By razorblade romantic

Please note now, that this fic will be very AU.

I'm reposting this story, as I have a new found vigor for it. I know that there seems to be lots of stories out there that involve the Hellfire Club right now, but I've had this idea brewing in my head for a year now…so apologies to all who are sick of the Hellfire storyline. I promise mine is original though…anyways, on to the story.

Disclaimer: I do not own any characters from X-Men: Evolution, nor do I own Evolution in itself.

The room was almost completely dark, except for a few strangely lit tubes in the center. You could hear the faint, occasional beeps of the machinery hooked up to one of the tubes. All of the machines had their own specific job. One monitored the heart beat, one monitored the brain waves, one monitored the blood flow, and one kept the body unconscious. Hair flowed freely in the liquid filled container, and the occasional strand of hair would float in front of their face. The face that looked so pale, it almost looked dead. The face that looked so peaceful. Only in this tube did this body gain rest from the painful experimentations and surgeries that came everyday.

The "researchers" and "scientists" have found that keeping the body subdued and unconscious, it doesn't fight as much. They have also found that even in the bodies' unconscious state, it still felt pain. It still felt every scalpel tear through its flesh. Every needle that was thrust into its pale skin. Sadistic smiles would find their way upon the scientist's faces with each blood curdling scream that escaped from their "patients" raw throat.

This body, this mutant, was the answer to all their prayers. For years, scientists have been striving to create perfection.

Perfection, once out of reach for so long and only dreamed.

Perfection, that is now in their grasp.

Perfection, thy name be Rogue.

Okay, that's the first chapter. I know its not very interesting, but, I plan to update soon. If you have any constructive criticism, I'd love to hear it.