The plot bunnies attack!

Once again, this is in honor of Read300300, and as well as Sanskrit...


Disclaimer: Alas, I own them not.


Jack is not in love with Daniel.

He does not think that Daniel is beautiful and amazing. He does not wonder if Daniel's hair ever smells like the sandalwood shampoo he will share with him sometimes when they are in the showers. And when they are in the showers, Jack does not watch Daniel lather his hair, or tilt his head back to let the hot water pound the tenseness out of his muscles. Jack does not watch the water fall on Daniel's skin, and he does not see how the water on Daniel's eyelashes make them look soft and smoky. He does not watch how Daniel's muscles move under his skin, and he does not see how Daniel's hair looks like rough ebony when wet.

When they are in a briefing, he does not watch Daniel's fingers dance through the air as he passionately pushes his point, attempting to win Jack over on things that he already has. He does not see the fervent glow in his sapphire blue eyes, and he does not see the soft glow in his skin.

Jack does not wonder what Daniel's mouth tastes like, or what it would be like to hold him.

He does not wonder, or see, any of these things.

Except when he does.