
A simple walk through the woods and he found the perfect spot.

When he thought about it, he never actually went looking for the perfect spot. But rather, every morning when he managed to get up enough motivation to get out of bed and grab his camera, a fit of wandering caused the perfect spot to find him. He, for one, simply wandered around town, the camera hanging around his neck with his hands shoved in his pocket as his lazy expression explored the area around him. One day he'd be walking down the street surrounded by people and the next he might be out in the woods, wandering around large stumps and downed trees he didn't feel like climbing on top of. He never looked for the perfect photo.

It just always found him.

This time it was a flower. Boring and normal, this plant had decided that a bed of moss was the perfect spot to add a little color and possibly some cheer. Half of the flower had been eaten by some animal and yet the plant was still standing, reaching for the sky, in a bed of moss that almost looked like it was threatening to swallow it at any time. There was nothing really spectacular about the scene, just more in the thoughts which filled his mind when he saw it.

Shikamaru shrugged and pulled the camera off his neck, snapping off the lense cap he began fiddling with the focus as the clouds moved over head, the shadows moving above as if adjusting the lighting for his specific photo. Finally he lifted the camera to take the picture…

But the picture had changed. Now, through the viewfinder, he found there was another occupant in the picture. While he'd been adjusting and waiting for the right light, an albino fox, quite small, had wandered into the picture and was now perched next to the flower,
watching him with a half cocked head.

It changed the picture and Shikamaru wasn't really impressed with the fox being there, however he didn't mind how this picture looked either. He wasn't one to scoff at a photo that presented itself, so he snapped the picture and listened to the film cycle through his camera. Lowering his camera he glanced at the picture count.

And found the fox was gone.