Cherries to all who reviewed! U know who u are!

Hermione could not believe her eyes. There was her boyfriend of 7 months in bed with the Slytheran Slut. She slowly and silently backed out of the room and shut the door; never being noticed by the noisy couple. She ran all the way back to her room and threw herself on her bed, bawling. How could he! This was Ron Weasely! Ron Weasely, the boy she first kissed. Ron Weasely, the boy who first said he loved her. Ron Weasely, the boy that she had given her freaking virginity to! How could he distress her like this! As Hermione picked her head up, she realized that there was only one thing that could hold a candle to fixing this: REVENGE. And for revenge, she needed Malfoy.

Hermione paced her room, trying to figure out how to approach this. She could A. Tell Ron that she had seen him, and THEN do some thing with Malfoy, or she could B. Let Ron think that everything was fine, and then at school humiliate him by getting with Malfoy while he thought they were still together. Ultimately, option two seamed to be the best idea. She knew Malfoy would have few objections. This was, of course, his chance to break up the Golden Trio. Yes, everything seamed to be planned out nicely, but first, Hermione was going to make Ron want her even more before he broke her heart. Yes, Hermione Amber-Lynn Granger was going to give herself a bombshell of a makeover. Who knows? Maybe she could get herself a TRUSTWORTHY boyfriend out of this.