Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of Demolition Man that I didn't create. Demolition Man belongs to Warner Brothers. I am not even profiting from this.
Demo Man Begins
Beginning of Tale
Back in 1985 at the La Jolla Cove in Southern California in the day time. There is Colonel Henry Yates. John Spartan's army commander. There are some other men with John Spartan. There is also Jack Jones. John Spartan is a troop. The soldiers are getting orders. Henry Yates: "Everyone. We are getting ready. Let's destroy the schools of Los Angeles. We will be free to be out of school." Spartan: "You are out of your mind Colonel Yates. That is an act of terrorism." Henry Yates: "John Spartan. You are a traitor and a tyrant. Men have him killed." Jones: "I will kill you John Spartan. I am your superior officer." Jack Jones jumps kicks John Spartan. John Spartan with his hands clobbers him in the face. John Spartan fights some of those bad men in league with Henry Yates hand to hand.
Henry Yates's thugs and John Spartan pull out their guns. John Spartan aims his gun at Henry Yates's thugs. Spartan: "Drop the gun." Colonel Yates pulls out his gun. John Spartan fights his evil commander in a brief gun fight. John Spartan almost kills his evil commander where he falls into the water. John Spartan aims his gun at the rest of those renegade soldiers. Spartan: "The rest of you don't move. I am having you all on court maritals. You all tried to kill me and made a stupid choice." Jones: "You'll pay for this John Spartan. I am your superior officer."
Flashback to 1976. At a dance at night time in a Southern California dance hall. There is a song playing in the background called Dancing Queen by Abba. There is John Spartan there with a bunch of friends of his. They are all dancing. John Spartan is in his military uniform. Spartan: "I am getting in the Army now. My father was in the Army and fought in World War 2 and he went after Adolph Hitler himself."
Outside of the dance hall. There is the new Mafia boss Sonny Marconi the son of Anthony Marconi. There are also Italian thugs with him and the under bosses Frankie Jr., Mario and Louie. They have baseball bats and golf clubs. Sonny Marconi: "My daughter is going to UCLA. I never went to college nor did my dad. I want you to trash John Spartan and his friends. They are testifying against us. They graduated high school half a year ago. John Spartan's sister is also testifying against us. Officer Steve Healy is there too. Kill him. You father Frankie Jr. worked for my father long ago." They enter the dance hall.
In the dance hall there is John Spartan getting seated with his friends Rodger, Markus and Jeffery. Also present is John Spartan's Sister Eileen who is 2 years younger than him. Spartan: "This is my sister Eileen. Eileen those are my friends Markus, Rodger and Jeffery." Also there is rookie cop Steve Healy and his girlfriend Karen who show up. Steve Healy is in his 20's. Healy: "John. That's my new girlfriend Karen. Do you have a girlfriend yourself John?" Spartan: "No. I am going to service. I am finishing my training. I am a troop." Healy: "I am now on the LA PD. Mob boss Sonny Marconi is after us and you to. Your father worked for the DA in New York City dating back to when you were born. There's a mobster's son who's also an under boss." Spartan: "I want to someday get married and have kids. Maybe than my parents might move back to New York City." Eileen Spartan: "When I grow up I want to be a social worker. I want to move to Northern California after college."
Somewhere else in the building. There is Sonny with his gang. Sonny Marconi: "There is Officer Healy. Also there is John Spartan. His sister is there too. Get them!" All those mob enforcers go after John Spartan and his friends.
The Dee Jay puts on another song. It's called By My Baby. Healy: "Karen and I are getting up to dance." Spartan: "I'll sit down. We have to watch out for Mafia boss Sonny Marconi." Steve Healy and his girlfriend Karen get up and dance. The Italian mobsters show up. Steve Healy has his gun with him. They go after John Spartan and his friends. John Spartan gets up. Spartan: "There's the Marconi mob. His father died of a heart attack in prison. He wants his daughter of the Mafia and grow up to be a good girl. I can deal with them. I am army trained." John Spartan throws punches onto a few Italian mobsters. John Spartan grabs a golf club and a baseball bat and makes those 2 mobsters hit each other.
Mafia boss Sonny Marconi shows up. Sonny Marconi: "Waste the Army guy and the cop." Healy: "You are under arrest on charges of racketeering." Healy gets into a hand to hand fight with some mob enforcers and the under boss Mario. John Spartan battles under bosses Louie and Frankie Jr. They are all beating each other up. John Spartan throws the 2 Louie and Frankie Jr. into Mario. Steve Healy pulls out his gun. He aims at it Mafia boss Sonny Marconi. Healy: "Hold it right there Sonny Marconi. You eluded the FBI. I am arresting you on racketeering charges."
Later on outside. There are John Spartan and his friends with Steve Healy and his girlfriend. Also present is Captain Horowitz. Healy: "John Spartan. This is my captain Jake Horowitz." Spartan: "Hello. I am in the Army." Captain Horowitz: "You could one day join the LA PD. Maybe you could come in after being in service if you come out of the Army alive." Spartan: "Maybe I will one day join." The mobsters are being loaded into police cars by the LA PD.
Over to 1986. Out on the streets of Los Angeles in the day time. There is John Spartan in his squad car with Chris Dillon his veteran officer. John Spartan is behind the wheel of the squad car. They get to the Russian mafia headquarters owned by Yuri Sergey. Chris Dillon: "You have many officers behind your back. We go in. I have arrested mob guys and even dealt with pimps and hookers too. I have even dealt with arms dealers and drug dealers myself." Spartan: "Yes. I have military history. I have had similar training like this in the army." There are many other police cars in back of John Spartan. They all park at the Russian mob headquarters. John Spartan and Chris Dillon get out of the squad car. They pull out guns. There are many other officers and Lt. Healy behind their backs. Healy: "You all follow me behind my back." All those cops burst into the Russian Mob's turf.
Inside the Russian mob headquarters. There is Yuri Sergey and his thugs. A thug runs up to the Russian Mafia boss to inform him that the police are present. Russian mobster 1: "The police are here." Yuri: "You got get them. Go outside. Chris Dillon is somewhere outside. I want him dead." The shooters get their guns and go after the police force.
Back outside. The Russian mobsters appear. The cops hold their guns on them. Chris Dillon: "This is the police. You are under arrest." John Spartan and his officers get into a gun fight with them. Chris Dillon shoots at the Russian mob guys. So does Lt. Healy. John Spartan kills 2 of the Russian mobsters. Chris Dillon kills a Russian thug. John Spartan shoots one in the chest. Others thrown down their guns. Healy: "You 2 officers Spartan and Dillon move in. Round up the rest of Sergey's gang. You are behind my back."
John Spartan and Chris Dillon move in on the Russians. They get inside. They are behind Lt. Healy's back. They go after Yuri Sergey. A Russian mobster runs up to the cops with his hands. John Spartan grabs that Russian mobster and throws him against a wall. Lt. Healy aims his gun at him and puts handcuffs on him. Healy: "I'll take that guy." Others open fire from somewhere in the building.
John Spartan pulls out an explosive. He throws this explosive to the Russian mobsters that open fire on him. Those Russian mobsters are blown up. Yuri Sergey comes out to confront the police. John Spartan and Chris Dillon go after Yuri Sergey. Chris Dillon: "Yuri Sergey. You are under arrest for murder." John Spartan jumps onto the Russian mob boss. Lt. Healy goes outside with a prisoner. Yuri grabs John Spartan and throws him against a wall. Chris Dillon butts in. Yuri: "Now we meet. You will die."
He fights with the Russian mob boss. He throws a hard punch on him. The Russian Mafia boss kicks John Spartan's veteran officer in the legs knocking him down. John Spartan gets back up. John Spartan rams into the Russian Mafia boss. They throw punches at each other. John Spartan defeats the Russian mob boss. Chris Dillon goes over to help John Spartan. Spartan: "I have our prisoner." Chris Dillon puts the handcuffs on the Russian Mafia boss Yuri Sergey. Chris Dillon: "I am charging with resisting arrest and assaulting a police officer." They drag him outside.
Back outside. John Spartan and Chris Dillon regroup with Lt. Healy. John Spartan with his veteran officer put together all the Russian mobsters rounding them up. Lt. Healy: "You have done well John Spartan. You and your veteran officer have apprehended the Russian mob boss. Did you have to kill all those others?" Spartan: "They tried to kill Officer Dillon and me." All the cops get back into their cars and leave.
End of Tale