Chapter 8: Memories of You

"Dante came and brought you back. He told me to tell you not to go looking for him again. Now rest. You're fever is still high."

Virgil said as he checked Kristine's temperature; he then left.

/He didn't come back…/

She thought as she cried herself to sleep.

While Kristine was sleeping that night, Virgil prepared himself for a little trip. Tonight was very quiet, so quiet that Virgil could drop a needle and hear its fall.

"Hmmm… a fine night to go hunting, wouldn't you say so, Dante?"

Virgil told himself as he quietly equipped Beowulf with him. He then exited the house to start the hunt. Te streets were dead. No lights were turned on and a strong wind blew.

"It must be because of the rain earlier. Anyway, Dante's not far away."

He told himself and ran to where he sensed Dante.

Dante was staying in a motel a few blocks away from Kristine's house. The rain had stopped a few hours ago, but the wind is still blowing fiercely as if the rain hadn't stopped.

"She was so warm…"

.Flash back.

"I guess by now, Kristine and Virgil are making out…I hope you're happy without ME!"

"But I'm not, why would you say that Dante?"

Dante's eyes opened wide. He saw Kristine's teary face even if the rain was washing the tears away. He couldn't move from his spot so he just turned his head away. Kristine approached Dante and rested her forehead on his chest. Instead of pushing her away, Dante wrapped his arms around Kristine's small frame.

"Why are you…here? Why did you come looking for me?"

Dante asked as he held her tighter.

"Why wont I come looking for you! I want you home, that's why I came looking for you…so please come home."

She told him as she pounded her small fists against Dante's chest.

"Tell me, why should I go back? Aren't you happy now that I'm gone?"

Dante said pushing her away gently. Instead of answering, Kristine turned her back against Dante and started walking away. She knew that with Dante's tone of voice, he didn't want to come home. As she took another step, she suddenly fell unconscious.

/The hell/


Dante rushed towards the unconscious girl.

"Hey wake up!"

Dante said a bit panicked. He picked her up. Kristine's face was flushing a deep red, and her breathing was very rough. As Dante placed a hand over the girl's forehead he knew she had caught a fever. Gently lifting the young girl's frail body, Dante brought her under the shade of an old tree. Dante lays Kristine on his lap while covering the girl's shivering body with his coat.

"Her fever is really high. I have to make it go down somehow."

Dante uttered meekly as he looked at the girl's sleeping form. Seeing that Kristine looked so uncomfortable, got her up on a sitting position and got her to sit on his lap while making her body lean against his own.

/She's so warm…/

Dante thought as he held her against his chest. Although they were both wet, he could still feel the warmth the girl emitted. Kristine's head slightly tilts startling Dante. Even her hands moved, resting on the guy's chest…still trembling. Dante holds them. Her hands were soft and smooth, and cold…they still trembled. It was then that Dante realized that there was something different about the girl. She acts so strong, but she's not. She tries to be full of energy, but she's so frail.

/Humans are so hard to understand, specially this one./

Dante told himself again as he held her a bit closer.


Kristine uttered in her sleep. Dante couldn't help but let out a faint sigh.

"You are a kid after all…"

Dante said one last time. After that he tipped up Kristine's chin and bent his head to meet the girl's lips.

First kiss…

The young man looked up at the sky.

"The rain has already stopped."

Noticing this, Dante lifted the girl up as he stood. Walking away from the tree, and not minding where he was going, he reached the girl's house. He knocked on the door. It opened. Virgil was inside, looking at Dante with no emotion. The younger twin handed the girl to the older and told him to tell the girl never to go looking for him again. He then left.

.End of flash back.

"I wonder if she's alright now…"

Dante spoke to himself as he lazily plopped down on his bed. It wasn't as soft as the bed Kristine lets him use, but it'll have to do. He presses a finger on his lips, remembering his kiss. The soft lips and the sweet taste; how he'd like to have stopped time at that moment…if he did, maybe he'd still have her in his arms. While thinking of this, the door bursts open.

"What the hell is it now?"

Dante quickly sat up and grabbed his Ebony and Ivory from the desk beside him. He pointed his gun towards the door, and there he saw Virgil. Dante got out of the bed and cautiously moved around the room. Virgil's eyes followed the steps that his twin had been making, and as Dante made his third step, Virgil launched an attack, then Dante did the same. Before they could hit each other, their body froze, unable to move. A chill ran up their spines, and almost made their heart beat stop.


The twins said in unison as they ran out of the room, and back to the young girl's house.

A/N: There! Okay everyone that's it for chapter 8. Hope you like it. Oh about me updating. Well, since I have school again coz summer vacation is over; I wont be able to update for awhile, but I promise that this story will have an ending! So everyone, thanks for the support! Remember to R&R!