Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor do I own Siruis Black, or Azkaban, or Fawkes, or England for that matter, or anyone or anything else mentioned here. I think it would also be very safe to say that I also do not own the plot. Vi.

Authors Note: okay, before I just posted this for the fun of it, but hey, I might just continue it. Yeah, this was written a long time ago. What the hell? Im supposed to be doing homework…but it's pointless… and Im just winging this fic, so, if you like it, thumbs up for you! Im mainly only doing this cuz I like writing, and this is like, practice….:s.

Also thanks to Lisa aka Ides of March for being my beta reader.even though you never read this one before. (and I am not imitating you! Read above.if you are reading this)

A yelling, screaming. Within my head, ringing in my ears.

Not Harry, please, not Harry. Have mercy.

Step aside you silly girl, step aside.

I tossed around, my hand clutching at thin air. My eyes snapped opened. Not that it was much better. Screams were still engulfing my thought. Making me senseless, not that I wasn't already. I was insane, as was everyone else in this hell.

Who couldn't be? I shivered, I wrapped the thin tattered, filth filled cloak around myself as I huddled in the damp mold filled corner. I heard waves crashing next to me, haunting, sickening waves. I struggled to not fall back into the oblivion. A white coldness started to overcome me. Quickly, I just thought of how miserable being here was. It was a brilliant strategy to make them ignore you. But thoughts of Sirius still raised within my mind. Visions of his death.

But as I was looking down, I noticed something I havent for the past 5, I think, months I have been here. It was under my hard wooden bed. A narrow, inconspicuous strip of wood. I would've ignored it if it didn't look like it. It was a wand. I bent down, my bones creaking, and grabbed it. It was a wand, wrapped around it was a piece of parchment.

Those loyal to the Lord shall be free. This is my spare wand I have smuggled in. The Dark Lord shall RULE! Go back and claim your loyalty my fellow Death Eater.

Lucius Malfoy

So that was how he escaped, but my mind was spinning with ideas, I could be free. Fresh air engulfed me once more. Refreshing me, allowing myself to wake up. I was FREE!

I wasted no time, they locked these locks the muggle way since the dementors couldn't do magic. A whisper of 'alohomora' was all I needed. I quickly dashed to the storage rooms, my memory never failed me, especially since seeing your Firebolt getting locked away wasn't a good memory. They kept all the prisoners belongings in the storage rooms, everything that wasn't in their vault at least. My school trunk would be in there, it was guarded by two guards, which I easily taken out.they were sleeping.

I searched everywhere for my trunk, first by cell number (54d) then prisoner number (11443) and finally by alphebetical order of last name. I wasted no time in shrinking my trunk, after I took out my Firebolt. Suddenly I heard a screech, cold was overcoming me again, the dementors were gliding up to me like magnets. My eyes widened in shock, of course, I was feeling happy.

I threw one of my legs atop my Firebolt and flew out.there were guards outside of the prison too. I was being trapped. Then I heard a song, a song that I havent heard in five years, the phoenix song. Fawkes was here. The dementors backed away, now, for the wizard guards.which were easy since they were too scared to do anything. I glanced at the far away land looming over the horizon. England, I was free.

Okay, Ive received a lot of reviews concerning the wand, yeah, Lucius Malfoy spelled it so only people loyal to the lord, or have lost all hope and are broken and will do like, anything to get out can find it. So, its only now that Harry has even bothered to see it.

Review, and yet again I do not own anything at all.