
By steelphoenix

Author's Notes: Just a quick piece of randomnicity. Written in five minutes, inspired by the title of Dilbert: The Way Of The Weasel by Scott Adams. It's a real book, as is Cry Wolf. Sorry for the lack of updates: I should be publishing a new fic soon!

"Hmmm…" mused Saitou as he flicked through one of the 'Recommended' titles. He wasn't keen on the plot at all, but the heroine reminded him of Tokio – she had her fire and intelligence. A goofy smile started to curve his lips, but he stopped it short, and put down the book. He couldn't have his reputation ruined!

Wandering along the shelves, he found himself in the humour section. Randomly picking up a book, he grinned at the title. I can think of someone who would like this book…

"…you see, Aoshi-sama, there's lots of books to choose from! I like the ones by Douglas Adams, he's very funny, and…"

Speak of the Devil… Saitou stepped out from behind the shelf, nearly running into a short girl, who was clinging to the arm of a tall man.

Without preamble, he handed the book he'd picked up to the girl. "I've got a book you might like."

Misao stared up at the yellow-eyed man in front of her, and then down at the book. It took a moment to register what the title was. Dilbert: The Way Of The Weasel by Scott Adams.

"Why you…!" she snarled, and a set of kunai popped into her hands.

Then a big hand covered one of hers, and Aoshi leaned down to whisper something in her ear. Her eyes brightened, and she laughed. Then, without another word, she disappeared down one of the aisles.

Saitou raised an eyebrow at Aoshi, who gave him a look that was almost a smirk. "What did you say to her?"

His answer came not from Aoshi, but from Misao, who reappeared, a fat volume in her hand.

"Here, Saitou, I thought you'd like this!" She plopped the book into his hand.

The policeman stared down at the book.

Cry Wolf by Wilbur Smith.

There was a long, long silence.

When he looked up, there was no sign of either Misao or Aoshi, but a gift card on the floor where they had been standing read, 'Buy the Wolf book. You know you want to.'

It was signed with a quick sketch of an animal which could only be described as a weasel.

Saitou snorted, and headed for the checkout.