Author's Note: Gosh, my writing must be really, really mediocre if I haven't gotten any reviews (at all). I understand that this is sort of a "bleh" fic, and not as good as my other stories (which aren't the best either), but how can I improve if you won't help me? Pretty please? Or at least tell me you read this so I know that the problem isn't a crappy summary, or something. Well, chapter two.

Now he walked away. Away from Konoha, and away from where he was so liked. No one saw him go. Naruto was the only one there, and he, of course, was unconscious.

Just unconscious. Not dead.

Sasuke will find his own way to gain power. Itachi will not control his life. He will no longer live a long and unsightly life, running away, clinging on pathetically with only one goal overwhelming his life... always hating. There will be no cursing under every breath, because, put simply, there will be no man left to curse. The only family he has left shall be dead; he'll make sure of it.

He will kill that man.

Uchiha Sasuke has become a word of taboo. Just seeing the fan that adorned his back is bringing back unwanted memories for some, particularly his former teammates. Naruto is suffering from the promise he wasn't able to keep. Sakura is still recovering from her broken heart.

It is certain that the five genins sent to retrieve him will never forget the mission, as two of them nearly died.

They hope that Sasuke will not follow his brother's footsteps.

They hope that Uchiha will not be a word synonymous with "traitor".


Author's Second Note: Yeah, yeah... this chapter was even worse than the first one ('specially the ending)... Review?