Summary: It's Odd and a character of my own (based on me) lovefic thing. Yes, most of the stuff I do is mushy.  This is defiantly weirder than my first fic: That Girl from Lyoko. (THANK YOU FOR THE REVIEWS, PEOPLE WHO REVIEWED! IT MENT A LOT!)

Disclaim: as usual, I don't own C.L. or any of the characters. But I do own the song 'Connection', and the character Lucy.

Same New Song

Lucy's POV

It's been…God, how long? Four years since I've been to Kadic. It's so weird, seeing him again. Meeting his new friends.

Me and Odd Della-Robbera have been friends since third grade. I met him after he poured orange-juice down my arch-rival's back for starting at me. Not like I asked him to do that. He just did. Ever since then, we've been awesome friends. He's kicked my butt at soccer just as I've murdered him at chess just as many times.

It's hard to keep that dude humble, I gotta tell you.

Then I moved, and it sucked. I moved to America, actually. It was fun, but I couldn't forget Odd. Why? I don't know. Maybe it's his lovable, though huge, ego. Maybe it's the hair. Maybe it's the purple eyes. I dunno.

I just saw him again yesterday.


I was lost. I mean really lost. I had never realized I could forget the way around Kadic in four years, but I did. Now it was a maze. It was Thursday night, and I guess the students were eating or something. I remembered that we got dinner here; okay, so it was school food. But still, it was something.

"If I was Odd, where would I be?"

"Right behind you, you poser."

I turned, eyebrows raised, to see none other than Odd himself. Still dressed in purple, with that funky hair style of his, still smirking. His smirk widened. "Hey, Lucy. What's up?" He held out his arms. "You gonna hug me or what?" The next second, I basically ran into the boy, laughing my head off. Odd swung me around, yelling something I couldn't really understand. Then he put me down, grinning.

"God, girl, you got pretty. For a poser," he added, and dodged my little fake punch I aimed at him.

"I'm not a poser," I told him indigently. "I'm an artist. Besides, you should talk, with your stick-your-finger-in-the-socket hair. So, what you've been up to, huh? As odd as you can be?"

Odd rolled his eyes. "That was a corny one."

Somebody laughed behind me. "Like you'd know corny, Odd?"

Odd's grin widened, and he waved at the speaker. I turned to see four kids all walking toward us. The guy in lead had messy brown hair, and was dressed in mostly green. The Japanese girl next to him was laughing at something as she held his hand. A few steps behind them walked another couple: a shy-looking girl with pink hair, arm in arm with a blond-haired kid who's oval glasses, skinny frame, and blue turtleneck and khakis outfit practically screamed 'NERD!'. It seemed that the nerd guy was the one who had made the 'corny' comment, since he was grinning the biggest.

"Hey, guys," Odd greeted the group, high-five-ing the brown-haired guy. Odd turned to me. "Gang? This is Lucy. Luc? This is the four most un-normal teenagers in the school."

The Japanese girl, who dressed a little like a goth, laughed again, and tried to pinch Odd, who jumped out of the way. "I think you're included in the abnormal group, Odd," she said dryly, and I snickered.

"Lucy, huh?" The nerd guy said, smiling. "Well, I'm Jeremie, this is Aelita, and Romeo and Juliet is Ulrich and Yumi." Both Ulrich and Yumi shot evil looks at Jeremie.

"You should talk, you lovesick geek," Ulrich said, and Jeremie threw a pencil at him. Ulrich ducked, and looked at me, grinning. "We just got him to be brave and ask Aelita out," he told me. The couple –Jeremie and Aelita- blushed. "If he didn't, I think Odd would have strangled him."

Odd look stunned. "Me?" He immediately put his hands over my ears. "Don't let them poison your mind with their lies," he told me, and I shoved him away, laughing. I could tell this would be fun.


"Hey, Lucy! You gonna sleep all day?"

Oh great. Odd's wake up call. That's the second time he's done that this morning, and it's annoying the heck outta me, I can tell you.

"Odd! Before you wake up your girlfriend, put a freaking shirt on!"

I burst out laughing at what sounded like Ulrich teasing his roommate, again. Odd may be the weirdest guy, but Ulrich sure comes close to being very strange. Then again, Jeremie isn't that much better.

Odd bounds into my room, still yelling back at Ulrich. I cover my ears with a pillow. "Jezz, you wanna wake up the whole dorm?" I half-bellow over his antics. Odd just turns to me and grins. Then I realized: that wasn't a joke. He wasn't wearing a shirt.

Damn. Damn, damn, damn. When did that happen?

He was friggin' fine. No lie. And I don't say that about a lot of guys. But…damn. (And, yes it's my favorite word!)

Odd, being obviously oblivious to my mental drooling, sat down hard at the end of my bed. "You finally up yet? Good. I want to ask you something." I put a pillow back over my head, trying to act normal.


"There's a dance tonight, here. Wanna go with me? I wanna check your dancin' skills. See if you can beat the master." I pull the pillow off my face, and raise one eyebrow at him.

"Dance? Me? Me, go with you? You, break-dancing all over the place? God save us. I can't dance." Odd just gave me a look, which I returned. "Is this a date you are asking me on, Della-Robbera?" I immediately slapped myself mentally, blushing. Why the heck did I ask that!

He grinned again. "Maybe…so your answer is…what?"

I shrugged, trying to not to grin too big. "Sure. The others are going, right?"

Odd nodded. "Yep." He stood and turned to go, then turned back. "Thanks, Lucy. It's awesome to have you back. I missed you." I blushed, but didn't take my eyes from his purple ones.

"I'm sure. Did you miss playing chess?"

Odd laughed. "That's one thing I'll never get. You and chess." He ducked the pillow I threw at him, winked at me, and left. I stood shaking my head, and shaking physically. I didn't even wanna think of the reason why I was trembling. I knew the answer already.

Odd's POV (This is gonna be kinda weird…Me writing as a guy…who likes a girl….you get me, right? You've been warned.)

Man, I will tell you: school food sucks. It just really, really sucks.

Like having a crush an old friend.

Naw, I take that back. Liking Lucy doesn't suck. It's just that fact that Ulrich realized about five minutes after he first met Lucy that I liked her. And now he knows I asked her to the dance.

I am screwed.


Me, Ulrich and Jeremie stood outside the gym, waiting for the girls. Einstein's the only one that looks good, believe it or not. But at least me and Ulrich are happy. Jeremie's wearin' a suit. It's not like me, of all people, is gonna willingly wear a suit. Being as bored as three guys can be, we're trying to not through up over the smell of the pizza over yonder, that the school made for the dance. It smell's like Kiwi's chow. No kidding.

Then an angel in violet sooths everything. Two other girls walk beside her, but I am blind to all but her. I'm sure my mouth fell open. In all the years I've known Lucy, I have never seen the girl wear a dress. Never. Especially a purple one. Plus that color goes with her. Like me, I guess. But even if her dress was black, she'd still look amazing.

She smiles at me, and I think I melt right into the floor.

I am in trouble now.

Lucy's POV

Oh, my God, does Odd look hot. He's all purpled up, as usual. There must be something in the air that makes his eyes glow like that. His shirt is way tighter than I thought he'd wear, but I'm not complaining. No way.

I feel like an idiot compared to the other two girls at the moment. Yumi's got this Japanese princess thing going on with her funky black kimono thing and chop-sticks bun hairdo. It's cool, though. Aelita looks pretty, too, though in a different way. Jeremie's face was perfect when he saw her in her pink-and-blue tie-dye formal gown. He goes all red, and stutters and…it was hilarious.

Odd holds out his hand to me. "You ready to go?"

Ready? Ha! However, I can't reset a challenge. No matter how good he looks, Odd still is Odd. And he needs to be humbled. I smirk, and give him my hand. "You bet, Rock God." Odd smirks back, and leads me into the gym, that's all decorated for the dance.

Almost immediately a techno song comes one, one I've heard before, but only once: the last time I saw him. Odd let out a whoop, sheds his blue-violet over-shirt and starts to break dance. I just watch, mouthing the words to the song as I stare at him.

Lights go off

Music goes on

Dance with me

Please, baby, c'mon

Here's my heart

Just take it

I'm beggin' you

Don't break it…

Odd grabs my hand suddenly, and tries to get me to dance with him. He won't stop moving…God, he is a good dancer. Finally I give in, and put my hands on his shoulders. His hands were on my waist as we danced. It was amazing: it's like I knew what to do. Odd just gazed down at me; now he was mouthing along to the song.

I wanna be

Your connection

With me you

Won't know rejection

I wanna be

Your link

Into a different place

In a wicked race

Let me be your connection…

Let your soul go

Let your body be free

All I ask you, baby

Is to dance with me

Here's my hand

Please take it

This love is real

You can't fake it…

Odd had a wicked glint in his eye as the song became an instrumental. Then I realized what me and him looked like, dancing dirty and all. But I didn't care. Those violet eyes seemed like laser beams right into my soul. Then he stopped dancing, even thought the song was still going. Taking my hand, he pulled me toward a little corner away from the D.J., where we could hear ourselves talk.

"Odd, what are you doing?"

Odd just smiled. "Do you remember the last time we heard that song?" Without waiting for answer, he went on, putting his arms around me. "We were friends then, and good ones. But now, Lucy…"he trailed off, his gaze locked on mine. I shivered at what I saw in those purple eyes, even as my heart melted and my mind went numb.

Then he kissed me.

It was my first kiss, believe it or not. It was a good one, too. I felt it all the way down to my toes in the stupid sandals I was wearing. However, I had to pull away.

"Is this all about a song?" I asked him. I'm surprised I could actually talk.

Odd smiled warmly. "Same new song…" he whispered. "Same new love…" he trailed off again, and kissed me.

I didn't really get that, but I didn't care. But I did have one more thing to ask.

"So this means we're together?" I asked, pulling away. Odd just smiled, and leaned in so his lips were barely touching mine.

"Yep," he whispered against my mouth. I smiled, and kissed him back.

Let me be your connection…


So watcha' think? PLEASE REVIEW! I love to read them, just remember: use cyber flames for cyber s'mores, not to flame me! Please?  Love from: