. I doubt they'll notice how impromptu we are."
They all nodded sadly (with Miaka being the exception (she likes this idea anyway)). I did some quick thinking of all the stories I know and finally came up with one. I then jumped onto a table with my "sword" and began my narration.
"Once upon a time," I begin dramatically, "in the country of England, there was a king named Richard the Third. However, this king was not like England's previous kings, oh no. He was of a kind and strong heart, always willing to help his people when they needed him the most. That, my friends, is how he became known as Richard the Lion-Hearted. For his heart was like that of a lion's; courageous, true, and loyal to his friends, family, and country.
"Alas!" I call out, as if struck through the heart, "the king was called away to war called The Crusades. It was a sad time during the king's absence for his brother, Prince John, had taken the throne in Richard's stead.
"Unlike his kind-hearted brother, John was a cruel man and full of greed. He had his right hand man, the Sheriff; steal from the people of Nottingham with inhumanly high taxes until barely a drop was left."
The bandits were booing out the made up character of Prince John. Some even commented that this character sounded a lot like their current leader, Eikou.
"However," I say, extending my sword theatrically, "one person stood up against John and his evil ways. That man was a master bowman and a master of disguise. He led his band of thieves that had dubbed themselves "Merry Men" throughout a forest named Sherwood. That man...was known as Robin Hood."
I then got a great idea and pointed to Hotohori to be our Robin Hood. I was actually thinking of putting him as King Richard, but that's so short of a part and we only have five people. However, he took the part pretty well.
"Robin was a noble man outlawed by John for his heroic deeds in helping the poor people. In return, Robin robbed him every chance he has to give to the people of Nottingham. His right-hand man was Little John, a best friend since childhood, and Friar Tuck, a priest."
I then pointed to Miaka and Tamahome to be Little John and Friar Tuck (Miaka is the priest in case you didn't know (she's a priestess of Suzaku so it'll work out...somehow)). Well, Kouji just walked in. There's my evil Sheriff of Nottingham.
"One day, a tournament is held in honor of the visitation of Maid Marian, King Richard's niece. She was a beauty beyond beauty, as well as Robin's childhood friend. They haven't seen each other in years, so Robin was naturally excited.
"The winner of the tournament would receive a golden arrow, a special congratulation from the King, and a kiss from Maid Marian. Robin disguised himself as a mysterious archer. He and the sheriff competed, Robin winning, naturally."
Hotohori fakes a smile and pretends to perform archery, hitting a perfect bullseye every time.
"When Robin goes to accept his prize, however..."
Hotohori steps forward, acting as if I was Prince John, bowing before me.
"...His disguise is unmasked and is captured. Maid Marian is..." I begin before seeing an orange streak pass by carrying an unconscious Amaris and another dark-haired girl.
"Uhh...Maid Marian and her handmaiden are stolen away by The Red Flash and we need to go to a brief intermission!" I say, jumping down off the table and calling out to the others that Amaris has escaped.
Naturally, they followed me to find our fellow priestess. We followed them to a little house off side the mountain and waited as the events turned on the inside...
Amaris's POV
I wake up with a cool cloth over my forehead and harsh whispering beside me. The two voices were very distinct, one having a heavy Spanish accent while the other just cursed her hotly. I open my eyes to the Spanish girl, Felicity, arguing with a man with sharp fangs. He was about 5'10 and had a harsh golden stare for eyes. His clothing consisted of a black coat with light blue trimming, a white undershirt, tan pants, big black boots, numerous beads on two necklaces, two teardrop earrings and fiery red hair that stuck out in all wild directions. When Felicity noticed I was awake, her demeanor changed very quickly.
"Good to see you awake, chica," she said tenderly, "I was worried that you were sick or something."
"No hablo español," I say weakly, making the dark haired girl smile and snicker.
"It's all right," she says while smiling, "we were just rescued by Genrou, the true leader of the Mt. Reikaku bandits."
I nod in understanding and sit up, looking at the fire-haired man, Genrou, standing in the corner with a definite scowl on his tanned face.
"Thank you, Genrou," I say softly, "for saving us."
He shrugs his shoulders and easily blows it off.
"It was nothing;" he said smartly, "I only rescued you because I can't stand that two-faced prick taking advantage of two women. Consider it a one-time thing because I hate girls."
"That seems very kind of you, Señor," Felicity says sarcastically, "allow me to give you payment for saving us and insulting us."
"I don't accept gratitude unless it's in cash," he said, his golden eyes staring into the dark violet eyes of Felicity, "got any on ya?"
"No, I do not," she replies, placing her hands on her full figured hips.
"Genrou," I say before a fight could break out between the two, "do you have a strange character on your body anywhere that glows red?"
"If you're talkin' about a Suzaku character mark, I'm sad to say that I do not have one."
I look down sadly as my hope diminished. It was a good try though.
"However," he said, looking up at my sad eyes, "there once was a guy here by the name of Tasuki. He was the leader of the Reikaku bandits before Kouji and me. He died some time ago and Eikou took to power while I was away. I've tried to take power back, but it always fails. However, this time, I plan to steal a treasure passed down the line of leaders...the Tessen. That is the weapon he always uses against me with an incantation. Said incantation can make flames appear from the Tessen and burn everything in its path."
"And how do you plan to steal it?" Felicity said, looking interested in the story.
"Kouji and I plan to attack with a band of loyal bandits tonight and I can go in with my speed to steal it right under his nose. I can also distract him with my paper wolves, but I doubt I can do much else."
"Maybe we can find my friends and ask for their help. They are the so far collected Suzaku Seishi Tamahome, Hotohori, and Nuriko. Chichiri is at the Emperor's palace."
Genrou nods in understanding, and then opposes the idea of us fighting along side the bandits in battle.
"We don't want to protect you if the occasion arises while we're still trying to protect ourselves."
"Believe me," Felicity said, looking him straight in the eye, even if he was a head taller than she is, "I'm sure we can defend ourselves."
"I'm not babysitting two girls who are too stupid to stay away from the battlefront."
"And I'm not standing by while all of you macho men fight. I'm sure chicas like she and I could easily defend ourselves."
Uhh... I don't know about her, I can't fight squat. I was never taught how and I was too scared to fight back against my parents, much less bandits wanting their turf back.
"I will say it one time and one time only," Genrou said in an even and calm tone, "you are not fighting with us."
"Then you can read my lips, Señor," Felicity said defiantly, "We. Are. Going. With. You. Whether. You. Like. It. Or. Not."
Genrou sighed, defeated as Kouji appeared through the door. He grins at Genrou as they greet each other. Suddenly, they turn chibi, lock arms at the elbows, and spin in a tight circle. Felicity and I sweat drop. What the...?
They started up their own conversation until Kouji turned to me and looked apologetic.
"Sorry I let that b&&&&&d get a hold of you, Missy," He said, smiling with boyish charm, "forgive an idiotic bandit?"
I smile and shake his hand in a truce. He then winked at me and turned to Genrou, discussing plans for the attack tonight. I only vaguely listened, hoping my friends were all right. Little did I know that they were just outside the window. Felicity then put a hand on my shoulder, smiling softly.
"I'm sure there is a way to find the fifth seishi you spoke of, chica," she said comfortingly, "or why would I be here?"
I nod softly, thinking it would be funny it would be if Genrou would get together with Felicity. Their tempers seem to match each other perfectly and her sweet disposition could help calm him sometimes.
...But I doubt that can happen now...
We all hear a crash outside to see the traveling circus (I mean the three seishi plus the other two priestesses). What the hell...?
"Suzaku seishi to the rescue!" Alex calls out despite getting squished by all of the other seishi. I feel sorry for that child... "Now everybody off! I'm getting turned into a pancake the hard way!"
"Pancakes?" Miaka calls out excitedly.
"No pancakes!" Alex said, pushing off everyone with his legs.
Genrou, Kouji, Felicity, and I all sweatdrop as they start arguing with each other while dusting themselves off. Miaka just sulked because of the absent pancakes. Yep, it's the Suzaku Seishi all right...
"Will all of you shut the F&&k up?" Genrou said angrily, "I can barely hear myself think!"
That effectively shut everyone up.
"Look," he said, "I don't want to cause any trouble amongst ya'll, but can you just take your priestesses and go? I've got a score to settle and I don't want any of you involved. Is that clear?"
"We are helping you fight Genrou," Felicity said firmly, standing up, and getting in face (even though he is a head taller than her...) "it may not be our fight, but we want to help you win it."
I nod in agreement, even if I can't fight. The other seishi nod in agreement. Genrou sighs.
"All right," he says, "ya'll can fight, but I'm not going to save your sorry ass if you get in trouble."
"It's just like Robin Hood," Alex whispers, me wondering what the heck a fairy tale has to do with our situation...