Meet Team Chaos


Thoughts are in italics

The night was still and quiet. No one noticed the three shadowed figures sitting in Number One Private Drive's front yard tree.

"I hope it rains soon. It'll give us some cover," one of the figures commented.

"Don't count on it, Black. Even if it does rain it'll only be a light sprinkle, look at the clouds."

The one called Black looked up at the sky. The clouds were dark but thin, and only slightly weakened the bright glow of the first quarter moon.

Black looked back at his companions.

"Well, we can hope it rains..." he began.

The girl below him gave him an annoyed look as she pushed her long dark hair out of her face.

"Do you like to hear yourself talk, or are you just dying of boredom?"

Black smirked at the girl and replied, "Well some of us like to fill the boredom with conversation unlike you, Rain, who's never bored."

She just shrugged.

"Well if you're so bored let's go over the plan again," the third person suggested.

Black looked at his other companion and grinned.

"Well Ranger, we wait here until we get the signal from Dumbledore and then go and get Harry."

"Goodness Black, must you always be so thick?" Rain demanded.

"Why of course, my dear, it just shows I do have a sense of humor," he retorted.

"Really? It just shows me what a complete git you are."

"A git! Look who's talking, you little brat. I have an excellent sense of humor. What do you think Ranger?"

The quiet male just gave them a lopsided grin.

"Don't bring me into this. We're supposed to be watching Harry's house."

He waited a beat.

"But I must agree with Rain. Though you two should be more focused."

At Black's hurt look he chuckled.

"Thanks guys," Black said, sarcastically.

Rain smiled at the two men and said, "Don't worry, Ranger, we are focused. I just hope Dumbledore gives us the signal soon. It makes me edgy being this close to a Death Eater and not being allowed to hex them."

The two men nodded in agreement. Ranger's robes rustled as he shifted to a more comfortable position and Rain pulled her cloak tighter around her as it started to drizzle. They stood at the foot of the trunk waiting.

Black looked over at them. He saw that Rain's eyes, glowing eerily from the shadows, were full of impatience, annoyance, and a lingering hollowness. While the tired and pale Ranger's face showed both patience and determination.

"These guys love to push my buttons," he thought to himself.

"Never the less, you know you'd never pick anyone else to watch your back," a voice in his head responded.

"Yeah, you're right; I'd never even consider it."

"Of course I am. You three are so different, but you mesh well."

"Yeah me with my laid back nature, Ranger with his patience and determination, and Rain with her impatience and bluntness. We also have a lot in common."

"Your differences keep you focused"

Black looked over to see Rain kick at the tree and Ranger put a hand on her shoulder, squeezing slightly. She looked back at him and smiled relaxing as she did.

"We've come so far..."

"Black? Earth to Black!"

Black came back to the present to see Rain raise an elegant brow.


"Well we just thought you should know, we got the signal."

Black looked to see Ranger holding a Phoenix feather.

"Let's go then."

Ranger and Rain nodded. She looked Black in the eye with an authoritative look.

"You be careful, or I'll kill you."

He grinned and replied, "That's so sweet, Rain, just sweet...coming from you."

They moved quickly, Order members with a mission and only one chance to get it right. Rain and Ranger watched as Black disappeared, the wind blew the now pouring rain, drenching the two. Rain pushed her dripping hair over her shoulder.

"So much for a sprinkle. You be careful, boyo," she warned after he was gone.

Ranger hugged her shoulders.

"Don't worry, he will be."