1Soul Crystal's Owner

Ch. 1 A Third McKnight

"Hey Kira, I wouldn't look up now but Conner just walked in," started 18-year- old Ethan James, age sharing Kira Ford's head snapped up. " With another girl." Kira glared at her red-clad brunette haired boyfriend Conner McKnight and the tall slim girl about 18 standing next to him. The girl had curly brown hair that just swept her shoulders and a pale lavender sun dress, she laughed at something Conner had said. Conner and the girl came over to the table where Kira and Ethan were sitting at.

"Hey you guys," said Conner as they reached the table. He stooped to kiss Kira on the cheek.

"Easy Kira," said Ethan. "You've got steam coming out of your ears."

"Who is she?" blurted out Kira. Conner laughed and said,

" A little jealous Kira? This is my sister Davia; she just graduated from Angel Grove Preparatory Academy. I decided to show her Hayley's and to meet you guys."

"Hey," said Davia McKnight. "You must be Kira and Ethan, Conner's told me a lot about you guys."

"So, what grade are you in?" asked Ethan.

"I'll be a Freshman this year at UC Reefside like you guys," replied Davia.

"How," said Kira. "I mean did you skip a grade or something?"

"No," said Davia.

"We're triplets," said Conner. " Eric and I are identical twins and Davia is our fraternal triplet."

"Hey Conner, can I get you and your friend anything to drink?" came a woman's voice. Conner turned to see Hayley Johnson, the owner of Hayley's Cyberspace Café.

"Hayley this is my sister Davia," said Conner. "Davia this is Hayley Johnson the owner of Cyberspace."

"Hi," said Davia, as she shook hands with the twenty-seven-year-old woman.

"Conner, you didn't tell me you were a triplet," said Hayley.

"How'd you know?" asked Davia in surprise. "Most people never know that they just assume that we're brother and sister."

Hayley smiled and said,

"To me it just seemed obvious, if you were to change Conner into a girl or you into a boy you two would be identical."

"Wow," said Davia. "That's amazing. Your mind and thought patterns are incredible."

"Sorry, " said Conner. "My sister has an analytical brain like you Hayley. The joke is that Davy got the brains and me and Eric got the looks."

Davia rolled her eyes and playfully hit her brother in the arm. Conner rubbed his arm as if it hurt.

"There is nothing wrong with an analytical brain Conner, in fact your sister's type of brain is and can be very useful to difficult thought-provoking problems and situations. People with analytical brains are often great leaders," said Hayley.

"Hey, that's mean Hayley. You're just saying that because you're not a color," said Conner.

"Not a color? " said Davia. "What's that mean?"

"Never mind Davy, it's an inside joke," replied Conner. "Hey Davia would you mind hanging out with Hayley for a while; Kira, Ethan and I will be right back."

"Uh sure Con," said Davia. "Be safe."

"Bye," said Conner. Then he, Kira, and Ethan quickly hurried outside the café. Once in the safety of Conner's red mustang car, Kira said,

"What's up Dr. O?"

"We've got Tryannadones and Elsa in the park. Trent and I are on our way over," said the older man's voice.

"Is the Teleportation Grid up yet?" asked Ethan.

"Not yet," replied the voice.

"Davy would have it up in no time," muttered Conner as he threw his car into gear and roared away.

The teen's arrived at the park and began to help 18-year-old Trent Fernandez-Mercer and 28-year-old Doctor Tommy Oliver or Dr. O's as the teens called him, fight the Tryannadones as Dr. O took on Elsa. As they fought off the t-drones Elsa, suddenly cried out,

"Meet Aquatica Rangers and try not to get too wet." She disappeared through an inviso portal and was replaced by a fishy looking creature.

"I am Aquatica and you rangers all look too, dry for my likes," said the creature, as it sprayed the rangers with a fierce stream of icy water.

"Okay, no one ruins my make up and gets away with it," said Kira. "Are you guys thinking what I'm thinking?"

"All the way," said Trent.

"Dino Thunder Power Up Ha!" Dr. O, Conner, Ethan, and Kira shouted as Trent said,

"White Dino Power." Once morphed the rangers attacked Aquatica.

"Tyrano Staff!" cried Conner as he delivered a blow of his staff at the creature, which flung him off. As Conner landed heavily on the ground his sister's words echoed in his head 'Be safe Con.' Conner pushed himself back up and rejoined the fight, catching Kira before she hit the ground.

"Thanks," she said. "You okay?"

"Never better," he replied. They went back to attacking Aquatica.

"Look out Conner!" shouted the White Ranger as Aquatica aimed a beam of ice which incased the Red Ranger breaking his morph. Conner had become a human ice cube.

"Later Rangers," screeched Aquatica as it disappeared through an inviso portal.

"Conner!" cried the yellow ranger. As the yellow ranger and the other rangers ran to his frozen form.

"Is he alive Dr. O?" asked Ethan.

"I think so," replied Dr. O. "Let's get him to the lab." Then into his communicator said,

"Hayley, we've got an emergency situation. Get to the lab as soon as you can."