Author's Notes: I don't own any of the Harry Potter characters. If I did, I would have Remus tied up to my bed and Sirius cooking in the kitchen while James plays with my daughter. Peter would be running from my cat. I don't own any of the Marvel Comic book Characters either. If I did, Logan would be out in the yard hurting my husband while Scott and Alex are arguing about how to hurt my husband. I don't own any of the Inu-Yasha characters. If I did, Sesshomaru would be joining Remus in my bed. Inu-Yasha would be with James playing with my daughter and Kagome and Sango would be helping Lily and Ororo beat the tar out of Miroku. I don't own any of the Star Wars characters. If I did then Qui-Gon would still be alive, Obi-Wan would not have had to train Anakin, and Anakin would not have gone to the Dark Side. I don't own the Mystic Force Power Rangers. If I did, do you really think Leanbow would have become Korag? I don't own Charmed or anyone from them. If I did, do you really think I would have them fight all those stupid demons that seem to think that they can take them out? I was just laughing at the thought of owning Lord of the Rings, Fantastic Four, or even Pirates of the Caribbean. It's just so flipping funny! Enjoy!

Author 's Note: Sorry for the long time betwen updates but I had a few problems crop up that I had to take care of right away. The first was that I lost my father to what the coroner says was a massive heart attack but my mom and I both think that his body simply gave out on him from an unknown illness. My daughter and I had to go to his memorial service and I spent a week with my family. We got home and I just wasn't in the mood to type. Then I ended up in the hospital with an abcess under the skin just below my knee that popped into my leg. I have had some time to write but typing is another story.

December 21, 1996

The group appeared in the center of the foyer of Gringotts. Harry noticed that Dumbledore was hurrying toward one of the counters as they walked through the doors.

"Headmaster!" Harry took off running toward Dumbledore. "Stop right there!"

"I can't allow you children to have that kind of influence in our world, Mr. Potter." Dumbledore pulled out his wand and pointed it at Harry. "I am truly sorry." He fired a stunner at Harry. However Dumbledore had forgotten the one thing that the Goblins hated more than thieves and that was duels in their bank. The stunner flew toward Harry but a shield surrounded Harry causing the stunner to return toward its caster, Dumbledore. Dumbledore collapsed after the stunner hit him square in the chest.

A goblin appeared from behind Dumbledore and approached his prone body. "I am sorry about that, Mr. Potter, but Headmaster Dumbledore knows our laws about drawing a wand within the walls of Gringotts."

"No problem, Griphook, and thank you." Harry chuckled slightly at the questioning look on Griphook's face, at least Harry thought it was questioning. "I'll always remember that you were the first one that took me down to my vault when I came here at eleven."

"Yes, well…What may I assist you with today, Mr. Potter?"

Harry motioned to the group of people behind him. "We all need to have heritage tests done and Malfoy needs to have his father's will read since Mr. Malfoy died today at Hogwarts."

Griphook nodded slightly. "There are actually several wills that need to be read today. Mr. Malfoy's is just one of them."

"Well, I believe that we should get going now." Godric Gryffindor smirked as Griphook tried not to pass out from excitement. "I know, I know…'You're supposed to be dead!' I've been getting that all day. Let's just say that I…" He motioned to Helga and Rowena who were standing behind him. "…We were sent back to help defeat No Nose Snake Breath." He shrugged slightly. "Not that Harry needed our help."

"Of course, my lord." Griphook bowed slightly. "If you will follow me, I will take you to the Heritage testing room." The group followed Griphook down several corridors to a set of black marble doors. He knocked on the doors three times before they swung open to reveal another goblin sitting behind a desk. "Master Silvertooth, these witches and wizards wish to have heritage tests done."

Silvertooth looked up from the pile of paperwork scattered across his desk. Slowly his eyes searched the group and slowly widened when he realized who were all standing in front of him. "That explains why I have the files for the Founders, the Malfoys, the Potters, and Merlin." Griphook bowed slightly before hurrying out the door and closing it behind him. Silvertooth rummaged through the files looking for the Malfoy file. "Mr. Malfoy, please step forward."

Draco moved from the back of the group toward the desk. "Yes, Master Silvertooth?"

"I have your father's will here." Silvertooth held up the folder that contained all the information on the Malfoy family. "Do you wish for me to read it aloud or do wish for the reading to be in private?"

Draco looked around the room until his silvery eyed gaze fell onto Hermione's smiling face. "You can read it aloud only to those that it concerns."

"Very Well." Silvertooth pressed a small button on the underside of his desk that put a shield around Draco and Hermione while it pushed the others away slightly before he opened the file to the very first page and put his reading glasses onto his nose. "I, Lucius Malfoy, of sound mind and body hereby leave the bulk of my estate to my only son, Draco Malfoy. There is only one stipulation that I must ask you to do, son, and that is to marry a Muggleborn. Our bloodline is so closely related to other Purebloods that I fear that if you were to marry a Pureblood that your children would be Squibs. If you do this, then my estate is yours. If not, then I leave it to Miss Hermione Granger. The reason for this is that Miss Granger is the most driven young witch that I have had the pleasure to meet in quite some time and I believe that she will make the Wizarding World leap into the new millennium. Miss Granger, I am sorry for all that I have ever said, done, or helped to instigate over the years. You truly are the most brilliant young witch that I have met in a long time and I only hope that my son will come to his senses and ask you out. If he doesn't, you have my permission to punch him in the nose again. (Yes, Draco, I know about that.) I know what you are thinking, Miss Granger…'He doesn't like me that way.' I would disagree with you because of how he rants about you during the holidays. I believe that he would be a better match than the youngest Weasley boy who doesn't seem to know how to chew with his mouth closed. No offense to the Weasley family; it is merely an observation that I have made over the years. Also enclosed within this will is a marriage contract between both Draco and Hermione if they want to carry out with it. I will not force my son into a loveless marriage like my father tried to with me. Yes, Draco, I was contracted to marry your Aunt Bellatrix but Narcissa and I managed to convince our parents that we were better suited for one another.

Now onto the remainder of my estate, of the seven and a half million galleons remaining, two and a half million galleons will be given to St. Mungo's Hospital for research. I wish for a cure for werewolves to be found as well as a cure for vampires, if it is possible. There have been too many people affected by these diseases and there needs to be a way to control and cure them. Also these funds are to be used to purchase the ingredients needed for the Wolfsbane potion. It should be available to anyone that needs and wants it. As for the vampires, I wish that a blood bank be put into effect so that people would not become needless victims.

Also two and half million galleons will be given to Hogwarts once Dumbledore has been removed from office. This money to help purchase new brooms for the flying classes as the ones that are currently being used are unsuitable for one to learn on much less control as well as new brooms for each of the House teams. This money is also to be used to hire assistants for each of the professors, especially the Heads of each House. There is no way that one person should be able to complete everything that they need to do in a single day let alone a week. Each professor is to have the help that has been denied to them over the last several years. When I was on the Board of Governors, I requested this to ease the strain on Professors Snape, McGonagall, Flitwick, and Sprout but was told that there was no money in the budget. If the Board were to look into using university students they would find that the cost would be much less than hiring actual professors to take the excess load. Not only would it help the professors but it would help the students receive needed credits to graduate.

The remaining two and half million Galleons shall be given to Azkaban. Please help them to find something other than the Dementors to guard that prison. Because of the Dementors, too many of the prisoners die early deaths before their sentences are completed or before they are found to be innocent. I have started the process of trying to find another way to keep the prisoners guarded but have not been able to finish the project. I hope that Miss Granger and Draco will be able to figure out a way of completing my final wishes.

One last thing, Draco, in my personal vault there is a journal that contains all the plans that I have been working on over the years. Please put it to good use. Never forget that I love you, son.

Silvertooth looked up at the young man who was trying to keep from crying and the young woman that looked shocked beyond belief that she was even mentioned in the will. "Is there anything that you need for me to complete?"

"I want to look at the journal first and see what Father has been doing in the last year before I make any decisions." Draco turned to look at Hermione who had finally realized that the will reading was over. "Perhaps we could go out for dinner one evening, Miss Granger, once you have gotten over the shock of what Father has done."

"Maybe we should go when the will for Slytherin is read." Hermione watched Draco smile broadly before he bowed slightly to her. Hermione looked at Silvertooth. "Perhaps we should get on with this."

"Of course, Miss Granger." Silvertooth pressed the button again to release the shield. "I will simply skim over the wills for the Founders and Merlin." Silvertooth flipped open the file for Merlin. "Mr. Arthur Weasley, you are the primary heir the Merlin line. Your son, William, will be your primary heir. In total, you have inherited four vaults with gold and items totaling over fifty million galleons. In a week, please return and we will have an actual total for you." He opened a drawer and pulled out a ring box. "Here is the family ring. Please place it on the ring finger of your right hand."

Arthur took the ring and slid it on the correct finger. He felt it adjust slightly on his finger. "Thank you, Master Silvertooth."

Silvertooth merely nodded as he opened the file for Gryffindor. "Mr. Potter and Miss Lupin, you both are the next in line for the Gryffindor family head. However, the Gryffindor is a patriarchal family; therefore the head of Gryffindor is Mr. Potter." Silvertooth slid a ring box and a ledger across the desk to Harry. "There is something else in the Gryffindor Family line. If there is a young woman with enough power, she will become the Head of the Eversole line that died out centuries ago. I believe that you are powerful enough for that line, Miss Croft. However the ring will make that decision." He slid a ring box over to Regina and watched as she slipped the ring onto her finger. Silvertooth smiled as the bright flash surrounded Regina before handing her a ledger. "I see that I was right. The Eversole family had one vault that over the years has gathered interest totaling over 30 million galleons. This does not include any items in the vault." He turned to Harry. "Mr. Potter, you are also the head of the Potter line." He waited as Harry slid both rings onto his fingers. "You now have seven vaults containing gold and items totaling well over 100 million galleons. An accurate accounting will be available within the week." Silvertooth opened the Slytherin file. "Miss Granger and Miss Alba, you are the children of the youngest son of Salazar Slytherin who was removed from the family line. Due to the fact that the remaining lines have died out, you are to inherit. Miss Granger, since you are a part of the older twin's line, you will inherit first. You have two vaults that contain gold and items totaling over 40 million galleons." Silvertooth slid a ring box across his desk toward Hermione before handing her a ledger.

Hermione picked up the box and ledger before looking at Silvertooth. "And what about Marina? We can't allow her mother to try and steal everything from her."

"Miss Alba will receive one vault that contains gold and items totaling over 30 million galleons. However until you both reach your majority the vaults will remain in trust until after Miss Granger's 17th birthday." Silvertooth turned to look at Marina and handed her a ledger. "We already know of your mother's plans to take your inheritance from you. We are ready for anything that she may try. Also we have started the process to find your father." Silvertooth watched as Hermione slipped the Slytherin ring onto her finger before she opened the ledger. He flipped open the file for the Ravenclaw line. "Mr. Fox and Miss Lovegood, you are the remaining heirs for the Ravenclaw line. The Ravenclaw line is a matriarchal line therefore Miss Lovegood is the heir. You have two vaults totaling over 40 million Galleons." Silvertooth slid the Ravenclaw ring across the desk to Luna. "That does not mean that you will be without anything, Mr. Fox. There was a vault that was set aside for any sons that were to come along in the family. Since there have been nothing but daughters until now the interest alone totals several million Galleons." Silvertooth pulled two ledgers from the file and handed them to Luna and Richard. He opened the Hufflepuff file and looked at Susan Bones and Hannah Abbott. "The Heirs of Helga Hufflepuff, Miss Bones and Miss Abbott. Miss Abbott is the older of you both therefore she is the heir. You will receive the majority of two vaults totaling well over 50 million Galleons." He slid the Hufflepuff ring across the table to Hannah along with the ledger for the Hufflepuff vaults. "Miss Bones will receive a minor vault within the Hufflepuff family. This vault contains 30 million galleons. Again these amounts are rough estimates. All available goblins are working to get accurate accountings of all the vaults in question." Silvertooth looked around at those gathered. "Are there any questions?"

"Just one. Can we go down to see the vaults?" Draco shuffled slightly in his seat.

"I am afraid that until the accounting of the Slytherin, Hufflepuff, Merlin, Gryffindor, Eversole, and Ravenclaw vaults have be completed you cannot enter the vaults. However, Mr. Malfoy, you may tend to your vault and retrieve the journal that you father has left for you."

Draco shook his head slightly. "I think I'll wait until the others can attend to their vaults."

Silvertooth nodded slightly. "If that is all, I believe that we will conclude this meeting. You will receive owls when the accounting is completed." He climbed to his feet and bowed to the group who returned the bow before they left the room.