AN: Thanks for all the reviews guys! I wanted to wait to post this one but here it is! By the way, wanted to say that most of the stuff I said regarding some actual Harry Potter info was looked up and is accurate! So yay me! Also I have finished the Seventh book! I read it the day I got it! And obviously my story isn't going to end the same way the Deathly Hallows did.

Summary: IYHP Harry and Kagome have been best friends for a long time. So when Harry leaves unexpectedly for his first year of Hogwarts, what happens to Kag?

Disclaimer: I don't Inuyasha or Harry Potter! So you can't sue me! So…HA! I will own them eventually though! Until then! I bid thee farewell.

I Don't Know Why

(Part VII)

Harry frowned. Tears were streaming down the face of the woman he loved. "Kagome, what's wrong?" He asked while cupping the side of her face.

There was a pause before she answered. "I was just so scared. Naraku kidnapped me."

She said she was scared, but she definitely didn't act it. Something else was up, but he decided to disregard it. Pulling her into an embrace he immediately started stroking her hair and attempting to calm her down. "You're alright. I'm here and you're safe. Soon we'll destroy the last horcrux and this will all be over."

Suddenly, Kagome began sobbing even more. He looked at her worriedly and attempted to wipe away the tears. He didn't want to see a beautiful woman cry. Then an idea struck him. Reaching into his pocket he pulled out his Valentine's present he was originally intending on giving her earlier. She looked at it with wide and curious eyes. "It's for you."

Taking the box in her hands, she began to undo the ribbon and open it. She gasped at the silver heart locket that lay inside. When opened it said 'K and H! Best Friends Forever!' She smiled down at it and clasped it in her hands. "Just like the picture…" She whispered softly, but loud enough for him to hear. He was glad she remembered.

"Let me help you put it on." Taking the silver chain back from her, he brushed aside her hair and fastened it around her neck.

When she turned around she smiled that big smile that Harry loved so much. "Thank you so much. I love it." She leaned forward and gave him a soft kiss on the lips. He couldn't help but melt at the touch. She giggled at his goofy grin. "I hate to interrupt this special moment, but I must go see Dumbledore. Is there anyway you can lead me there?"

'Of course." Wrapping his arm around her waist she lifted her up and began carrying her bridal style out of the room. She blushed at the position, but she didn't reject it. Harry grinned in triumph. Maybe she felt the same way for him after all.

When they got to the statue he gently put her down. Kagome gave him a hug. "I'm sorry Harry. I need to go alone." He nodded and watched as she whispered the password to the statue and she rode the escalator up and out of sight.


Kagome took a deep breath before she entered into Dumbledore's office. She had to figure out a way to get around this horcrux thing. Maybe Harry didn't have to kill her, perhaps someone else could. She really needed to send a letter to Sesshoumaru.

"Ah Miss Higurashi, you've made it back." The Headmaster smiled at her. "But you appear to have a problem. What is it?" Harry was right, Dumbledore really could tell everything.

Kagome quickly told him what Naraku had done to her and what he had said. After hearing everything, Dumbledore rose from his desk and walked over to where she stood. When he attempted to touch her shoulder he was immediately thrown back.

"I thought as much…" He mumbled softly. He slowly rose from the ground. "It seems Voldemort made it so that only Harry can touch you. It has to do with Harry's blood. That's one of the affects horcruxes can have."

"No, no, no!" She repeated to herself. She immediately crouched to the floor and began sobbing again. She couldn't have him kill her. Anyone but him! Her last hopes had been shattered.

Dumbledore crouched down next to her. "It seems you are only worried about who has to kill you. I take it you have a plan?"

Kagome stood up and slowly started walking towards the door. "I need you to send a letter to Sesshoumaru. Tell him to come whenever he gets a chance but preferably within the next couple days. Also tell him to bring Tenseiga." Dumbledore nodded and Kagome was out the door in a flash. Clutching the locket around her neck she ran as fast as she could to try and find Harry.


Harry groaned as he sat in the Great Hall. Cho had spotted him just as Kagome had left his side and dragged him to dinner. She was desperate to know why he ran away from Hogsmeade. After carefully explaining she just lowered her head and quietly ate her meal. Even though Harry wasn't in love with her he could tell something was wrong. "What's the matter?"

Tears threatened to fall from her eyes as she looked back up at him. She continuously played with her food as she spoke. "You're constantly worrying over that girl. I fear you love her instead of me."

Harry bit his bottom lip. Now was a better time then ever to discuss things. This was the opportunity he was looking for. "Cho, things have died down between us."

She quickly shook her head. "Things died down for you. I saw you buy a silver locket earlier. It wasn't for me was it? You've fallen in love with that muggle girl."

He furrowed his brow. "She isn't just a muggle girl. She's the key to destroying Voldemort. She's a beautiful and intelligent girl, and," Harry paused before finishing his sentence. "I've fallen in love with her. I'm sorry Cho."

Pushing the remainder of her food aside, she slowly stood up. "Part of me knew. Even that first day I met her, I had a feeling." She leaned over the table and gave Harry a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you. You helped me through a lot, especially after Cedric died. But I did love you."

Harry watched as Cho walked away from the table to join her friends. Sighing, he got up as well and walked towards the Great Hall entrance. As he rounded the corner something collided hard with him making him fall to the ground. When he opened his eyes, they met familiar sapphire ones and he immediately hugged the miko. "Kagome! You really shouldn't run through the halls, you might run into someone."

Sitting up she gave him a weak smile. "Well I was looking for you, so it all worked out in the end." Suddenly her face got very serious which in turn worried Harry. "Listen, I need to talk to you." Kagome reached out her hand and helped the young wizard up.

He walked behind Kagome as she led the way to her room. Muttering the password, the two stepped in and sat on her big bed. The whole way up she hadn't said a single word which really started to worry him. Something was wrong. Two upset girls in one day was not a good thing.

"There's something you need to know. While I was with Naraku, he did something to me." Harry's anger was starting to boil up already, but he decided to listen to the whole story patiently. "He took one of his original horcruxes and transferred it to me. He also made it so that you're the only one that can touch me. Not even Dumbledore could come within a foot of me."

Harry felt his heart stop and drop with each word Kagome spoke. She couldn't be a horcrux. They only had one left to destroy. It wasn't allowed to be the woman he loved. But she had gone to see the headmaster. He must have solved everything. "Well you and Dumbledore figured out a solution right?" He smiled trying to be as hopeful as possible.

Kagome nodded, but the look on her face said that something was still not right. "You have to kill me and then destroy Voldemort. I'm pretty sure he has it so that once I'm dead he can attack. He's relying on your anger to get the better of you. So you have to give it you're all."

Harry just stared at her. Words didn't exactly register once she that he would have to kill her. "What makes you think I'd be able to kill you!? I love you."

Kagome smiled at him. "You're going to have to trust me and do exactly what Dumbledore and I say. Everything will be alright."

She clasped her hand only to have it thrown a side. He knew it would break her heart but he couldn't help it. He stood up and paced in anger. "How is everything supposed to be okay if you're dead? How am I supposed to live without you?"

Kagome got up and walked up to him. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she looked straight into his eyes. "I told you to trust me. You trust me don't you?"

Seeing her expression and hearing her voice, Harry couldn't help but smile at her. "I trust you. Don't let me down." He leaned down and gently kissed her on the lips. "So how exactly am I supposed to kill you anyway?"

Harry frowned when she merely shrugged. "Just be creative. Oh, but you need to do it relatively soon." She said while glancing at the setting sun outside the window. "Preferably tonight if that's okay. I need to keep everything on schedule."

He rolled his eyes. "Not only do I have to kill you, but I don't even get to wait. I have to do it now. Terrific."

She playfully hit his chest and he smiled down at her again. "Two things. One, try to make it painless, and two inform Dumbledore immediately after you do it." Suddenly, she released herself from him and walked over to a drawer in her room. Opening it up, she drew out a sword. Not just any sword, but the sword of Godric Gryffindor. "I'd prefer not to die by magic, and if you get me through the heart with this, it will be fast."

Harry grimaced as Kagome held the sword with no trouble at all. She wasn't even worried or upset that she was getting ready to be killed and by his hand. He grabbed the hilt of the sword with his right hand and grabbed Kagome with his left. Scooping her up, he planted one final kiss on her. She smiled up at him and for the first time she said, "I love you Harry."

When she closed her eyes, he knew he had to do it. Plunging the sword into her heart she died with a smile on her face. Tears slowly made their way down his face but he immediately wiped them away. He trusted her. He knew she would be okay.

As he stood up to go tell Dumbledore that he killed Kagome, he stopped and watched as a small orb seemed to rise from her form and dissipate into thin air. He slowly smiled. The last horcrux was destroyed. Now all that was left was to kill Voldemort himself.

When he finally told Dumbledore that the horrible deed he did was done. The old wizard nodded and began to rummage through his desk. Suddenly, he brought out a letter. "Harry, I need you to take this and deliver it by owl. After that, be prepared at any moment for an attack by Voldemort. Tonight just might be the night all of this is resolved."


The boy-who-lived slowly stumbled his way up towards the where Hedwig was. He was still feeling depressed but had tons of faith in Kagome and her decision. On his way up Harry had noticed that the letter was written to Sesshoumaru. He snorted at the thought of him helping in this entire situation. Even if the demon had gone against Voldemort before he still didn't want him around.

Leaning against the window sill in the owlery, Harry observed Hogwarts and its grounds. The night time was eerily quiet and he was starting to get a little suspicious. Suddenly, he spotted a figure running across the grounds towards the castle, and slip inside.

Harry immediately began to run towards the exit and make his way down the stairs. He had to make sure nothing happened to Kagome's body and he had to get there fast. "Accio Firebolt!" Harry's voice disturbed the silence but he continued to run on. When his broom stick came into view he extended his hand and grabbed it from the air. Jumping over the side of the rest of the stairs he hopped on his broom and flew as fast as he could towards the window of Kagome's room.

When he plunged into the room, he was terrified to see Voldemort sitting Kagome's bed with her lying next to him. If Kagome was now on the bed, that means Voldemort had moved her there. That scum had touched her! Harry's anger was radiating off himself, and the Dark Lord felt it too.

"So you actually killed her?" Voldemort smirked and traced a finger down the side of Kagome's face. The further he went, the more Harry got mad. "I didn't think you'd have the guts to do it."

Harry couldn't risk making any sudden moments in fear of putting Kagome and himself in danger. But the Dark Lord had to be stopped. Eyeing the sword of Godric Gryffindor that continued to lie on the floor, he slowly inched toward it. Voldemort did not know that it was the sword of Gryffindor that destroyed most of his other horcruxes. Surely it would be able to destroy the original soul and with the blood of a miko, how could it not destroy the half demon residing within the Chief Death Eater?

Harry dived for the sword. Voldemort immediately responded by casting the killing curse towards him constantly. Drawing the blade as fast as he could, Harry used it to deflect the killing curse. Voldemort laughed with pleasure. "Come now Potter! Fight like a real wizard!"

Growling, Harry pulled out his wand as well. The first thing he did was cast Protego on Kagome's body. He refused to take any chances. Focusing his attention back on Voldemort, he knew he had to find a way to kill Tom once and for all. Harry cast the first spell he could think of. "Sectumsempra!"

Dodging, Voldemort laughed again. "I see you've been learning from dear Snape again. My favorite Death Eater."

"He was never on your side!" Harry bellowed as he dodged another Avada Kedavra. "Snape has remained loyal to Dumbledore this whole time."

The Dark Lord growled. Harry could tell he didn't like hearing this. "Impossible! He loathes you. Why else would he help to try and destroy you?"

Harry let out a taunting laugh. "He's been helping me this whole time. It's his duty. He's making up for the fact that you killed the one person he ever loved."

"I tried to spare your mother, Potter. But she wouldn't move. She loved you too much." Voldemort seemed to spit venom at the word.

"But because you killed her, you gained a traitor among the Death Eaters." Voldemort paused as the information seemed to finally sink in. Using this as an advantage, Harry cast Expelliarmus, causing his wand to go flying out of his hand.

Voldemort glared at Harry. "No matter. You will die as planned anyway." Without another moment's hesitation, he sent what looked like brown tentacles flying towards Harry. "You may be a great wizard, buy I'm a great demon."

With eyes wide, Harry dodged the attachments as quickly as he could. He remembered hearing all about the Naraku part of the Dark Lord from Kagome. Thinking as fast as he could, Harry used the sword to slice through the airborne tentacles.

The demon hissed in pain. Apparently, Naraku didn't believe himself to be so vulnerable. That's when he noticed the blood stain on the sword. "Miko." He seethed out. His eyes turned red and he immediately turned face and lunged towards Kagome.

"Don't you touch her!" Harry bellowed. He quickly threw the sword, stabbing Voldemort in the chest. Roaring out in anguish, Naraku launched more tentacles towards the Boy Who Lived. Harry, not expecting the retaliation, was stabbed by a few of the flying attachments. Both of them were losing blood, but Harry had a wand. "Stupefy! Stupefy!"

Voldemort was now stunned in place. Grinning in triumph, Harry walked over to where Voldemort stood. Along the way he continued to stun each and every tentacle he passed. The demon growled. "I bet you think you've won boy."

But Harry just smirked as he pulled the sword out of Voldemort's chest causing him to seethe in pain once again. "Oh but I have. You still think you have all your horcruxes hidden in place don't you?"

Voldemort looked worried now. But Harry didn't care. He quickly withdrew the sword from his chest. Voldemort cried out in anguish. Feeling no pity for him, Harry stabbed him repeatedly. "This is for all the lives you've taken, you bastard."

Harry pulled Godric's sword out again and paused to give Voldemort any final words. But Voldemort smiled instead. "You don't have the guts to do it, Potter. You never have and you never will."

"Watch me, Tom. This is for Kagome." Harry lifted the sword and decapitated the Dark Lord without a second thought. The head rolled onto the floor and his body crumpled down as well. He dropped the sword to the ground. He was bleeding badly. Without a second thought Harry walked over to the bed and lay down with Kagome.

It felt like Harry had only been resting for a few minutes when a noise disrupted his slumber. Opening his eyes they met with the golden eyes of the demon lord, Sesshoumaru. Before he got a chance to sit up and greet him, Sesshoumaru raised his sword and swiped right at Harry.

Harry immediately closed his eyes. He hadn't felt the sword hit him, but there was no way Sesshoumaru could have missed. He peeked open a single eye. "Get up human. You're fine." Harry slowly stood up and examined his body. All the cuts and scratches had gone. In fact, he had never felt better.

"How did you…" But he didn't get to finish. Sesshoumaru silenced him by raising a hand. He looked closely at Kagome.

"She is dead?" Sesshoumaru inquired. But Harry could only nod. Things were not going well so far with her. The woman he loved was dead and it didn't appear as though she would be returning any time soon. This time Harry watched as the demon lifted his sword and slashed it at Kagome. Harry was appalled. How could he mutilate an already dead body?

Harry scuttled to Kagome's side of the bed and examined her body. Instead of it being in half as he now expected, the hole where Harry had stabbed her before had disappeared. Harry watched in amazement as Kagome's eyes slowly fluttered open. Harry was so happy he leaned down and kissed her over and over again everywhere on her face. Kagome giggled. "I told you I'd be alright."

Harry was confused but he didn't care. He had his girl back. While he continued to hug Kagome, she scanned the room with her sapphire eyes. She smiled as they passed Sesshoumaru, but paused once she noticed Naraku's mutilated body. Standing up, Harry watched her kneel down next to the body of the dark wizard and place her hands on him. White light burst from her hands, and the body turned to nothing more then ashes.

Harry's jealousy flared as Kagome ran and hugged Sesshoumaru. "It's over." Tears streamed happily down her face. She pulled away and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. "Thank you for everything, Lord Sesshoumaru. You've helped us so much. I owe you my life."

Shaking his head he responded, "No, I owe you nothing. I would do anything for you." Sesshoumaru glanced over at Harry. "If you need anything again, just let me know. For now, I will leave you with the human boy." Without a second thought the demon jumped out the window and was gone within a few seconds.

But before the two got even a second of alone time, a knock came at the entrance way. The portrait swung open to reveal a tired looking Dumbledore. After mentally assessing the situation, he noticed the disembodied head of Lord Voldemort. Reaching down and picking it up he said, "I'd better take this." He then made a quick exit to leave the two alone. He obviously felt as though he interrupted something.

Harry and Kagome laughed at his behavior. Harry looked down into Kagome's amused sapphire eyes and smiled. There was no way life could get any better then this.


News of Voldemort's demise circulated the wizarding world by the next day. Both the Quibbler and The Daily Prophet were calling Harry a hero for disposing of the Chief Death Eater. Throughout the day Harry got many random rounds of applause and pats on the back. One thing that thrilled Harry the most was that his scar was no longer burning and never would.

Even Kagome was getting praised for some of the work. Word had gotten around that it was her miko abilities that contained the demon side of the Dark Lord. They also discovered just how powerful of a miko she was when they found out she was able to purify the bodies of demons, leaving them as nothing but ash.

Both of them spent as much time as they could together. Even news of them becoming a couple seemed to be legendary in itself. They couldn't help but laugh at it all. Neither of the two thought of themselves as legendary. Nor did they find themselves to be heroes.

Dumbledore was now continuously trying to recruit Harry to become the official Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. He even offered for Kagome to come and stay as well stating she would make a very good weaponry teacher. But they had promised to give him an answer before the beginning of the new term that upcoming year.

For now, Harry focused on passing his N.E.W.T.s, which he explained to Kagome as the Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Tests. Harry still wanted to attempt to become an Auror. But for that he had to receive 'exceeds expectations' on all of the tests. So he had to study while Kagome cheered him on from the side lines.

The rest of the year flew by so fast that it was already time for the students of Hogwarts to return home. But this being Ron, Hermione, and Harry's last year, they were to go home for good. Ron and Hermione were already planning a future together. Ron is determined to become an Auror himself, while Hermione wished to apply in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. For now the two stood waving at Harry and Kagome as they apparated away, promising to write each week.

Meanwhile, Harry and Kagome stood just outside the platform nine and three quarters hand in hand, watching the other students leave. Harry smiled and turned toward the woman he loved. "It's been a crazy year hasn't it?"

Laughing a bit, she replied, "Yes. But I'm glad it's done and over. I guess I can finally lead a normal life now."

"You're life will never be normal. At least not with me it won't." He grinned and squeezed her hand.

"I suppose I wouldn't have it any other way." She said smiling. "But now what do we do."

Harry hesitated before answering. "Well we could start a new adventure."

"What did you have in mind?" Her answer held a playful tone of voice.

"Well I was thinking," Again he paused before answering. He didn't know what she would reply, but he had to try. "Maybe a life with me?"

Kagome smiled up at him and the two locked eyes. "I would like that."

Harry squeezed her hand again. She returned the gesture and giggled. Then without a second though, he scooped Kagome up into his arms and held her bridal style. Blushing she leaned forward and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. Having no idea where to go, or what to do, the two lovers left the magical barrier behind them and stepped out of King's Cross station for the final time. With their enemies gone, and their love blossoming, nothing could possibly bring them down. These two heroes indeed seem to have found their happily ever after.


AN: Once again, I have read the seventh Harry Potter book, and obviously my story didn't end the same way. And I wrote most of this before the book even came out. But if you didn't like the ending, tough nuggets because it was the best I could do. I just finished sophomore year and they didn't teach us to write a story or anything like that.

But I hope you enjoyed it! This story is now complete. I will now begin dedicating my time to finishing Another Day, and then writing the third story in the trilogy which will remain unnamed for now. But it will be good!

Thank you all for reading! Please review! Sayonara!