Hey yunz, I haven't written anything in a while, but some of you guys wanted me to continue this story so I will try and write another chapter that does justice to it. I hadn't originally planned on continuing the story, but public demand was enough for me to consider this. For those of you still wondering, yes I do still hate the pairings of Naruto X Sasuke. Neither of them are gay, and Naruto is very not gay if anyone wants to pay any attention to his personality or actions. I do like the Naruto X Hinata pairing, but other pairings of the characters are cool. Any way, have fun reading.

Warm Snowfall

It was December 20th. Exactly one week before her birthday. Naruto was sitting on his favorite spot to watch the village as the sun went down. It was threatening to be a cold night. And from the dropping temperature, that threat was proving true. A slight shiver ran down Naruto's spine as the sky darkened. He was tired from the days training. His clothes were sweaty, stinky, and refused to protect him from the cold. He still wore his orange outfit with black accents. He had a few extras so that if one got ripped, dirty, or needed a wash he could still wear the style he liked.

Naruto wasn't very smart and was generally thick headed. He had spent the last three days training with his two new teammates. He had a new instructor, a name he didn't bother to learn since he didn't plan on being under his tutelage for longer than a few days. His teammates how ever were a little more important. They would be taking the Chuunin exam together because teams of 3 were required to take the exam. Shiro was a strong weapons type taijutsu fighter that was pretty smart on strategy and tactics. Meimi was a mediocre ninjutsu type of fighter. She seemed to be able to think on her feet but didn't have the speed or fast thinking ability to keep up with her two teammates. Needless to say Naruto was the strongest of the three by far.

Naruto had joined the team just so he could take part in the winter chuunin exam, which incidentally was taking place in Konoha again. It had been 3 years since the last one was held in Konoha and since Naruto had taken the Chuunin exam. The exam moved from country to country with two being held every year. One was in the summer, one was in the winter. The winter one was starting in just a few days. The teammate whom Naruto was taking the place of had already become a chuunin in a previous exam and Tsunade couldn't find a suitable replacement until Naruto came back with Jirayia. Naruto's two teammates were a year younger than he was but that only meant that Naruto had an easier time assuming the de facto leader role of the students. They had all taken at least one exam before, but Naruto had the least experience with only one while his teammates had already taken 3.

The sensei had decided to focus their training on team work and other such things so that they could get through the first two tests of the exam without any problems. They didn't know what the first test was going to be but they knew it was going to deal with some type of information gathering. The second test was pretty standard. They would have to survive in the forest of death for 5 days while steeling a scroll from another team to complete the heaven and earth set. The third test was the standard tournament of one on one fighting where one didn't have to worry about being in a team any more. Naturally with the team's skills the sensei felt it was best to work on the team's skills in information gathering and stealth. The process was slow, but productive. They were getting much better at sneaking around their instructor's senses and getting the information he didn't want them to get.

Naruto had been the best of the three, but he tended to work alone more. He had ordered Shiro and Meimi to sneak around together for protection while he did his own thing. He did generally tell them what he was going to do so it wasn't like he just left them but he didn't work well with them either. But now he was getting the hang of it and they were coordinating 3 way attacks, patterns, and stealthy operations instead of the original way. Their sensei had told them that they would train for 2 more days before taking a day off to rest for the exam.

Naruto didn't mind working with his new team too much since it was a step to becoming a chuunin which was a step in becoming Hokage. But he didn't exactly like the break from doing missions, or at least missions above the d rank which were the only missions that his new team was doing so they could increase their teamwork without being put in danger. The good thing was that he got to spend time wit his friends and precious people. The ones that didn't look at him with the eyes full of hate. There were still those villagers and ninja that looked at him with cold hateful eyes. But the frequency and numbers were growing far less than when he was a boy. Anyone that got to know him at all was accepting him. But what really made Naruto happy was that he was getting to know Hinata much better.

Since his birthday the two had been spending much more time together. Hinata had been becoming much more confident, stopped stuttering, and had increased in her abilities greatly. Naruto had become just a small amount less obnoxious but he still wore his sneaky and mischievous smile almost constantly. You could say the two were rubbing off on each other a little bit. Naruto was still the village's #1 most surprising ninja though. He had surprised Hinata on his birthday by revealing his secret to her. He had surprised the Hyuuga clan by surviving an assassination attempt by two of their best ninjas, and he had surprised the village by risking his life to protect two Hyuugas from being kidnapped by another village. The village knew that the head of the clan did not agree with the Third Hokage about Naruto's humanity. But since his birthday he was able to change the mind of Hyuuga Hiashi.

While Naruto sat the stars started to show. The temperature was getting to below freezing. Naruto didn't even seem to notice the cold. He was trained by Jirayia not to be affected by the elements and he spent many of his years of training sleeping outside. Naruto thought about his relationship with Sakura and with Hinata. They were the only two people his age that knew about his connection with the 9-tailed fox. Neji was a year older than Naruto, he knew because he saw the demon's chakra flow through Naruto during the first chuunin exam he participated in. Shikamaru might have been able to figure it out, but he was a genius and would probably not change his opinion because it would be too troublesome to do so.

But Sakura and Hinata were different. They were girls. Naruto was in his mid teens and the opposite sex was not exactly something he fully understood. For as long as he could remember Naruto had a crush on Sakura that he tried to act on and get a date every chance he got. She had always turned him down. Naruto hadn't done that since his return but he still felt a connection with her. Now he was feeling something in his chest that concerned Hinata. It hurt, but it was a very good feeling. He wanted to hold her, protect her, and be with her in a much different way than he had ever felt when he was a child and around Sakura. He was sitting and contemplating the meaning of this when Tsunade appeared standing next to him.

"What are you doing up here so late?" Tsunade had a kind but questioning tone to her voice. It was almost like a mother's tone when a kid got out of bed in the middle of the night.

"I like this view," was all the reply Naruto offered. But Tsunade wasn't interested in why he was really there. She knew he needed to go home, get a shower, and get some rest. The Chuunin exams were only a few days away. He only had a few more days to get to know his teammates before he would be forced to rely on them for survival during the exam.

"Go home Naruto, I know you were planning some sort of prank, but leave it until after the first two tests of the exam."

"Awwwe, come on, can't you just turn the other way while I have some fun?"

"Not at the village's expense, Naruto. It is my job to protect it, even from internal pranksters like you." Tsunade knew that Naruto wouldn't be staying out this late unless he actually had a prank in mind or if he was thinking about something. He wasn't the type to talk about things that were bothering him so she didn't even try to pry it out of him. His mannerisms told her that he wasn't actually going to pull a prank tonight, but she also knew that he wasn't going to miss an opportunity to pull a good one later like she had just offered.

"Ok, I'll go home." Natuto resigned defeated by the Fifth's logic and offer for later. Naruto jumped off the cliff the Hokage monument was on and landed on a tower before roof jumping his way home. He was quick, very quick. He was naturally one of the fastest in Konoha due to his intense training, but if he used the speed jutsu the Fourth used to use he wasn't rivaled. He was out of sight of the Hokage in no time, but she expected that. Tsunade simply turned towards her home and started off for a short sleep before resuming the duties of the Hokage.

When Naruto reached his small apartment he entered through the window. He normally did that because he had lost the key to his door years ago and he knew it was better to keep it locked than not. He quickly noticed the place was not like he left it. It was much cleaner. It smelled like a faint vanilla. And there was the smell of good cooking coming from his kitchen. His first reaction to realizing the place was different was to get into a defensive stance with a kunai in hand. But the vanilla smell told him exactly who it was and the fact that the place was cleaner usually meant the intruder wasn't hostile. Silently Naruto put his weapon back in its leg holster and slipped into his kitchen. It was only about 1800 because the sun went down a little bit ago. The days were shorter in winter, more time for ninjas to use the cover of night.

Naruto entered the kitchen. The girl standing at the stove hadn't shown any signs of noticing him enter. She was his age, or would be in a week. She wore a modest jacket and pants that definitely kept her warm while hiding her features. Her hair was cut short but it still held an elegant sway when she turned her head to look at a spice she was picking up or just to read the recipe. Naruto used all his stealth to skillfully end up right behind her and was just about to lightly poker her side to tickle and frighten her when she stopped him dead in his tracks. "You do that and I'll cut off your chakra and you won't be able to take the chuunin exams." The simple warning held a playful yet serious tone that made Naruto wonder if it was worth it or not.

The girl hadn't turned around, she simply stopped what she was doing and waited for his response, which would either to continue or to complain and ask how she knew. He wasn't the brightest in the village, but he was her strength and courage. "Awe, how did you know?" The whine almost made her laugh, which she very well could have done. Instead, she blushed a little, though Naruto never saw it.

Her answer came in her soft kind voice. "I am a Hyuuga, my eyes can see behind me you know. But also I felt you enter your apartment and then your presence disappeared. Something you would only do if you detected danger or a chance for mischief. Besides I felt the prankster intent behind me." The last sentence was said as she slowly turned to look kindly at the disappointed boy. "Now would you set the table and get out the plates while I finish cooking?" She kindly ordered it rather than asked it.

A defeated Naruto turned and got the plates, glasses, and chopsticks out of the cupboard while his friend finished cooking dinner for two. Since Hiashi had granted her more freedom and allowed the two to take proper actions in their personal relationship, Hinata had spent more time with Naruto and had often witnessed that he ate almost nothing except ramen. Hinata decided he needed better nutrition than almost purely water and noodles so she had come to the conclusion that she would cook him dinner every once in a while. This turned into her being very comfortable in his presence and apartment as she spent a lot of time with him as she cooked and ate dinner with him. She had just started to let herself in to start cooking before he even got home just last week which is why Naruto was still instinctually on alert when he noticed anything different than when he left. Hinata liked cooking different meals rather than being waited on like in the Hyuuga manor. So she pretty much cooked dinner for Naruto when he wasn't out on a mission, she wasn't on a mission, and she didn't have duties as the Hyuuga Heir. She ended up only being able to cook for him about 2 times a week, but she was grateful for the time she got. Though, this would make it 4 times this week because Naruto was supposed to be training with his new team for the chuunin exam and not to do any dangerous or long term missions.

The dinner was simple, some fish, rice, and some vegetables but both were very happy and content while eating. Naruto, as usual, couldn't stop talking. While Hinata almost never said a word except for the occasional affirmation and a slight blush. She didn't stutter around Naruto anymore which relieved many people quite a bit. Naruto on the other hand was becoming more and more uncomfortable every time they spent time together. He couldn't explain it. He knew he felt something different about her than he did for other girls, but he was supposed to be in love with Sakura right?

Naruto finished his dinner first being the unmannered boy he was while Hinata ate her dinner properly in the manner fit for the heiress of the Hyuuga clan. Naruto just kept on talking until Hinata finished. But he was gentlemanly enough to thank her for cooking like always and when she said it was getting late and she should be getting home, he escorted her back. The Hyuuga guards were still weary of the 9-tails' container and Naruto had to leave Hinata at the gate. But he promised to see her tomorrow after training was done.

Hinata contentedly walked into the manor and was greeted by a branch family member and then her scornful sister. Hinabi didn't approve of Hinata's association with Naruto. She saw the hate in the villagers' eyes when they looked at them and was also unconsciously taught to hate him by her father, whom she felt betrayed her when he put his confidence back in his elder daughter and allowed her relationship with Uzumaki Naruto. She didn't understand the full reasons, but she understood the climax of the hate throughout the year by the village centered on the date the Kyuubi attacked and that this last October 10th Hiashi had stopped hating Naruto and even started to allow them the close friendship. Hinata greeted her sister courteously and continued to her room where she got ready for bed, took a bath, and then climbed into bed to sleep.

Naruto on the other hand was on his way back to his house by way of the rooftops when he was confronted by Neji. "You realize Hinata's birthday is in a week right?" It was a serious question to Neji as he asked it to Naruto.

"Yes, I am trying to figure out what I should get her. I'll be in the middle of the second test on her birthday so I also have to figure out if I should give her a gift before the exam or after I get back from the forest of death." Naruto caught the seriousness and answered truthfully.

"It would be best if you did it before the exam. And make sure it is nice. I don't want my cousin's heart broken." Neji said this and immediately left as he was on patrol duty.

Naruto was confused by what Neji had just warned him about. How could Naruto break Hinata's heart? She was a close friend of his; one of his precious people. He would never do anything to hurt her, and in fact he would risk his life to protect her from harm. Why would Neji warn him not to break her heart? And if he was to celebrate her birthday before the exam, then he would only have 3 days to decide on the right gift and give it to her. These thoughts and others revolving around them plagued Naruto's mind while he made his trip back to his apartment. He got a quick shower and got into bed but the thoughts were still there. Because of those thoughts he had a hard time falling asleep that night.

The next day was normal. Stealth, teamwork, and information gathering training were in the morning. A D-class mission before lunch. Lunch break, which Naruto used to visit his favorite ramen stand, then two D-class missions right after lunch before more teamwork training and a debrief. Naruto hadn't seemed intent training though. He had been thinking about what Neji had said, his feelings towards Hinata and what that meant about him and Sakura. In fact he had a conversation with Iruka about that very topic while at lunch.

Naruto had been sitting in his normal seat but was eating very slowly for him. His face still showed his smile that made him resemble a fox but there was concern in his eyes. The boy didn't even notice his old academy instructor sit next to him until a hand was placed on his back. Iruka was like a father to Naruto. He was the first person Naruto had seen that didn't hate him for having the Kyuubi sealed in him. "What is wrong Naruto?" Iruka asked the question knowing that he probably wouldn't get the full story. But he still showed a kind heart to his favorite ex-pupil.

Naruto actually stopped eating his ramen for a moment. He wondered if he could talk to Iruka about it. Would Iruka understand? He was the closest thing Naruto had to a father, so he should be able to talk to him. This subject seemed a little embarrassing and like it should be personal though. Naruto decided he could talk to his former sensei. "Well I'm a little confused."

This was nothing new to Iruka. Naruto had often been confused while at the academy and he still wasn't considered the brightest crayon in the box. "Well, what are you confused about?" Iruka had no idea what Naruto was confused about. He thought it would be something related to Naruto's dream of being Hokage, a mission, training, the chuunin exam, or anything but what Naruto replied with.

"I'm confused about girls…I mean I don't know what I should do…" Iruka was so shocked he didn't respond for a while minute. When he did have the ability to speak he asked Naruto to explain who he was confused about. Iruka knew full well, along with most of the village, about Naruto's crush on Sakura. It came as a surprise that the first female name out of the blonde boy's mouth was Hinata's. Iruka kept his mouth shut as Naruto explained his whole situation, to include telling Hinata about the Kyuubi on his birthday. Iruka didn't exactly know what Naruto was feeling so he asked him to describe how he felt about each girl that he was torn between.

"I really like Sakura a lot. She is very pretty, she is strong, a great teammate, she is smart and I've liked her for as long as I can remember. Oh, and she smells like cherry blossoms." Naruto had a grin on his face as he talked about Sakura. Iruka noticed the smile get even larger as it dominated the boy's face when he started to talk about Hinata. "I'm a little confused about Hinata. She is beautiful, strong in her own way, has awesome abilities, shy, understanding, quiet, cautious, and has become a very close friend. She smells lightly of vanilla, which I like because she doesn't dowse herself with perfume like too many girls, it hurts my nose when they do that. But when I think about her, and especially when I look into her soft violet eyes I get a pain right here," Naruto held a hand over his heart, "but I like the feeling."

Iruka understood the situation now. Naruto was torn between the crush he always had on Sakura and the new feeling of attraction and love he was feeling towards Hinata. Though the picture seemed obvious to Iruka, Naruto wasn't the brightest in matters of the heart. Iruka saw that Naruto had gradually gotten over his crush on Sakura and saw her more as a sister, friend, and teammate than a love interest. Hinata on the other hand, it seemed was growing on Naruto and he was beginning to have a crush on the girl which, judging by the description of Naruto's "chest pain" was a lot more than a simple crush. Of course Iruka had not been blind all these years and knew that Hinata had been looking up to Naruto for years and had a crush on the hopeless boy.

Naruto noticed that Iruka was not responding and was in thought so he poked him on the shoulder to get him to look at him. Iruka turned and looked at the boy sitting next to him. He smiled as the blonde looked questioningly at his father figure. Iruka couldn't help but tease the young blonde. "It looks like you have a crush on someone." The tone was playful as he pulled the boy in for teasing head rub.

"Awe, come on Iruka-sensei." Naruto quickly got out of the semi-painful hold and pushed Iruka back away from him.

"It seems to me like you have gotten over your childish crush on Sakura and are considering Hinata as an interest. You think of Sakura as a good friend and teammate while you are a little confused about how you feel about Hinata. You know she is a good friend, but I think you feel something just a little bit more for her than friendship. And I know she thinks of you more than just a friend."

Naruto's face showed utter surprise at this. He had no idea she felt he could be more than a friend. How could he be, he was the Kyuubi's container, the thing that represented all those deaths by the demon. "What?" Naruto was shocked at this knowledge.

Iruka simply smiled and replied, "Naruto, you idiot. Hinata has watched and admired you for a long time. She looks up to your strength, determination, and courage. She feels strongly for you. You were the only one tat she was really shy with, but she seems to have been getting over that recently."

To say Naruto was shocked would have been an understatement. He was frozen with a comical mouth open wide face. But just as he was about to respond, which undoubtedly would have been heard by the whole village, Iruka asked if he had to get back to his team for training. Naruto instantly went into a panicked run towards the training grounds. He inadvertently left Iruka with the check. Iruka didn't mind though. He paid and left for the academy so he could teach his afternoon classes.

Naruto sat on the Hokage monument again watching the sunset after the day's training and missions. He knew he had to do something for Hinata before the exams now. She had done so much for him even if she didn't realize it. She had accepted him after he told her about his secret. She had been there for him and she had often kept him company when he would have been lonely. She was a chuunin and thus should have had more responsibility and duties than he did in the ninja world, she was the heir to the Hyuuga main family, and yet she still gave her time to him when she could. Naruto thought about what he was going to do and what he was going to get Hinata for her birthday for a while. About an hour after sundown he got up and went back to his apartment. He had decided. Hinata wouldn't be at his apartment tonight. She had some duties as the Hyuuga Heiress that would keep her occupied tonight.

The next day went quickly for Naruto. He had been a little absent minded while working with his team but they were used to that. It wasn't much more than normal anyway. After training Naruto quickly went shopping and back to his apartment. Tomorrow would be a big day. The Chuunin exams were two days away, but that wasn't the big thing on Naruto's mind anymore. Tomorrow he had off to rest. It was the day before the first exam, but Naruto planned on using it for more than resting.

That night Naruto didn't get much sleep. Naruto was nervous. He was going to ask Hinata if she would be interested in dating him. He had bought her a simple necklace, one that had a pale indigo stone with some small white beads on either side. Naruto knew it was the right one when he saw how much it matched her eyes. It wasn't expensive, but he couldn't afford what she would be used to. It was a short necklace so as not to get in her way while doing her ninja activities.

Naruto had also planned on meeting her after she got out of one of her meetings. She would be one of the Chuunin observers during the first exam. She had a few meetings throughout the day about the upcoming exam and Naruto planned to 'run into her' after her last one. That was the plan; he would try to wing it after that like everything else. Naruto knew Hinata liked him as a friend, and Iruka had told him she liked him as more but that didn't remove the butterflies in his stomach. Or that could be the Kyuubi testing the seal again by sending chakra into Naruto's body.

The next day came fast to spite the lack of sleep Naruto had. This was one of the few times Naruto had ever lost sleep due to nervousness. He ate a breakfast of his normal ramen, then he got a shower, changed into his normal orange outfit and left. He would have until about 1600 to kill time before Hinata would be done with all of her meetings. He spent the day doing random things like watching some kids play with their friends and parents, watching the outdoor training at the ninja academy, and pulling quick random pranks on people. That was the most fun. But it didn't fully hide his nervousness away.

Naruto noticed a large group of Chuunin start to exit the administrative building. That signaled the end of the last meeting of the day. In the back of the crowd looking somewhat anxious and shy was a beautiful girl with eyes that were white except for a slight purple hue to them. Naruto chose this time to pull a prank on Shikamaru, who was also testing the Genins taking the exam. Shikamaru was a friend, and lazy, so Naruto knew it wouldn't be taken too bad and he wouldn't have to run very far. Or at least that is what he thought.

Naruto hit Shikamaru with a water balloon that he seemed to have materialized for him and then ran. Just before he got to Hinata, who was giggling at his characteristic antics, a huge wind caught him and sent him flying into the woods. Temari had taken offence to the prank. Shikamaru just told her it was typical of Naruto and that it would be too troublesome to do anything about it. Oddly enough this seemed to placate Temari and she didn't attack a now stunned Naruto anymore.

Hinata on the other hand ran as fast as she could in the direction Naruto had been thrown. She was worried about him because he was taking the dangerous Chuunin exam the next day and would need to be in full health. She found him unceremoniously sprawled on the forest floor at the base of a tree which he apparently hit during his flight. She gasped out his name and ran to him to make sure he wasn't hurt. Naruto sat up as she got to him and had a sheepish smile on his head. "I guess I should pick who I pull pranks on better, huh?"

This was rewarded with a kind smile from Hinata as she pulled out some of her medical ointment for his cuts and bruises. They were only superficial but Naruto didn't protest. Hinata was still amazed at the seemingly instant healing effect the ointment had on Naruto when combined with his demon like healing that the Kyuubi provided him with. Hinata wasn't shocked because she knew the reason and had seen the same affect before, but it was still amazing to watch.

She wasn't a fully qualified medical ninja, but she did have some medical tendencies and training. When she was done playing nurse as Naruto liked to call it. Naruto got up and then helped Hinata up off the ground by offering her a hand that she accepted. Naruto didn't drop her hand or when she stood up. He looked at her and asked if she would like to go for a walk. She agreed. Naruto looked at her and a huge grin made itself present on his face. He liked the way she was shy around him.

When Hinata noticed that Naruto didn't drop her hand after helping her up, which was almost immediately, she began to blush. What made her face really turn red was when he asked her if she wanted to go for a walk while still holding her hand. She could barely think. She had just been asked out by Naruto. Her face took on its normal shyness and she barely got out an agreement. She was very happy as Naruto turned and, still holding her hand, started to walk out of the forest. She caught his looks at her while they walked, which just made her blush even more. She was happy to be spending time with Naruto. She did realize after a few minutes that he was leading her to the top of the Hokage monument. The place she had met him to try and comfort him on his birthday.

Naruto planned on giving the necklace to Hinata where she had come to comfort him and their close friendship began. It was his favorite view of the village as well. Sunset would be a good time to do it.

They arrived shortly before sunset and Naruto chose then to turn and look at her. They were standing almost exactly where they had watched the fox burning ceremony. Naruto pulled the box out of his pocket with the stealth he learned from being a ninja and pulling out kunai without notice. Hinata was too caught up in the situation and looking at Naruto's eyes to care about the hand that wasn't holding hers. "I know it's early, but I won't be able to be with you on your birthday. Would you accept my gift now?" Naruto wasn't a romantic; he didn't really have a way with words. After all he was Naruto.

Hinata finally noticed the box as Naruto brought it up for her to see. It was wrapped in a white wrapping paper with a simple purple bow. She was elated. She barely had the ability to control herself to nod let alone say anything. Naruto also smiled at her ever growing blush and happily shocked facial expression. Hinata gently took he box from Naruto and unwrapped it. She gasped when she realized it was a jewelry box. She looked at Naruto with a smile and slowly opened the box.

If Hinata's reaction to the gift was any indication at all then she absolutely loved the necklace. She gently brushed the precious stones and looked appreciatively up into Naruto's warm eyes.

Naruto lightly took the box from her hand while offering, "Here, let me help you put it on." Hinata willingly agreed as Naruto took the necklace out of the box. Hinata steadied herself by putting a hand on Naruto's chest as he reached around her neck to clasp the necklace. The sun was dropping below the horizon as Naruto finished putting the necklace on and some clouds drifted over head. Snow began to fall lightly in the cold December air. Naruto was right about the necklace. It matched her eyes perfectly.

Now was the moment of truth. Naruto was nervous, but like a true ninja he didn't show any emotion he didn't want others to see. He was done putting the necklace on her but instead of withdrawing his hands he let them drop to just above her waist and pulled her closer. He tilted his head and lightly kissed her. Naruto mentally prepared himself for a physical slap from the girl in front of him, but none came. Instead the light pressure on his chest from her hand lifted and she got closer to him. She accepted the kiss and kissed him back.

The snow was falling more heavily now and the air temperature was dropping rapidly after the sun fell below the horizon. But neither of them cared. They were warm outside with each other. It was a warm snowfall. Perfect for that night.

Author's Note:

There wasn't any action in this one. I am sorry about that. I had planned to make this traverse the Chuunin exams but the story didn't seem to work if I tried to make it longer. I don't exactly plan my stories rather than let them play themselves out as I type them. This is the end of this story. I guess I did turn it into a full fledged romance. Sorry.