Author's note: I used to be SuperHyperCrazyPerson, and this story used to be called Suddenly in love with you. I hated my username and also the title of this story. I recently re-read this story and found it riddled with mistakes. I've deleted each and every chapter and fixed them. I'll be doing this to all my stories.

Chapter 7

Making love to your brother in the trunk of Count Olaf's car is one of the worst places to make love to your brother, because you might accidentally scream out in the throes of passion and Count Olaf might discover you.

Violet and Klaus unfortunately had no choice. They had no idea if when they got to their stop Count Olaf might look for something in his trunk and see them huddled altogether.

When Sunny decided to slip away into the warm spare car tyre for a nap Klaus and Violet became reacquainted with the taste of each other.

"Violet," Klaus sighed when Violet ran her teeth across his earlobe.

Klaus gave Violet a soft and gentle kiss before his hand slipped under her hospital gown. Klaus trailed his fingertips up and down Violet's thigh before settling down in his usual spot. He was absolutely shocked when his hand brushed against her soft downy curls instead of the cotton of her underwear.

"Violet," he gasped

"Well we haven't had time to wash them" Violet said defensively.

Klaus swirled his finger around her and marveled at how wet she was for him. He slipped his finger inside her warmth and Violet gasped at the sensations running through her.

When Klaus did this Violet's thoughts drifted back to the time when Klaus had done the same thing back in Esme and Jerome's penthouse. She remembered how warm and secure she felt back then. Now with the bitter wind flowing through the bullet holes she felt cold and scared. Olaf could have some reason to check on the trunk and discover them. Pushing all those thoughts aside Violet slowly eased her hand under his pants.

She marveled at how hard he was for her. When she did this Klaus mind floated back to the time when she had done the same thing at Esme and Jerome's penthouse where he had felt warm and safe and the time at unfinished wing at the hospital where he had felt cold and alone. They were running a big risk being back here doing these things. Sunny might wake up from the constant bumping and see Violet and Klaus doing things that aren't what normal siblings do. Violet might accidentally scream out Klaus's name in the throes of passion. Klaus might shout out Violet's name in his fervor. Olaf might check on his trunk and then Olaf might scream out that he has found the Baudelaire siblings and then they will be surrounded by all his henchmen.

When Klaus brushed against a certain spot in Violet she tilted her head back and moaned loudly. Klaus muffled this moan by sliding his tongue tenderly into her mouth. Violet's body tensed and Klaus knew she was close, very close. He brushed against that spot again and Violet's eyes snapped shut in ecstasy and she shuddered violently underneath him.

How Violet was still able to increase her strokes while she came was just beyond Klaus. Klaus took panting gasps and when Violet increased her pressure as much as she could he couldn't hold back any longer. Violet knowing he was lost in his pleasure clamped her mouth onto his to prevent any sound leaking out. She was just in time too.

"Violet, oh, Violet" was all Klaus could manage.

"That was unforgettable" Violet agreed smiling at her panting brother.

She withdrew her hand and wiped it shyly on one of Count Olaf's various disguises. Wiping your juices on other people's clothes was not a very nice thing to do but trying to chop off a 14 year old girl's head was not a very nice thing to do either.

"Love you Violet" Klaus murmured before withdrawing his hand and wiping it on the suit that Olaf used to pose as Shirley.

"I love you too Klaus. With all my heart" Violet replied through labored breaths.

Violet moved her body so she could rest her head on her brother's chest. Klaus ran his fingers through her hair undoing all the knots and massaging her scalp.

The car skidded to a halt and everyone piled out.

"Shall I get the wine from the trunk" asked one of Olaf's henchmen.

"No, Madame will provide us with refreshments." Olaf answered

Expecting someone to provide you and your henchmen and you evil girlfriend with wine is not a very nice this to do. But then again Olaf was the wickedest, fiend who was ever seen on the face of the earth.

Chapter 8

It was a crazy thing to do along with climbing down an ersatz elevator and jumping into the trunk of a fiendish man's car. But this was the craziest of them all. Violet, Klaus and Sunny disguised themselves as a two headed freak and a wolf/baby when they heard that Olaf had left his car.

Madame Lulu welcomed them, she really needed new employees. The Baudelaire children held their breath as Olaf and his henchmen and wicked girlfriend looked them up and down suspiciously.

Everyone knows it isn't nice to laugh at people who were less fortunate than you but try telling that to the man with pimples on his chin. He laughed harder each time one of the freaks came out. He was rolling around the ground with tears coming out of his eyes when he saw Beverly and Elliot. Everyone laughed nastily when they saw Collette and even nastier when they saw Hugo. All these mean people made spiteful comments at Chabo the wolf baby. They were no less freaky then the people on the stage but they eyed the 'freaks' like they weren't humans but Martians from Mars.

It was very hard to walk with a scratchy beard wrapped around you and while sharing a pair of oversized pants with your brother. It was hard to talk with a low voice when you're a girl and hard to talk in a high and squeaky voice when you're a boy. The Baudelaires movements were awkward and ungraceful, their throats hurt at the end of the day due to going beyond their normal pitch range. Violet and Klaus kept intruding on each other's space though neither minded. Violet quite enjoyed Klaus's nearness, it was hard to sleep in the hammock though. Very hard indeed. They kept elbowing each other and when one was comfortable the other was in the most awkward position that one could be in both Violet and Klaus were tossed from the hammock onto the floor.

Every eye turned to them.

"Are you okay Beverly? Elliot?"

"Yeah" Beverly replied.

"I think my other head and I will go outside to get some fresh air" Beverly said and gracefully as possible stood with the help of Klaus's hand.

They both tripped on a stone that was conveniently placed outside the trailer.


"Klaus, I, uh, have some business to take care of" Violet said with a frantic look on her face.

Klaus understanding what she meant quickly undid the pants and Violet slipped the sweater off and ran into the bushes.

Violet came back in a few minutes with a relieved look on her face.

They both sat on the dusty ground.

"Are you okay Violet?" asked Klaus

"Yeah." She replied before lunging forward and kissing Klaus feverishly.

"Missed you." She whispered after they broke apart.

Klaus smiled against her neck. He placed tender kisses along the bottom of her jaw and up to her earlobe. Violet reached up and held Klaus's head firmly against her neck.

Violet still wearing the hospital gown shivered in the wind.

Klaus seeing this said "Maybe we should go inside,"

"I don't want to go back. It's so stuffy in there and the hammock is too small." Violet protested.

"I know it's pretty horrible but we'll have to put up with it," Klaus sighed wishing he were back at Uncle Monty's house.

"I know," Violet whispered tears springing into her eyes

"Oh, Violet, don't cry," Klaus said brushing away the tears with his thumb

"I'll always be here with you," He murmured against her ear.

"I would fall to pieces without you," admitted Violet

"So would I without you, Violet but we've got each other right now, I'll won't hurt you. I'll protect you, always." Klaus promised

Violet's heart swelled at Klaus's promise knowing he would always look after her as she would look after him.

"I'll never let you down Klaus, I promise that I'll be there for you, always." Violet's voice was full of sincerity.

Klaus gently pushed Violet onto the ground where their second of layer of clothes lay spread out like a blanket protecting Violet from the hard ground. Klaus slowly lifted Violet's gown up to reveal her milky white, beautiful thighs. He licked up the inside of her thigh, causing Violet to jump up in surprise. He lifted his head and looked into her eyes imploring for her permission. She gave him a loving smile, her appreciation evident in her eyes, she appreciated the fact that he cared about her feelings, that he didn't pressure her.

She caught the twinkle of mischief in Klaus's eyes and knew he would tease her until she gave into him. Klaus surprised her when he lowered his head and darted his tongue out to taste her. He inhaled her scent, savored her taste. He swirled his tongue around her thoroughly tasting her. When Klaus found her clit, Violet cried out and gripped the sweater underneath her. Klaus licked her tiny slit from top to bottom, and stopped frequently to suck on her clit. Moving slowly, Klaus took his time to lick and taste each crevice. He nibbled at her outer lips, and then pushed his tongue inside her, he kept her teetering on the edge but holding her back from spiraling over.

"Klaus" Violet moaned

Klaus gently sucked on her clitoris while he pushed two fingers tenderly into her dripping wet, hot core. She is so warm! Violet gasped at the sudden intrusion but calmed down quickly. Klaus increased his pressure on her clit and began to slowly pump his fingers in and out of her. With a strangled cry Violet came, the whole world spinning out of control around her. Her vaginal muscles squeezing Klaus's fingers over and over again. He moved up her body and kissed her, allowing her to taste herself before moving back down and cleaning up all her juices.

"Thank you" She murmured

He rolled off her and helped her up. They dusted off their first layer of clothes and put on their second. They held hands under the sweater. As they approached the freak caravan they both took a deep breath before twisting the knob of the door and staggering in. Violet lay into the hammock first with Klaus's body on top of her. He laid his head beside hers on the hammock and gave her a goodnight kiss on the neck. She kissed him back on the crown of the head. Whatever humiliation came tomorrow Violet and Klaus would think back to the events of tonight and they would feel better.

Chapter 9

Thanks for the lovely reviews!

"Ladies and Gentlemen, Beverly and Elliot will be thrown to the lions!" Olaf announced.

Violet's hand gripped Klaus's underneath the sweater. How on earth were they going to get out of this one? Klaus knew his sister was scared and offered her a loving look. But when you're about to get fed to lions with no way out of it a forced caring look doesn't do too much.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we are thrilled!" Violet said unfalteringly, but not feeling a word she had just said. Klaus squeezed her hand in a reassuring way.

They tried to stall for as long as they could but the crowd was too worked up.

After fighting over who would push Beverly and Elliot into the pit, it all ended in both Olivia and the fat man falling in.

"I feel so guilty Klaus."

"Violet, it isn't your fault." Klaus comforted her, brushing a stray lock of hair out of her eyes. They stood in Madame Lulu's tent staring at the items she'd planned to take.

"Hurry Up and torch the tent freaks!" Olaf snapped at them he grabbed Sunny's hand and dragged her away.

"I think Chabo wants to stay with us" Violet said

"I don't care what Chabo wants" Olaf snapped back "now get in the trailer!" He shouted at them.

They did as he told them to.

Violet and Klaus took off the ridiculous outfit they were wearing and climbed into the hammock together.

Violet was still in her hospital gown but Klaus was still wearing his normal clothing.

"No matter what happens, we'll always be together Violet."

"Always together," She whispered back

Violet straddles Klaus and her hand slipped under his sweater and brushes her fingertips gently over Klaus's stiffened buds of his nipples.

Klaus brings her head down onto his and kisses her, a thrill of excitement runs through him as he feels Violet grinding onto him.

Klaus kept his lips on hers as he slipped under her gown. He kissed her lips and her neck and her flushed cheeks, and when his fingers brushed against that spot and Violet gasped he kissed her breath as well.

Klaus pulled his hand from underneath her gown to her back where the string which held the gown together was. He pulled gently on the knot and pulled the fabric down past her shoulders. Violet sits up and removes the gown and drops it onto the ground beside them. She dips her head back down and kisses Klaus passionately. Violet blushes when she realizes she is nude while Klaus is still fully clothed. Her hand travels down to the buttons on his pants. Violet deftly undoes them and pulls his fly down. She pulls his pants down to his knees. Violet is shocked when she realizes Klaus isn't wearing any underwear. This would make sense because they hadn't had time to go and wash their clothes.

Violet inhaled sharply when she felt how hard Klaus is, for her.

"Violet, are you sure you're ready for this?"

Violet's heart swells with appreciation. Unable to find her voice Violet nods mutely. He gives her a reassuring smile.

"I'm going to take care of you Violet." Klaus vows as he enters her.

Violet slid her hands down Klaus's back and held him tight to her, pressing him as close as she possibly could.

Klaus held Violet, and she leaned against his arms, grateful for their strong pressure on her back. They were both breathing with more difficulty now; The heat got more and more, until they could hardly bear it. They both climaxed at the same time, great waves of warmth and pleasure and the deepest love, rushing through their bodies like the white-tipped peaks sent crashing onto the pebbly beach below by the rising wind.

The minutes passed, and finally Violet raised her head from Klaus's chest so she could press a little, almost chaste kiss to his lips.

Violet encircled Klaus's shoulders with her arms, and he held her round her little waist.

"I love you Klaus, always,"

"Violet, no matter what happens,we'll always be brother and sister."

Violet rested her head back on Klaus's chest and listened to the steady heartbeats feelings of safety and love surged through her.

"I know that you are the Baudelaires!" Olaf cackled through the intercom.

They looked out the window to see the most dreadful sight, the freak Kevin had cut the rope holding them together and now Violet and Klaus were tumbling down the mountain away from Sunny still stuck in Olaf's car.