Sing to me my Sweet Sorrow

A group of 4 shadowed figures walked alone the foggy back trail through the deeper woods of the park. 3 were of average height and the 4th was slightly shorter than the others. From left to right there was a teen looking somewhere roughly around 17. He had slicked back black hair and gorgeous doughy brown eyes. He wore a plain white tee and jeans, his hands nonchalantly placed snugly into his pockets. The boy next to him was a bit taller and had long tousled red hair and wore a white tank with a forest green long sleeved button up shirt left unbuttoned. He also jeans and had an air around him that showed unconditional wisdom beyond his years since he only appeared to be 17 or 18 as well. The 3rd boy had gangly elvis styled orange hair and beady little eyes. He wore an all sky blue attire, his blue jacket open and revealing a white muscle tank. The last and shortest boy had unusually spikey black hair with a splash of white streaked through it. He had huge cold looking ruby eyes which constanly held a defiant, superior glare to them. He wore all black and had a katana strapped to his side.

The group walked, the black haired boy in jeans stopped and heaved an annoyed and bored sigh. "Dammit, the toddler sent us on a bogus mission!" complained Yusuke. "Yeah, whats up with this!" piped up the orange haired one, being labeled as Kuwabara. The red head decided to join in as he watched Kuwabara lean against the trunk of a tree. "Im sure Koenma wouldn't just send us out here to be rid of us. We have never had a fake mission before either, so I doubt Koenma would send us out on one now. He said something about rowdy demons in the park that were attacking innocent bystanders." spoke Kurama calmly. The black haired male crossed his arms and snorted. "Hn" Kurama looked at him and then back to his other comrade and leader like figure. "So guys, what are we going to do? Just wait around for this demon or what?" asked Kuwabara, actually not being stupid.

Kuwabara sighed boredly and blinked when he felt a droplet of liquid hit his forehead. "What the hell?" Kurama and Yusuke looked at him as he reached up to wipe the droplet from his head. Several more droplets came down and landed upon him and when Kuwabara wiped at his skin and looked at his hand, he found that the liquid wasn't water, but blood. "Oh my god!" he screeched and looked up, only to have more droplets drip from the unknown source upon his face. "What's going on?" asked Yusuke and walked over to the big oaf and looked up into the tree as did Kurama and they were shocked at what they found as the source of the blood.

A slim female arm was draped limply over her torso, the blood running down her bare arm from a cut on her shoulder and dripping from the tips of her fingers. The girl was perched in the tree, and when the boys got a better look at her, found her to be quite attractive. She wore a black tank top and forest green fighting pants and black fighting shoes. She had long raven colored hair that went to her lower back and was partially covering her face. She had several cuts on her body, a large tear was in the torso area of her shirt, revealing a deep gash that was bleeding profusely. There was an ancient looking katana strapped to her side aswell. "Oh my" Kurama was at a loss of words as he reached up and gently pulled the injured girl from the tree.

Kurama's babbling had caught Hiei's attention and caused him to walk over to his team mates and curiosly look over the petite girl in Kurama's arms. Hiei noticed that her left arm was wrapped in bandages, a light layer of blood beginning to seep through. "What do you think happened to her?" Asked Kuwabara, Yusuke and Kurama shrugging, not knowing as to how this girl came to be in the situation she was in. "We should get her to Genkai, the wound on her stomach is pretty deep..." announced Kurama, but before anyone could respond, there was a loud rustle in the bushes and out jumped the demon they were sent after.

Ok everyone, this is another of my new stories and I hope you all like it. Its all up 2 you guys if I should update this story. If I get good reviews requesting me 2 continue with this story, than I shall!