A/N: Hey! It's been a while huh? Well, I finally got off my lazy butt and decided to start another fic. MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Ha…ha…never mind. Anyway, here's CH1 of my newest fic: Bakura the Great and his Journal of Plots!


Day 1, 9/6/05

Grr…stupid journal…why did Ryou make me buy this stupid thing anyway? And why am I talking to a book? Oh well. Ryou said this was to help me understand myself. What can I not understand? I'm an evil spirit tomb robber that will someday rule the world! When I rule the world the following rules will be out into effect immediately:

1. There will be no prices on things. Everything will be free or owned by me!

2. All people who do not agree to my rules will be severely punished. By me, of course.

3. I will live in the biggest mansion with Ryou, Marik, Malik, and Yami. Ryou will be the housemaid, and I'll turn Malik and Yami evil. Marik will help me with that…

4. Duel monsters cards will all be burned until there is one of each copy, not including the Blue-Eyes White Dragon. I will own those too.

5. Seto's computer will be mine and mine only. I will let people use it if they pay me a ridiculous amount so I'll be even richer!

6. Anything that is green will be burned. I am allergic to green.

7. And what about those things? I think they're called airplanes? Ryou and I went on one the other day when we were coming back from our vacation. I told Ryou I had to go to the bathroom, and when I got to it, the thing was so small I could barely sit down! When I rule the world, bathrooms will be big enough to hold all the duel monsters cards that I own.

8. Schools will be a thing of the past when I rule. Ryou yelled at me when I fed his homework to the crazy cat lady next door's cat. Then he made me do it all over again. And guess what? When I was done, I found him in my room, playing with my video games. I only play them because there's blood everywhere. NOBODY will play my video games when I rule.

9. When I rule, the population will decrease. I shall kill 2 thirds of the population so everything is less crowded. When Ryou and I were in the mall, (that's some place with a bunch of shops) he must have bumped into 7 people! And he always said, "Excuse me" or "sorry" that'll have to go too, when I rule the world. NO MANNERS!

10. Lastly, when I rule the world, there will be a limited amount of couples in the world. Love is so odd…there is too much of it! I don't want the population to die out, because then there will be nobody to rule over. When I rule, people will obey my every command, and they will respect me. They will cherish me! They will………


And when I rule hikaris will not be allowed to walk in my room when the door is closed and take my book and wack me over the head with a rolling pin.

A/N: the first chapter is a little short, but the next few will be longer. I think I'll do a maximum of 10 chapters to a fic unless I get a lot of reviews and people start to threaten me…ideas are greatly appreciated and will be used if they are appropriate! That means no mentions of anything that is on late night shows like Inuyasha (Miroku). Violence is ok though. Note: I watch Inuyasha. I have to. I'm addicted to it.