Chapter 34
The Epilogue
Harry and Ginny were married just two weeks after the defeat of Voldemort. They had a small ceremony in the backyard of the burrow, well at least as small as a ceremony of the "Greatest wizard of all time" also known as The Boy who lived, wedding could be. Reporters were everywhere; they just praised it more when they found out that they were both virgins. Harry and Ginny went on a short but enjoyable honeymoon in the Caribbean. They enjoyed themselves so much that they came back, unbeknownst to them for a couple more weeks, pregnant. Just nine months later and three months after her cousin Gregory Weasley, their first-born daughter Eliza Lily Potter was born. Then followed by Madeline Molly, Quinn Ava, Hazel Marie, Summer Anne, and their twins Sydney Paige and James Albus Potter. All the girls had fiery red hair and James was the spiting image of his father in everyway sporting raven black hair, must be in the Potter blood. All except for the green eyes passed on from his grandmother Lily. All of the children were about a year apart, except for the twins who were a little over two years younger than Summer. The twins were a pleasant surprise so after the first five girls they just figured that they weren't going to have a boy so they named their dog Sirius that strangely looked and acted like Sirius Black. Harry began to wonder if the veil that Sirius fell behind was a place that held souls to be reborn again as something other than human, like animals or something. In fact it seemed as if the dog already knew his name. Unfortunately Harry was unable to talk it over with Dumbledore for he had passed on shortly after the birth after their second daughter, at least that is what it seemed to be. All he said was one day was goodbye and he was going to visit his old friend Nicholas Flamel. Then he was gone in a puff of gold smoke and hadn't been seen since. However, everyone was convinced that it was Sirius Black's soul that was in the dogs' body. They even named their cat Minerva though they called her Minnie for short.
After a couple of years after the demise of Voldemort, Harry got picked up by a professional Quidditch team as their Seeker. Harry remained an Auror part time doing only very important missions here and there. Ginny stayed at home with the children. She loved her job, she laughed at herself for she had turned out just like her mother except she stayed fit, and she was very athletic.
Ron and Kiara Had their first son Gregory David Weasley that following mid January. They had two other children as well, Marylyn Alizabeth and Caleb Robert Weasley. Caleb was the same age as Sydney and James. All of their children had the Weasley hair only a little lighter due to Kiara's blonde hair. Ron worked as an Auror for many years until he decided to retire young and join The International Wizard's Chess Tour, becoming the undefeated champion for many years. Kiara like Ginny stayed home with the children and as well loved it so very much. Ron may not have become Head Boy or Quidditch Captain, but he got all of his greatest desires, the ones that really mattered.
Draco and Hermione married only two weeks after Harry and Ginny married. Then only just days later found out that they too were expecting. Apparently their little reunion on the night of the final war gave them a little more than expected. Their son Grant Alexander Malfoy was born that following March. They also had a daughter who they named Josephine Amanda Malfoy. Josie was the same age as Hazel and Marylyn.
Hermione took time off from being an Auror and just did file casework and wrote books so she could work out of the home and be there with her children until her children went of to Hogwarts. She took back up being an Auror full time again, but continued writing. Her works were best sellers and she had become one of the wizarding world's greatest authors. She had also picked her freedom rights for house elves back up although she had changed the name and a few of the goals. She now called it H.E.L.P.S (House Elves Liberation Project Society). Now freedom means to treat them with respect and not treat them as lowly slaves. She understands that they don't want to be freed as in let go of their job and to some it is an insult to receive money for doing what they love. The newly improved club only helps ensure that they are treated well and to "free" them of being abused slaves and to give them a better name. This had gone over really well and even the elves were appreciative.
Draco had received the Malfoy inheritance. In his father's will all went to him. His father didn't believe in a woman handling the family businesses and the fortune so it all went to him at the time of his father's death. However Draco gave a good portion to his mother and sold the Malfoy manor. He bought his mother a smaller still very decent size home for her to live in. This house was light and beautiful not dark and depressing. She loved it. He gave her all but three house elves; they had nine in total. They did have ten before they had lost Dobby due to Harry's cleaver trick on ol' Lucius. The other three went to him and Hermione all in which accepted being paid, mostly why Draco chose those particular three since he knew they would. They were instantly made part of the family. Draco had a pretty good fortune in fact he could spend and spend lots of money everyday for the rest of his life and still be able to give an obscene amount of money to both of his children. He continued to have some businesses stay open and made sure they were all cleaned and left nothing behind of Lucius. Others were just so corrupt that he had to close them down. He however transferred the workers that were only doing as told so they could provide for their families, to his other businesses. He had hired men that knew how to run a business; a good business and let them take control paying them good money to do so, and sat back and let the money pour in with the occasional check up to make sure all was well. However even if he wasn't the business running type he still wanted to work so when Arthur Weasley got Minister of magic Draco took over as head of the muggle division. That made Hermione beam with pride when he took that position. Well it was mostly easy for him since he did have muggles for in-laws, and the other things he just found so fascinating.
Narcissa Malfoy fell in love with Remus Lupin and they had been married and she became Narcissa Lupin. She found his werewolf misfortune to be most intriguing. She says it makes him a wild animal in bed, and besides he's a younger man. Not by much but still a younger man. He was happy because she was a very beautiful woman. They fit well together because he shouldn't have kids and she can't have anymore, she was actually lucky to have had Draco. Remus looks to Draco as if he were his own son and Draco actually really felt the same. In a way he wished he were his biological father, although being a werewolf might not be that fun. They both enjoyed the company of their two grandchildren in which both were so ecstatic to have. Remus wrote books on the truth behind being a werewolf and became the head of the mystical creatures control division at the ministry of magic. Narcissa stayed very close to Hermione and became great friends with Mrs. Weasley and Hermione's mother.
Percy Weasley stayed on at Fred and George's store and finally found where he belonged to Mrs. Weasley's dismay. She then got over it and became happy for the three of them. Fred and George brought him in to be part owner with them; most thought that it wouldn't work but their business had never been better. Percy broke free of his shell and became just as comical and goofy as the twins. He even helped make new products that turned out to be great hits. Fred and George couldn't have been more proud. Their new slogan became "Three heads are better than two". Charlie and Bill gave them the name The New Three Stooges. (They learned about them in muggle studies). All of the Weasley men got married and had children. So the Burrow during any kind of gathering, which was quite often, was incredibly packed. And no child was left out.
Hagrid married Madam Maxime and they had two children. She moved to Hogsmeade and built a giant house there for them to live in. Hagrid remained as the grounds keeper and professor of the Care of Magical Creatures.
Severus and Jasmine Snape had four children, two of which were twins. Two girls and two boys one of each were twins. This was much to her parents' delight, and although they thought Jameson wasn't going to have children he surprised them by telling them that he was going to have a child with a girl who was also the way he was who had wanted to have children but the only way to do so was to find someone who was like her and felt the same as he did. So although they never got married or loved each other more than just friends they ended up having three kids two of them ended up as twins, also a boy and girl. Their oldest was a boy. They later found two other people who were accepting of the situation and lived harmoniously together.
Other friends of the famous three, like Seamus and Lavender had gotten married and had children of their own. Most of them went to school together just like their parents did.
After their children were grown Harry, Ginny, Hermione, Draco, Ron, Kiara, Luna, Jasmine, Neville, and Justin Finch-Fletchley went to Hogwarts to become professors.
Harry took the place of Minerva McGonagall as head Master of Hogwarts after she had passed. Severus Snape had gotten his dream job as professor of the Defense Against the Dark Arts, after he returned to teach. It was hard for him to have a family and work there at the same time as he would just do his job and rounds then go home to his family at night. Ginny became the new Broom Flying instructor and ran Quidditch as referee. She knew a lot about it after playing for a short time back in fourth year and watching Harry play for years. Hermione became the head of her old house and became the deputy Head Mistress while she taught History of Magic. (McGonagalls' old positions before she became Head Mistress after Dumbledore passing.) Draco became the new Potions professor and head of his old house after Snape stepped down stating he no longer wanted the position. It was interesting how two heads of two houses were married but it brought great example of unity, which had already been established, besides points and Quidditch of course. Hermione shared their quarters of course like the other married couples did. However they got their old Head Girl and Head Boys' chambers and she of course showed him the hidden passage and he was able to get into the room. The portrait of the Albany's was still there and was theirs once again. Ron became the new Professor of Transfiguration. He had actually become quite good at it since he also was the coach for the new Wizard's chess club for all four houses, who would also compete against the other like in Quidditch. Kiara was now the Professor of Charms after Professor Flitwick retired. Kiara also took over for Flitwick as Head of her house. Jasmine took over for Professor Trelawney and taught at the side of Firenze. She was really into the crystal ball tea leave thing and other things that went along with Divination. Neville became the new Herbology teacher taking the place of Sprout. Justin Finch-Fletchleybecame the new head of Hufflepuff and professor of Muggle Studies. Luna Lovegood became the new librarian and was still dreamy as ever.
The Ministry of Magic had been remodeled. Now there were two new monuments. The first was a statue of Albus Dumbledore that faced the new fountain. The inscription read: "Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore. Headmaster of Hogwarts, Chief Mugwump, Grand Exalted Wizard, and friend and mentor of Harry Potter." Harry had commissioned the statue in remembrance of his friend. Some people swore that if you looked at the statue long enough, you could see him wink. The new fountain, which had been built as a tribute and reminder of the things that they had endured featured Harry Potter "The boy who Lived", Ronald Weasley, and Hermione Granger. It had Hermione and Ron Facing each other with their wands pointed up with Harry set up higher between the other two with his wand pointed straight up in the air. Water flowed out of their wands symbolizing magic and Harry's wand made an umbrella of water over all three of them. They stood on pillars that rose out of the water with their names engraved on them. The names of all of the Order that took place in the battles were also on a plaque attached to the fountain. On the base of the fountain, inscribed in the marble were the words "The Golden Trio."
The End
A/N: Well there you have it! Hope you enjoyed the story! I told you it ended happy, I felt that after all that they all have gone through that they deserved a happy ending and even if I didn't write about it not everything was always perfect but I wanted the last chapter to be happy and to give a well deserved happiness they all desperately needed. Lol, Anyway I just want to thank all of you who have read this story and to all who have reviewed. AND A REALLY BIG THANKS TO ALL OF YOU HAVE BEEN LOYAL FROM THE BEGINNING AND TO THOSE WHO HAVE REVIEWED MANY CHAPTERS, IF NOT ALL! Well on with the Q&A:
CoolChick0506: the only pointless review is the ones that are meant to hurt someone and none of your reviews have ever been pointless I love them all! Thank you! And lol yeah she went on forever I had to break it up, but it was all important so I broke it down as much as I could. Lol thanks again!
Badgurl13a: You know that would be funny! I'm sure she'd come up with something better though, lol. But thanks! I know I can't wait to get the book I won't get it until morning instead of tonight at 12:01 lol but I can't wait. I didn't care for book 5 as I read it until the last chapter when it tied it all together; I then loved it like the rest, well for the most part anyway. Lol Thank so much once again!
MusicaLee: Wow that's late! Thanks I know what you mean with Voldemort I don't think I have read anything that really seemed like how he would really go, who knows though right. Lol, besides JK herself that is lol. But thank you! Oh also yeah best woman is not really a placement but in Ron's wedding it was lol.
Brittany: Thanks right now I am working on another Draco / Hermione but I am not sure when I'll be done with that, because I am also writing my own story right now. It is based off of nothing but what is in my mind. Thank you so much!
Sexylilmama96: Yes Molly Weasley is Ron's mum. Thank you very much!
DanRadcliffe5666: It has been a little over a year since they had left Hogwarts. Chapter 32 took place six months after and chapter 33 took place about six moths after 32. nope no longer than a few days over a year. At the beginning of those two chapters it says how long it had been, sorry for the confusion. Lol Thank you very much! And no sequel, but I hope you liked the epilogue.
HippiechicSMEB: oh that sucks! Being so close but yet so far. Lol and I am so sorry about all the crazed fans, that will be TONS of fun. Somehow when you said that if you go anywhere near the boxes there will be death, I believe you. I believe the mishap in New York has already scheduled the deaths of the workers responsible for the early sale of the book. Poor blokes. Lol. Thank you so much!
Well that all for now I will post another page of Q&A's in a few days so when lots of you get e-mailed from this site no it is not another chapter it is just more thanks being given and answers to questions. Keep reviewing! Even if you haven't in fact if all of the people that I am on the favorites list of had reviewed I would have about 5000 reviews. lol Hope you enjoyed and with much love and thanks, bellgirl I really do love you guys! You're the best!