Two halves of one soul

Chapter 1

The tall dog demon scowled darkly as he drew his sword, his youngest son cowered before him.

"You have disgraced this family, filthy half-breed!"

Inuyasha's face paled as a single tear ran down his face, he looked up at his father and saw the hatred in his eyes.

"Please, father. I did not mean to…I…I'm sorry."

The great dog demon snarled and brought down his blade on Inu Yasha's back cutting a deep groove in the flesh, Inuyasha whimpered softly but stood his ground.

In a darkened room Inuyasha stirred fitfully in his sleep, Rin moved closer to him trying to hear what he said.

The reed door was pushed aside and Jaken entered slowly.

"Lord Sesshoumaru is on his way."

Rin turned and regarded the small toad-like demon thoughtfully.

"He's hurt, Jaken. Who is he? Why did you bring him here?"

Jaken scowled at the young mortal girl but happiness bubbled within him, he had finally done something to make his lord proud.

"This half-blooded fool is Lord Sesshoumaru's brother, Inuyasha. They are enemies and when I saw him lying wounded on the road I knew my Lord would want him taken captive."

Jaken began to laugh, sure of his master's approval.

Rin didn't know why but rage welled up inside her as she watched Jaken laugh, she suddenly despised the demon more than anything. But before she could say anything their tall and powerful master walked silently into the room.

His eyes widened slightly at the sight of Inuyasha in his castle but other than that his expression remained neutral, even slightly disdainful, as always.

"My Lord!" Jaken almost threw himself to the floor in a bow. "I brought you…"

Sesshoumaru cut his words off a slight wave of his hand; he glided gracefully across the room and crouched next to his half-brother's sleeping body. His keen demonic eyes saw each bead of sweat forming on his brow; he almost fell backwards at the strength of the scent of fear emanating from the half breed.

"Father, please…"

Sesshoumaru glanced around quickly to see if Rin or Jaken had heard Inuyasha's faint plea, it seemed neither had. Although he knew both were waiting for him to order Inuyasha's death or simply take the Tetsusaiga lying by his side and wait for him to die he remained silent, something inside him wanted to know what troubled his half-brother – for curiosity reasons only.

"Leave us."

He heard Rin immediately get up and move to the door but Jaken stayed, when he turned Sesshoumaru saw that Jaken was frozen with shock.

"Jaken, do I have to repeat myself?"

With a squawk Jaken hurried after Rin, the reed door swung gently and they were alone. Sesshoumaru turned back to Inuyasha; he sat on the floor beside him and watched waiting for him to awaken.

As his amber eyes studied Inuyasha emotions he had not felt in 150 years welled up inside him, protective feelings.

"I had a bad dream." Inuyasha looked at his older brother plaintively.

Sesshoumaru sighed and threw back the light covers that were his bed sheets in these winter months.

"Come now, pup. Dreams cannot hurt you."

Smiling a little Inuyasha climbed into bed with his brother, he quickly snuggled into the older demon's arms and soon began snoring softly.

"Sleep little one, I will protect you."

Sesshoumaru shook his head and growled softly to himself; these feelings were for the past, he hated this half-breed and wished him dead.

"Let the nightmares come," he whispered vehemently at Inuyasha. "You killed my mother."