Who wouldn't want to be in Kelley's postion lol

obviously i dont own Harry Potter but i do own Kelley and the plot

Tell me what you guys think thanx


Chapter One: Supernatural Freaky Friday

Kelley Anderson closed Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix after reading the whole Harry Potter series for about the hundredth time. If she was honest and Kelley was she still thought the third Harry Potter book was the best. The Order Of The Phoenix although she liked it had killed off one of her favourite characters and she wasn't impressed.

Kelley, like many Harry Potter fans, had read all five books and seen all three films still deeming the books superior and now she was eagerly awaiting the release of the sixth book.

Kelley was a Harry Potter fanatic if ever there was one and she had a place with her name on stuck in Harry Potterdom. She'd feel bad but she knew that she was far from alone and many others were also in her position.

She sighed. She glanced out the window and started. It was snowing. England in April was cold, true but it hardly ever snowed.

Okay who was taking the Mick?

It was thick snow oh this really wasn't fair! Now she'd be stuck in the house. She'd had plans for today! True it was still three o clock in the morning but that didn't count.

It wasn't the point. She sighed again. By the looks of the snow it wasn't gonna ease up either.

Damn the snow to hell and back! Oh sure, she loved the snow, loved it with a kid like intensity not really appropriate for a seventeen year old but whatever. But it was going to be deep she knew that and knew it wasn't going to be likely that she would get to her best friends.


She sighed. She should probably go to sleep. Well…She would could she get there. It seemed she was going to have yet another sleepless night.

This was getting old.

She was on her own. Her parents were on holiday or rather her mum was visiting her dad and her older brother Marc was in university. So he had moved out last year to continue his studies.

No one would know that she hadn't been sleeping and that was the way she liked it. Because she only got chewed to hell, she couldn't do anything about it. She got off the bed and dialled up the Internet on her computer.

She surfed the net for a further hour until she felt a wet nose on her lap. She looked down and her golden retriever JJ looked up at her with liquid amber eyes that saw too much.

"Hey girl." She whispered JJ cocked her head to one side and her tongue hung out. A doggie laugh. "I know. I should be in bed." JJ coughed her answer and Kelley simply shook her head. "Not yet. No one will know the difference." She absently stroked JJ's fur while reading her emails.

She sent the reply and doubted anyone would get it until morning. Any sane person would be sleeping right now.

As she should have been.

The wind picked up and shook the windows. Kelley jumped a foot in the air as one of the trees I her garden crashed against the window. "Oh god." She murmured.

She prayed the window would hold and the wind wouldn't get any stronger because she knew if it did she'd be in deep trouble. She felt the wind howl and the pilot light went out downstairs.

Kelley cursed.

This wasn't what she needed at 4.30 in the morning. Grumbling she disconnected from the Internet and grabbed her phone and found a torch. She'd need it to put the pilot light back on.

She went down the stairs and JJ followed her. She switched the light on in the kitchen and took the front of the boiler off and tried to relight the pilot light. Without it the house would freeze.

With her inside.

Ok. Maybe that was an exaggeration but she would be cold for the rest of the night until she could get her grandparents to come and help her fix it.

She did exactly what she was meant to do and it still wouldn't relight. Ok. Any other time she probably wouldn't care but it was stupid o clock in the morning! It just wasn't fair.

Then the lights went out.

Oh great!

That was exactly what she needed. Really. She found the power switch under the stairs and pulled.

Still no power.


Even better.

Just then Lightening flashed through the sky and Kelley jumped. What the hell was up with this weather?

She had never known it snow and thunder storm at the same time. It was freak weather as it was with the snow but they didn't have to add thunder and lightening to the mix.

What was up with this picture?

Kelley was stumped. She had finally gotten the pilot light lit but she didn't hold out much hope of it staying on the wind was blowing a gale and she was practically waiting for the damn thing to blow out.

But at least for now she wouldn't freeze.

JJ had padded down behind her and she absently stroked her fur and then said, "Come on then girl we're gonna finally go to bed. Thank-god College doesn't come into this picture. I'd be dead."

She thought about it and then said

"Then again maybe not. I don't seem to need sleep these days. Although I'd like it."

JJ snuffed to prove she had been listening and then headed up the stairs and Kelley followed positive that everything was locked down and although the electric was off she wasn't gonna freeze her arse off.

That would have made her severely pissed off.

She went into her room and was stunned by what she saw.

There was a phoenix in her bedroom!

A real golden phoenix it was looked at her with knowing eyes. The light around the figure was so bright it was casting her room in a golden glow.

"What in the hell…"

Kelley muttered. JJ was laid with her head on her paws looking up at the phoenix with absolute trust.

"Traitor." Kelley muttered. Now what did she do? This really wasn't her night. It just kept getting worse. Where the hell had this thing come from?

She searched the room as if looking for the answer and the only thing she could find was…

"NO WAY!" Kelley couldn't help but yell.

Harry Potter and The Order Of The Phoenix was laid open on the floor directly below….

…. The phoenix….

"This can't be happening!" Kelley whispered.

"F-Fawkes?" She said astounded.

He nodded almost as though he was waiting for her to work it out. "No it can't be. You're a book!"

His song filled the room and it almost sounded like a laugh. A laugh that told her there was certainly something she was missing.

As though everyone was in on some brilliant scheme or secret but her. But that laugh also told her that it wouldn't always been this way.

She would know soon enough.

The song enloped her and not only was she not scared but she wasn't sceptical anymore.

Now there was something that didn't happen to you everyday. A Phoenix appearing in your bedroom.

Happened all the time.

Yeah. Right.

Yet she trusted it and what's more she believed in it. This was turning out to be the weirdest night of her life.

At that moment Fawkes flew right at her and she was covered in his wings. All she could see was gold.

She felt herself lifting from the ground.

And falling, falling hard and fast.

"Oh my god!" She whispered as she fell, she saw images, colours and sounds all mixed into one.

It made her head spin. She wanted it to stop.

And then everything went thankfully black.