This is my newest Alias FanFic! Please read! And tell me what you think about it!

Title: Apartment Seven

Author: Aryn (that's me!)

Summary: Sydney moves out of the apartment that she and Nadia shared, in hopes of finding her own place. Little does she know, the new complex on the beach that she moves into, holds more for her than expected. New neighbors. Old friends. New love? S/V of course-AU.

Summary Background: Sydney and Nadia are living in the same apartment, when Syd decides she should find an apartment of her own. Nadia just got engaged, and that's why Sydney needs to find her own place. The new complex that she moves into, has a couple of our Alias friends (Vaughn, Weiss, Francie, Will, and Marshall & Carrie & and baby Mitch too!). There are other characters that I've made up to live in the complex, too. Everyone has their own apartment, except Marshall and Carrie (and baby Mitchell) because they are married. Syd and Francie were best friends in high school, but didn't realize that the other was still living in LA, because Sydney was living on the other side of town. Will and Francie are dating, Weiss is single, and Vaughn is dating Alice (grrrr shakes fist). Sydney's single too.

Setting: Redondo Beach, California. The apartment complex is located on Yacht Club Way, just steps away from the beach. Everyone in age, is the same they are on the show.

Disclaimer: I do not own Alias, or any of the Alias characters. Sadly, they all belong to J.J., and not me. Boo hoo. BUT! I do own anything you don't recognize from Alias. THERE!

Rating: This is rated PG-13 just to be safe, or T whatever the new system is.

Here is the VERY first chapter of Apartment Seven. I demand feedback!

147 Yacht Club Way #7
Redondo Beach, CA 90277-6909

Bedroom: 2
Bathroom: 1.5
Rent: 2,500 mon.
Security Deposit: 3,000
Apartment Condition: New/excellent
This is one of an all-one-story, 13 apartment complex.
Single car space located in carport behind building.
A step away from the beach. All new appliances.
Shown by appointment only.

Sydney folded up the newspaper, and set it neatly on the corner of the kicthen counter. She had found an apartment. And after two weeks of constant searching of a new place, she had finally found an ad that piqued her interest. The only thing she had to do next was to call the landlord, and schedule a viewing appointment.

"Nadia, I think I found one," Sydney called to her sister who was sitting nearby, in the family room of their apartment. Sydney and her sister Nadia had been sharing the same Los Angeles apartment for four years. But recently, Nadia had gotten engaged, and Sydney decided that it was time that she find a place of her own. Not that Nadia was kicking her out or anything, it definitely wasn't that. It was the fact that Sydney felt that when her sister got married, Nadia and her new husband would need the privacy. Besides, Sydney was excited to live by herself again.

"That's great. Where is it?" Nadia asked, looking over the back of the couch.

"In Redondo Beach," Sydney replied, opening up the newspaper again to find the contact number of the landlord. "It's only 40 minutes from here."

Nadia sighed.

Her and Sydney barely had time to see each other during the week as it was. Especially with their demanding jobs, constantly pulling them away. Sydney, a high-end clothing store manager, and the owner of a cozy street corner cafe near Redondo Beach. Nadia, a local bank representative. Though the two both enjoyed their jobs, they didn't have a lot of time to see each other. Aside from spending entire weekends together, the sisters only saw each other a few times a week, even though they lived together.

"Are you sure there isn't something closer?" Nadia asked.

"Not ones that are at least in my price range," Sydney answered flatly. "The apartment is just blocks away from the cafe and the store."

Nadia sighed again. She would rarely have time to see her sister, had Sydney moved into the new apartment. She and her sister had grown so close ever since moving in together.

"Besides, it's right on the beach," Sydney mused, as if she was a sixteen year-old who had just recieved the keys to their first car.

"True," said Nadia.

"I'm going to call the landlord to see if I can schedule an appointment for this afternoon," Sydney said, excitedly picking up the phone to dial the number.

"That's just great," Nadia muttered before taking another sip of her morning coffee.

She walked down the steps to the new apartment complex. She was excited and nervous at the same time to see what this new apartment looked like. Would it be a total piece of shit? Sydney would definitely be disappointed if she had to go through the process of apartment hunting again. Or would it be just the place she was looking for? Whatever one the apartment was, she knew she would still be moving. Sydney could sense the dissatisfaction in her sister. But she knew that she had to leave Nadia. It was time to start a new beginning in her life-without her sister. Nadia was getting married soon, and needed privacy. This was the chance Sydney had been waiting for. The chance to have more time to herself, and not worry about upsetting her sister every time she came home.

The chance for an almost new life.

The building was an all-one-story complex, just like it said in the ad, and the apartments just sat next to each other, almost in rows, but attatched. As Sydney walked down the sidewalk to the landlord's office/apartment, she noticed the familiar backside of a woman sitting on a bench looking out at the beach a few yards before them.

"Francie?" Sydney asked, approaching the deep skinned woman. "Is that you?"

"Sydney?" Francie screamed with excitement, jumping up from her seat on the bench to hug her oldest friend.

"It's so great to see you!" Sydney said when she pulled away from their friendly embrace.

"What are you doing here?" Francie asked her. They hadn't seen each other in the longest time.

"I scheduled an appointment to look at an apartment in that building," Sydney answered, pointing to the apartment complex behind them.

"Really? I live there!" Francie said screamed again. She was so glad to see her friend again after six years. They had been best friends in college, but were separated when they graduated.

"Well let's hope I move in," Sydney mused, equally eager as her friend. "But I think I'm late for my appointment."

"Stop by my place when you're done. Apartment six," Francie said, still overwhelmed at the fact of seeing her friend.

"Alright," Sydney said before turning back to find the landlord's office.

It was so great to see Francie again, after all those years. She looked so different. But her bright personality didn't change one bit. She continued to walk to the landlord's office. She wondered what Francie had been up to all that time.

It was then when Sydney felt someone bump into her body with excessive force. She had been so wrapped up in her own thoughts, she didn't see the man coming her way. Though, he didn't bother to notice that someone was about to walk into him either.

"I'm so sorry," he said, helping Sydney regain her balance.

She looked into his green eyes. He had sandy blond hair, and was giving her an apologetic smile.

"No it was my fault. I should have been paying attention," Sydney flustered with her words.

"Yeah, okay. It was your fault," the guy laughed, apparently joking. This was an awkward situation.

Sydney laughed nervously. She had embarrassed herself in front of a man who she thought was fairly attractive.

"Well, I gotta go and run into someone else," Sydney joked, making a comeback from before.

The guy just laughed again, and patted her on the back.

"I'll see you around," he said, turning around to go to the destination he was trying to get to.

"You too," Sydney called after him. She thought she'd never see that man again.

"So this is it," Laney said, opening the door to the apartment after fumbling with her keys. Apartment seven. Laney, the landlord, was a humble woman in her early twenties who was excited to see that someone was interested in one of her apartments.

Sydney stepped into the empty apartment, satisfied with the space before her. To her left was the kitchen, complete with appliances. The kitchen was accompanied by a small, but nice dining room. She walked further into the apartment, and was surprised by the size of the living room. It was larger than she had originally expected. Across from the living room (which was on the otherside of Sydney when she first walked in) was the half bathroom. Just behind the half bathroom was the single guest bedroom. It was a decent size. I could use this as my office, Sydney thought. She walked next door to the master bedroom, which was located at the back of the apartment, along with the other bedroom. It was a spacious room, and would compliment her bedroom furniture greatly. A master bathroom was conveniently attactched to the east wall of the bedroom. Connected with both the master bedroom and master bath, was a spacious walk-in closet.

Sydney walked out of the master bedroom and into the living room again, with Laney in tow.

She looked out the big window that showcased the beach outside. The apartment was just steps away from the building.

This is so perfect.

She turned to Laney, who had a smile on her face, watching her potential customer marvel at the apartment.

"I'll take it," Sydney stated simply.

"Really? Are you sure?" Laney asked, mentally slapping herself.

Sydney nodded with delight. "This is just perfect for me."

"Well then come this way Miss Bristow," Laney said, leading Sydney out of apartment seven.

"And you bought it?" Francie asked Sydney. They were in the kitchen of Francie's apartment, which was just next door to the apartment Sydney had just bought. Francie left the screen door open so that she and Sydney could enjoy the smooth California breeze.

"Yep. This will be so great, having you as my neighbor," Sydney said excitedly. She would get to see the best friend that had been left out of her life the pastsix years, more often. Of course she was excited.

"Well I think you should be more excited about the hottie that lives to the left of your new home," Francie said.

Sydney gave her a confused look.

"His name's Michael, totally drool worthy," Francie wiggled her eyes suggestively. A thing Francie did a lot when she and Sydney were in college.

Sydney giggled, and before she could reply, there was a knock at the front door. The person let themself in through the screen door.

"Did someone just say my name?" the person said. It was the man from before, that Sydney had accidently bumped into.

"Oh, Michael, what do you need?" Francie said surprised. She winked at Sydney.

"I was just wondering if you had a screwdriver. I'm trying to fix my stereo," he Michael said. Francie rolled her eyes and got up from her seat at the ktichen counter to look for her toolbox under the sink. "Hey Trip," Michael said, turning his attention to Sydney who was also seated at the kitchen counter. He made up a nickname for her from their accident earlier. She smiled.

"She has a name you know," Francie said, fiddling with the contents under her kitchen sink, and laughing to herself. Sydney turned around in the barstool.

"Sydney Bristow, my given name," she laughed sticking her hand out, formally introducing herself to Michael.

"Michael, Michael Vaughn," he said smiling, shaking her hand. "You can call me Vaughn."

She smiled at him.

"Sydney just bought the apartment next door," Francie interrupted with a cough, sliding a screwdriver across the kitchen counter.

"Oh really?" Vaughn asked, a bit surprised, though he had no reason. "Apartment seven?"

"It's perfect for me," Sydney nodded.

"That's awesome. You'll like it here," he smiled at her for what seemed like the tenth time for the past five minutes."Well I better get back to my stereo," he said, holding up the screwdriver. "See you around Sydney," he said as he walked out of Francie's apartment.

After making sure he was out of earshot, Sydney turned to Francie, who was looking knowingly at Sydney.

"He's so cute!" Sydney cried, quickly covering her mouth, realizing how loud she had said that.

"I told you," Francie said. She was happy for her friend. From what she could remember of Sydney in college, she never really had an opinion about guys because she was constantly working. Every time she tried to set Syd up with a guy at a frat party, Sydney always declined and blamed it on her job.

"And he lives right next door to me," Sydney said, pleased with herself. "He's so cute. I wonder if we would hit it off..."

Francie frowned.

"What's wrong?" Sydney asked.

"He already has a girlfriend. Alice," Francie said.

A/N: How did you guys like it? Yay? Nay? PLEASE GIVE ME FEEDBACK! Please review. I have great ideas for this fic! I'll post a layout (floorplan/blue print) of the apartment complex for you guys on my livejournal. To get there, click homepage on my author profile. I'll post it within the next few days. Go ahead, you know you wanna review. How could you not?