The Trouble Starts
It was a normal Saturday morning for the 13 year old Scottish girl Caitlyn. She was medium sized with bright green eyes and long fair hair that goes past her wast. Her friend Jet had beenover for a week now. She was coming home from horse riding with Jet in the back of her mum's car.
"That as so funny!" Jet laughed
"Was not! It's not funny to fall off a horse and into a puddle!" Caitlyn shouted back.
"So what's the plan today?" Jet asked, Caitlyn looked out the car window at the River Clyde,
"How about we go to Amanda's house after I change and dry up," Caitlyn suggested.
"Great! I love going down to Amanda's, she remind me of Otto," Jet laughed
"Yeah, your boyfriend!" laughed Caitlyn, Jet looked at her and smirked
"Oh, and what about you and Craig then?" she asked, with a big grin on her face, Caitlyn blushed and looked away. Jet laughed. Soon they were home and Caitlyn changed out of her riding gear and dyed herself off, she phones her best friend in the whole world since before primary 1, even though she lives 5 or 6 houses down from her, she still phoned her.
"Yello Amanda, howing you?" asked Caitlyn(if you don't understand what we say, don't worry, it's our own wee crazy language)
"I'm good, you?" Amanda asked,
"Me good, Jet too," Caitlyn replied
"So," Amanda started
"Can we come down, we bored like loony up here!" Caitlyn asked.
"Sure, no prob I'll see you in a tick then," Amanda replied
"Bye!" Jet yelled in the background, they hung up.
"Alrighty matey let's go before we turn to stone!" Caitlyn joked. Jet laughed and nodded. They headed down the street when Caitlyn heard something not right.
"You hear that?" Caitlyn asked, Jet shock her head and continued down the street, Caitlyn followed looking over her shoulder every now and then.
"Hiya!" Amanda shouted as she came to the door. She was a very thin person with blue eyes and short blond hair, she was a bit taller than Caitlyn. Jet hugged her and went up to her room. "Something wrong?"
"I just get the feeling that I'm being watched," Caitlyn replied
"It's nothing, you worry too much," Amanda laughed
"Yeah, and you take life to easy!" Caitlyn replied and headed up to her room.
"Hurry up you two, grab a controller!" Jet said as she put in Super Smash Bros. in the Gamecube. Amanda and Caitlyn grabbed a controller and played each other in the versus matches, Jet always winning. Jet was looking very pleased with herself, but her victory was short lived as the window smashed and two formless appeared.
"Oh great, formless, Caitlyn you remember that training I taught you?" Jet asked
"Of course, I need to defend myself from bullies," Caitlyn replied
"Right what do we do in a situation like this?" Jet asked
"Whoop their butts!" Caitlyn said and punched one of he formless and Jet got the other, Caitlyn looked down and saw a million more outside.
"So what do we do in a situation like this?" Jet said
"Oh, this is my speciality...RUN AWAY!" Caitlyn yelled, jet turned into a griffin and Caitlyn grabbed Amanda and flung her on Jet. She jumped on and they flew over to a nearby wood, about a ½ an hour to 1 hour to get there by bike, (Well, we do have to go uphill to get there!). They landed in a clearing and took a break.
"Now what?" Amanda asked, Caitlyn shrugged and looked at a few trees nearby
"I have an idea, but you might have to leave everyone for a month or two," Jet replied and turned into her normal form.
"What?" Both of us asked.
"Go to Shuggazoom," Jet replied.
"Shuggazoom? It really excites!" Amanda exclaimed
"Yeah, that's were Jet stays, what about the monkey team?" Caitlyn asked
"I'll have a word with Antauri," Jet replied and got out a small sphere with a button on it. Jet pushed it and a teleportation portal opened. Jet went in first, Amanda followed and Caitlyn too, with one last look at her home, she went in.
The trip there was very colourful I can tell you that! Soon they were outside the Super Robot.
Me:First Chapter done.
Jet:Oh look how cute you two are, oh what you say?
Me: If you are curious I got two new Guinea pigs because my last one died a few days ago, they are called Jet and Otto and yes, male and female. Jet can't get enough of them!
Jet:I know, R&R, Amanda is also LazzyNewtt On R&R her stories please! Thanks
Me:Don't forget Beastfire, you need to torment Jet out of her life soon but don't let her have all the fun, don't forget Ivy!
Jet:We will see you soon then! BYE!